June 1st, 2011, 02:17 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://gbatemp.net/t295107-ds-liero-5-31-11
Schmendrick has updated DS Liero, his 2011 Homebrew Bounty entry. The game is a remake of the popular DOS game by the same name. For more information on this update please see the change log below.
QUOTE(Change Log)
•Big level editor update
•Map display
•Updated some in-game visual effects (laser sight, firecone, level shadows, weapon softbuttons, etc)
•Added steerable weapons
•Team game modes (team deathmatch/CTF)
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June 1st, 2011, 02:22 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://gbatemp.net/t295103-gaia-ds-r5
Gaia DS is a Homebrew project which aims to recreate that classic SNES RPG feel. The project is an entry in the 2011 Homebrew Bounty. Please see the change for more information.
QUOTE(Change Log)
•menu added
•questlog added
•inventory added
•questlog and inventory filled with dummies
•press X to switch access
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June 1st, 2011, 02:34 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://gbatemp.net/t295100-mr-sitwel...enture-5-31-11
Gabriel Garrote has released Mr. Sitwell in Turbo WC Magical Adventure for the Homebrew Bounty. Mr. Sitwell was your everyday middle-aged office-working guy, he had an uneventful and kinda boring life, until the day he discovered his toilet was enchanted...
How to play:
Move by pointing to the screen, shot with A button and use bombs (once adquired) with B button. There is also an unlockable aiming function performed twisting the wiimote.
-Upgrading: Between stages you can upgrade Mr. Sitwell, upgrade points are awarded at the end of each stage depending on how many of the enemies you destroyed:
Below 50%: No points awarded.
Above 50% and below 80%: 1 Upgrade point.
80% and above: 2 Upgrade points.
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June 1st, 2011, 02:42 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://gbatemp.net/t295090-earthshakerds-5-21-11
ant512 has released version 20110531 of EarthshakerDS, a port of the classic Boulderdash style Sinclair ZX Spectrum game. Users can now play-test levels created in the level editor. Please see the change log for a full list of updates. Get more information about this 2011 Homebrew Bounty entry, join the on-going discussion via the link below.
QUOTE(Change Log 05/31/11)
You can now play levels you create in the level editor. You can't save them yet, though.
•Resolution of larger audio files reduced to allow the game to run on the M3i Zero (standard firmware seems to have problems with homebrew ROMs larger than 3MB);
•Added test mode to the level editor;
•Added Polomint to the credit scroller;
•Level editor buttons give audio feedback when clicked
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June 1st, 2011, 02:47 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://gbatemp.net/t295089-midicontrol-ds-v2
MIDI Control DS is a complete MIDI controller for the Nintendo DS.
It includes 4 modes :
X/Y Mode : send 2 parameters for the X/Y positions of the stylus, with a loop feature to record 1 bar loops and recall them.
Pads : MPC style pads with velocity and note repeat
Mixer : 8 sliders for volume and 8 mute buttons
Sliders : 3 banks of 16 slider controllers with customizable colors.
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June 1st, 2011, 03:02 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://gbatemp.net/t294983-traffic-jam-beta-1
This is a game about a person who is very strict about work. One day he is late because, um... he woke up on the wrong side of the bed? So then, he is rushing to work and there is a lot of traffic.He must dodge the cars and when his car gets the red power-up, he will knock all the cars out of his way.
But there is one thing.How is this going to be done?I am stuck trying to make the other cars drive down the screen and then doing it again in a random X position.Never the same.Or is it impossible. Also i don't know h ow the car fever(knock cars aside) is going to work out.Help would be really appreciated.
Hopefully this takes off.
Here are instructions.
-You must avoid the cars that may crash you.
-If your score reaches 5000, you win!
-You must have complete focus to reach this score.
-If your score reaches a certain point, you will achieve car fever which is triggered by the icon on the bottom screen.You will be invincible for about 10 seconds.
- The music makes It harder to concentrate.
-Don't stay in 1 spot.
-You have 3 lives.
-Have Fun!
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June 1st, 2011, 03:06 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://gbatemp.net/t294963-chronoclon-v0-1
jubei867 has released the first version Chronoclon for the DS. This 2011 Homebrew Bounty entry is a remake of the PC puzzle/platformer called Chrontron, about a robot that must use a time machine to interact with past versions of itself to solve various conundrums. There are two versions of the download, intended for compatibility with more flashcards. Join in on the on-going discussion linked below for more information about this work in progress game.
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June 1st, 2011, 11:13 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://gbatemp.net/t294956-mr-robot-...-robot-factory
Mr.Robot and his Robot Factory is a remake of the old c64 all-time classic, the original game was created by Ron Rosen in the early 80's.
I've played it hours over hours and i think it's one of the greatest C64 jump'n runs ever! (Except Miner 2049er/Bounty Bob strikes back)
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June 1st, 2011, 11:16 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://gbatemp.net/t295123-arsenal-v0-9
Arsenal is a Bullet-hell shootum'up 2011 Homebrew Bounty entry. The new release features many updates. Please see the change log for more information.
QUOTE(Full Change Log)
•full dual screen 3D bullet hell vertical shoot em up
•robust engines capable of managing hundreds of bullets (over 1000 in certain conditions)
•6 levels, ranging from easy to insanely hard
•different weapons, powerups
•varied backgrounds : space stations, planets, oil rigs...
•replay system
•highscore system with online leaderboards
•complete modding tools available : make your own levels and share them on the game's website
•download people's mods directly from the game's menu via wifi
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June 1st, 2011, 11:18 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://gbatemp.net/t295131-uselesshomebrew-1-1
UselessHomebrew has been updated to version 1.1, bringing an updated code structure and two new events. This homebrew is open-source.
QUOTE(Change Log)
•Re-did some of the code to allow for multiple "endings".
•Added two more. Don't have time right now to really flesh it out with a lot of stuff.
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June 1st, 2011, 11:33 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://thatotherdev.com/2011/05/31/a...etition-entry/
First though I finished up one final unplanned update to Hero City.
Now when you attack you can actually hurt and eventually defeat enemies. The movement of enemies and the way they turn and bump into each other and you has been smoothed out. Now you get points for defeating enemies and your high score is saved when you die. You also get experience points which are persistent (They don’t get reset to zero when you die). Your health regenerates now and when it goes down to zero you die and get sent back to the title screen. The file size is smaller. I fixed some little things.
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June 1st, 2011, 11:44 Posted By: wraggster
Pate has thrown out a new version of his Dos Emulator for the DS:
Sorry for this unscheduled release, but as this is the day of the original Homebrew Bounty deadline, I decided to release a quick fix version to address a couple of issues introduced in the previous 0.33 version. This version supports 'sudokuhax' for running in DSi mode again, and it also has the screen blitting and keyboard reading code in the same order as in the 0.32 version.
I had reports about DSx86 missing keyboard events in 0.33 when using Smooth scaling mode, and the only thing I had changed that could cause this was that I moved the keyboard reading before the screen blitting in the VBlank interrupt. The reason I did this was that reading the keys also reads the scrolling buttons L and R, and scrolling the screen must happen within the VBlank period or the screen will tear. However, adding the Smooth scaling options make the screen blitting take so much time that the VBlank period has ended before the code gets to keyboard reading. I still don't quite see how swapping the order of the subroutines would cause key events to get missed, but it seems that changing the order back and just making sure the screen scrolling actually takes place only during the NEXT VBlank period fixes this problem.
The other problem introduced in version 0.33 was that I had to remove the DSi SD slot access code from libNDS 1.5.0 to make my AdLib emulation run without crashing. I now found a way to include that back in and still have my AdLib code run properly. I still need to dig into the original problem further to see what actually causes the hang. I originally got rid of the problem after I removed the SD reading code, the i2c handling code, and all the additional DSi mode ARM7 interrupt and FIFO handling. Now I managed to add the SD reading code (along with the FIFO stuff that that needs) back in, so I plan to check whether it is the interrupt, some remaining FIFO or i2c code that actually causes the problem. I have already tested the original libNDS 1.5.0 by only removing the i2c code, but that still caused a hang.
Anyways, I think I'll need to make some final touches also to DS2x86 before the actual Homebrew Bounty deadline, so this might very well be the final DSx86 Homebrew Bounty version.
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June 1st, 2011, 11:58 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopic...68991ddd3bd037
ryoushi proposes " MCinfoDS "utility for the Nintendo DS offers a wealth of information for fans of the game Minecraft .
MCinfoDS is a application for the ds with tons of info about minecraft.
Easy if you do'nt want to switch between minecraft and internet or if you pc can't handle it to play minecraft and load a internet page.
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June 1st, 2011, 12:02 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopic...68991ddd3bd037
Kyah moved, on the occasion of the Nintendomax Wii Dev Competition 2011 , version 1.0 of " Pong Breaker ".
As its name could suggest, Pong Breaker is a kind of mixture between the old classic Pong and Block Breaker and even a little bit of the inevitable SpaceInvaders!
The concept is simple enough: Two to four rackets, bricks and ball especially not to miss!
That this is playing with the Wiimote horizontally, we need the arrow keys and the button 2 times! Many provisions for bricks are available and the player can create himself his own!
Technical side, this game is based on language BennuGD
A day before the end, here is the final version of my game!
A nice menu much more convenient than before (see screenshots)
3 1 player modes: Classic, Survival Invaders
A multiplayer game mode
A designer / editor at
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June 1st, 2011, 12:08 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopic.php?t=13443&f=19
TheMackshun offers the beta 1 and 2 of " Traffic Jam ", where you're driving a car and need to avoid the accident as long as possible.
This is a game about a person who is very strict about work. One day he is late because, um... he woke up on the wrong side of the bed? So then, he is rushing to work and there is a lot of traffic.He must dodge the cars and when his car gets the red power-up, he will knock all the cars out of his way.
But there is one thing.How is this going to be done?I am stuck trying to make the other cars drive down the screen and then doing it again in a random X position.Never the same.Or is it impossible. Also i don't know h ow the car fever(knock cars aside) is going to work out.Help would be really appreciated.
Yay. I'm pretty much done. There are minor errors like the Ni-fi, which works though. Im assuming this is the beta because it is finished. The boss is super fun, long, and challenging. Have fun!
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June 1st, 2011, 23:37 Posted By: wraggster
A new survey by Goo Research has found that concerns over price is the primary reason for low sales of the 3DS in Japan, followed by current satisfaction with the DS/DSi.
Although the 3DS initially broke records in Japan, weekly sales quickly began to drop and the hardware currently sells approximately half that of the best-selling PSP format. Sales in the West appear to show a similar drop-off.
According to a translation by website Andriasang, the new survey polled 1,110 people - with a 60.5 per cent split towards females - and asked them why they had not yet bought a 3DS.
The number one reason given was that the price is too high or that they are waiting for a price drop. The second most common reason was "satisfied by DS/DSi", followed by "worried about eye strain", "worried about getting sick from the screen", and "few launch titles".
The sixth most common reason was "will buy once a game I want is released", followed by "satisfied by cell phone and smartphone games", "satisfied by PSP", "the battery is weak", and "it's heavy and I don't feel like carrying it with me".
All of the most popular reasons are commonplace complaints for the system, but Nintendo has given no indication of any possible price drop. A number of new titles are expected to be announced at E3 next week though, at which point the online features, including the eShop, will also be activated.
A previous survey by Goo Research in March, just after the 3DS's release, asked the question "What game system will you buy next?", with the 3DS beating the NGP by 14,668 votes to 5,200.
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June 1st, 2011, 23:41 Posted By: wraggster
The DS Lite will have a suggested retail price of $99 at US retailers from 5 June, Nintendo of America has revealed, whilst several million-plus selling Mario titles for the system are being given distinctive new packaging to help them stand out to customers.
Six Mario titles for the system, all of which have sold over 1 million copies each according to NPD data for the region, will be repackaged in bright red cases.
Those titles are: New Super Mario Bros, more than 9.25 million units; Mario Kart DS, more than 7.40 million units; Super Mario 64 DS, more than 4.34 million units; Mario Party DS, more than 3.27 million units; Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story, more than 1.98 million units; Mario vs. Donkey Kong: Mini-Land Mayhem!, more than 1.01 million units.
"From the moment it launched, Nintendo DS Lite hit a sweet spot for consumers in terms of value, experience and fun," said NoA president Reggie Fils-Aime.
"This new price point will introduce Nintendo DS Lite to even more consumers, and the new red packaging will make it easy for them to find their favourite Mario titles."
Currently the RRP of the DS Lite is $129.99, but Nintendo hope that the new price point will give the system a further boost before it is phased out in favour of the new 3DS. However, sales of that system have so far failed to match the popularity of the DS and DS Lite, contributing relatively few to the 48.9 million units which the family of consoles has sold overall in the United States.
No specific hardware figures have been revealed for the US but the 3DS has been outsold fairly consistently by the PSP and other platforms in Japan since launch.
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June 1st, 2011, 23:44 Posted By: wraggster
Splinter Cell 3D and the upcoming Driver Renegade will be included in a new set of Nintendo 3DS hardware bundles, a new report claims.
Nintendo launches the two new packs in October, according to a leaked retailer release schedule obtained by MCV.
Pricing for the bundles is yet to be determined.
Stealthy shooter Splinter Cell 3D was a launch title for the 3DS earlier this year. Its charms unfortunately snuck by Eurogamer's Kristan Reed, who fired off a damp squib 4/10 review.
Driver Renegade meanwhile is an upcoming portable accompaniment to September's home console iteration Driver: San Francisco. We've yet to hear much more about it.
Both blue and black 3DS flavours will be available in bundle form.
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June 2nd, 2011, 01:29 Posted By: wraggster

News via http://www.emucr.com/2011/06/sharpboy-v04.html
SharpBoy v0.4 is released. SharpBoy is a new Nintendo Game Boy and Game Boy Color emulator for windows by xdaniel written in C# using SlimDX.
SharpBoy v0.4 Changelog:
- Fixed compatibility regression with GBC DMA transfers, affects ex. Pokemon Puzzle Challenge
Substantially improved MBC7 emulation via GEST's source code, Kirby Tilt 'n' Tumble is now playable
- Improved LCD Status interrupt generation, fixes faked high-color display in certain Game Boy Color games
- Some improvements in handling of disabled LCD; ex. Zelda: Oracle games no longer freeze when leaving the menu
- Improved timer emulation and improved emulation of HALT opcode, fixes ex. Stunt Race FX Demo
- Added Wii Remote support for input and Rumble, button configuration is fixed; MBC7 tilt sensor is controlled by Wii Remote when enabled
- When using keyboard control, MBC7 tilt controls can be changed via the GUI's control settings
- Added crude frame blending via OpenGL; blends currently drawn frame with previous frame to better simulate pseudo-transparency
- Added option to keep aspect ratio intact when resizing window; also double-clicking the game screen maximizes/normalizes the window
- Added drag-and-drop capabilities to GUI, ROMs can now be loaded by dropping them into the program window
- Very minor GUI changes
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June 2nd, 2011, 01:32 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.emucr.com/2011/06/crystalboy-v12.html
CrystalBoy v1.2 is released. CrystalBoy is a GameBoy emulator written in C#.
- Emulated Hardware:
*Game Boy B & W
*Game Boy Color
- Windows Forms UI
*Graphical debugger
*Map Viewer
*Real framerate limiter (Still not accurate enough, as it seems to limit at 62/63 FPS and not 60… But way better than before)
- Rendering methods
*GDI+ (Slow)
*Direct3D (Using Managed DirectX, only works in 32 bits)
*Direct3D 9 (Using SlimDX, should work everywhere provided you install the SlimDX runtime)
This one is compatible with Windows 7 and x64 machines.
May require installation of SlimDX or some tweaking of the configuration file.
The emualtion is now paused while resizing the window, and there is a real frame limiter. (Still needs to be improved)
There is at least one annoying bug in the emulation (affecting only some games, as it seems), which I didn't notice before, this will be fixed in a further release.
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June 2nd, 2011, 01:45 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://gbatemp.net/t295239-super-bat...r-nes-homebrew
A somewhat rare treat today with a new NES platformer homebrew; although always welcome we see a fair few total conversion hacks and things of that magnitude as well as NES styled games on modern systems but true NES homebrew is somewhat more rare. It is still a demo and even though we only knocked out the first few levels and watched the video we feel confident in calling it to first rate NES platformer. Great mechanics, nice level design, a nice chiptune score and more await you in this.
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June 3rd, 2011, 00:40 Posted By: wraggster
Not all DSiWare titles will be transferable to your 3DS when the system's eShop goes live next week.
Nintendo hasn't explained why, but has issued a list of those titles that can't make the jump. Among those affected are acclaimed animation app Flipnote Studio, classic platformer Earthworm Jim and the two Art Academy downloads.
Here's the full list:
Art Academy First Semester
Art Academy Second Semester
Asphalt IV
Crash-Course Domo
Earthworm Jim
Flipnote Studio
Hard-Hat Domo
Let's Golf
Nintendo DSi Browser
Oregon Trail
Pinball Pulse: The Ancients Beckon
Pro-Putt Domo
Real Soccer 2009
Real Soccer 2010
Rock-n-Roll Domo
Sudoku Student
White-Water Domo
As revealed earlier today, the eShop finally arrives next week, bringing with it a selection of classic Game Boy titles, 3D takes on vintage games, 3DSWare, a web browser and an app that lets you bring DSiWare over from your old device.
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June 3rd, 2011, 00:42 Posted By: wraggster
First plot details and a batch of new screens for Ubisoft's stupidly pretty Rayman Origins platformer have landed.
The game sees Michel Ancel's limbless hero dispatched by the Fairy Council to liberate the Glade of Dreams from the "nefurrious" Darktoons.
There's four player jump-in/jump-out co-op, with you choosing between Rayman, best buddy Globox and one of two wizards known as the Teensies.
There are 60 levels to crack, which can be returned to once complete to open up branching paths.
Ubisoft veteran Ancel has lead development, creating a new open-source game engine called the UBIart Framework to allow much smaller teams of artists and developers to efficiently produce those lovely visuals.
"This garage-game approach has led to great strides in creativity and innovation," Ubisoft insists.
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June 3rd, 2011, 00:54 Posted By: wraggster

Why wait until June 7th when you can instead get your update on June 6th? That's the question Nintendo has answered this morning, telling us that the coveted eShop update for the 3DS will come a day earlier than previously anticipated. This will finally give gamers the ability to download some titles straight to their system, but more importantly will give everyone a free copy of Excitebike, the NES classic, naturally re-mastered so that the 2-D side-scrolling racer will have a little bit of depth. Super Mario Land and a few other downloadable titles will come along help launch the show, with Nintendo pledging to add new content every Thursday thereafter.
But wait, there's more! Pokemon fans will be able to use their AR card to check out those they've already caught in 3D, and if you've purchased any DSiWare games you'll be able to download those to your 3DS. Last, but certainly not least, will be a full internet browser that you can spin up without exiting a game, which might make keeping tabs on that Ocarina of Time walkthrough a little easier. It has, after all, been a long time since last we vanquished Ganondorf and his Gerudo chums. Again, all this is set to go live in the evening of June 6th (which could still be June 7th where you are), so now might be a good time to invest in that bigger SD card you've had your eye on.
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June 3rd, 2011, 01:08 Posted By: wraggster

In an update to its Japanese website, Nintendo detailed the web browser coming to 3DS next week as part of a fairly large firmware update. Unfortunately, the browser will support neither Flash nor PDFs, dashing your hopes of getting some work done on your game device.
What it will do is let you save JPG images from the web to an SD card, upload pictures from the camera, and display 3D pictures in MPO format from within the browser. You can set parental controls for the browser using the 3DS settings, along with the i-Filter software for further restrictions.
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June 3rd, 2011, 01:20 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.emucr.com/2011/06/fceux-svn-r2201.html
Fceux SVN r2201 is released. FCEUX is a cross platform, NTSC and PAL Famicom/NES emulator that is an evolution of the original FCE Ultra emulator. Over time FCE Ultra had separated into many separate branches. The concept behind FCEUX is to merge elements from FCE Ultra, FCEU rerecording, FCEUXD, FCEUXDSP, and FCEU-mm into a single branch of FCEU. As the X implies, it is an all-encompassing FCEU emulator that gives the best of all worlds for the general player, the ROM-hacking community, and the Tool-Assisted Speedrun Community.
Fceux SVN changelog:
Fix documentation of movie mnemonics
web - Added draft for 2.1.5 press release.
added two items items to the log that were features the plombo added but never got added to the changelog (theres probably more)
added some gtk changes to draft press release
sdl - print usage when help arguments are passed even if SDL cannot be initialized
sdl - fixed "--help" fix introduced with previous revision
changelog update
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June 3rd, 2011, 01:35 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released for Wii
Piirates is a game where you control a ship, in the arcade mode, you must navigate through the levels, the level ends when you reach the buoy, to achieve this you will have to find a path between the enemies and shoot on the switches to open the corresponding gates.
In versus mode, you battle your friends. The 2 game modes are playable up to 4 players.
The boats have 2 health's bars, the top bar represents the hull of the boat, if it reaches 0, you sink. The lower bar is the bar life of veiling of the boat, if it reaches 0 your boat will be greatly slowed.
-> Menu:
- The nunchuk joystick to select menu
- A button to confirm
- Menu option : A or B button to return to the main screen
- The ship selection screen, players who want to play have to press the + button and if they desist, - button to remove them from the game.
-> Game:
- The Nunchuk's joystick to move the ship
- A button to pull ahead
- The B button to fire to starboard
- The Z button to pull to port side
- Pad of the Wiimote to select weapons
- Pressing + or - to put the game paused
- The home button to exit the game (only in pause)
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June 4th, 2011, 00:23 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo has penned a North American deal which will see 3DS users able to connect to free wi-fi in 25,000 locations across the US, including shopping malls, stores and coffee houses.
Involved in the deal are 1000 Best Buy shops, 200 Simon malls and 24,000 AT&T wi-fi hotspots. Nintendo has yet to announce similar plans for the UK.
"With thousands of free Wi-Fi access points through our alliances, Nintendo 3DS users across the country can instantly enjoy one-of-a-kind entertainment experiences wherever and whenever they like," said Nintendo of America President Reggie Fils-Aime
"In addition to a strong line-up of games and the ability to view 3D content without special glasses, the system makes it easy for people to connect with their surroundings and each other, even when they're away from home."
The aim is to encourage the use of the 3DS' online features and facilitate downloads from the Nintendo eshop.
That electronic store opens on 6 June, one day before the wi-fi offer begins, and will offer 3DS owners a free Pokedex app which lists the collectible monsters in the popular series. However, besides the Pokedex, only four other new titles will be available: three Game Boy games in black and white and an updated, 3D version of Excitebike. 350 titles previously available via the DSi will also be onsale, as well as the 3DS' proprietary browser.
A minimum price of $1.99 has been set for paid for apps and games on the eshop, which manager David Wharton says is because Nintendo is interested in maintaining quality, rather than entering a "race to the bottom" of the market.
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June 4th, 2011, 00:57 Posted By: wraggster
If you've used a DSi or a DSi XL, you already have a good idea of what to expect from the eShop. Nintendo's sticking with its "shelf" layout approach, allowing the company to provide certain tiers of up to 20 listed items at a time. Want nothing but Mario-themed content? Simply slide over to the big graphic featuring Nintendo's mascot, tap it, then sift through all of the content.
Nintendo's been lagging behind quite a bit in the digital storefront sector, offering a barebones, clunky and oftentimes very static experience on the DSi and Wii. With the 3DS, Nintendo has obviously learned a lot and seeks to offer something comparable to the sales platforms seen on the Xbox 360, PS3 and Amazon -- packaging content together, constantly mixing up what's presented and allowing users to rate items is amongst the most obvious forms of immitation seen in the eShop.
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June 4th, 2011, 01:03 Posted By: wraggster

Along with the new denomination (basically, cash instead of "points") the 3DS eShop will use new prepaid cards. The designs for the Japanese cards have been revealed, and they're so cool, featuring Kirby, Famicom, Mario, and Zelda designs.
Only time will tell if the American cards will be available in awesome, Nintendo-themed variants. Actually, we can tell too. They won't. Just a guess. These are available now in Japan, and can be used for Wii or DSi Points, or 3DS eShop currency when that service launches.
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June 4th, 2011, 03:02 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.emucr.com/2011/06/desmume-svn-r4021.html
DeSmuME SVN r4021 is released. DeSmuME is an open source Nintendo DS(NDS) emulator for Linux, Mac OS and Windows. DeSmuME supports save states, the ability to increase the size of the screen and it supports filters to improve image quality. DeSmuME also supports microphone use on Windows and Linux ports, as well as direct video and audio recording. The emulator also features a built-in movie recorder.
DeSmuME SVN Changelog:
- fix bug for import from R4 cheats base (removing empty codes from list);
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June 4th, 2011, 03:49 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://gbatemp.net/t295460-c64-network-org-v2-2
C64-network.org, the Commodore 64 emulator ported to the Wii by Simon Kagstrom, has been updated to version 2.2. For more information about this homebrew, visit the project page linked below.
QUOTE(Change Log 06/02/11)
•Solved issues # 20, 21,23, 25, 29.
•Added the possibility to show a smaller screen (so also the borders are shown), the preferences are saved manually and not automatically on exit, when a gameshot is saved also some preferences (key bindings, game name, 1541 emulation, screen dimension) related to the game are saved.
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June 4th, 2011, 03:51 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://gbatemp.net/t295532-space-impakto-ds-v1-0-2
Space Impakto DS, the side scrolling bullet hell shmup made by relminator, has been updated to version 1.0.2. See the change log for what's new in this release, and join the on-going discussion for more information about this 2011 Homebrew Bounty entry.
QUOTE(Change Log 06/03/11)
•Increased the firepower of Blue Bagwis
•Fixed the bug where you get the ending screen even if you force exited.
•HighScore table now saves the highest score achieved on multi-credit game
•Added a new boss (Gluteus Maximus)
•Added A new Stage
•Only the 1st credit score gets to be recorded on the highscore table
•Replay now records both game loops
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June 4th, 2011, 03:53 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://gbatemp.net/t295597-earthshakerds-6-3-11
ant512 has released version 20110603 of EarthshakerDS, a port of the classic Boulderdash style Sinclair ZX Spectrum game. Please see the change log for a full list of updates. Get more information about this 2011 Homebrew Bounty entry, join the on-going discussion via the link below.
QUOTE(Change Log 05/31/11)
•Load/save buttons work (but they will only load/save one map at the moment);
•Different ROM icon (but the background is transparent on my flash cart - grrrr...);
•Added cursor to map in level editor.
•Minor bugfixes.
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June 4th, 2011, 03:56 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://gbatemp.net/t295610-bagplug-release-3-4
BassAceGold has updated BAGPlug, the Supercard DSTwo exclusive replacement menu, to release 3-4. Join the on-going discussion linked below more information about this 2011 Homebrew Bounty entry.
QUOTE(Change Log 06/03/11)
•_bagui folder can now be placed anywhere on the SD card, as long as the DSTwo.nds file from this release is used for loading
•improved failsafe launching in DSTwo.nds
•updated manual.txt
Make sure to update all the required file paths when moving the _bagui folder (boot.ini, *.arg files, skin.ini files, etc)
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June 4th, 2011, 04:04 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopic...d70228b33b44fd
Nobody offers version 1.3 of " The Living Dead ", set of shots for the Nintendo DS in which you must survive as long as possible against hordes of zombies that break.
Update 2: V.1.3
All major systems were redone. Reloading is now perfect and never fails like before. Wave system was changed to make the waves easier to complete. You can now throw more than one grenade at a time. Menu changes. Slight improvements to buying system. Price changes were also made. Also code reduction and many other small fixes and changes.
Gameplay has been slightly extended. There our now 10 rounds instead of the old 6 rounds. The old map now has 4 barricades. New map was also added (with a non working barricade). For that teach me how it's done feel, i've added a tutorial that teaches you how to play the game. Credits have now been added. One of the most important parts to a game was added, sound and music. Badge system has now been added. You can unlock up to 9 badges. New controls added. New mystery crate, try your luck with it's constantly changing contents. (sorry no more weapons yet, i was going to add some, but i'm gong on vacation and trying to do other things, so i made a quick update minus new weapons). (Also saving and loading was present but was taking out because i couldn't test it on my card, and i still can't test it, so it'll be back soon).\
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June 4th, 2011, 04:08 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopic...d70228b33b44fd
Yannoulu proposed the version 1.2 of " The ASCII's world , mini-jeu pour la Nintendo DS en Lua code, here the requiert donc interpréteur micor Lua DS pour fonctionner.
The goal is to avoid the ASCII characters that tumble from one corner to another screen while using the stylus to move from a very special way, you'll see.
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June 4th, 2011, 04:14 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopic.php?t=13489&f=19
Through its community, the Lua interpreter for the Nintendo DS " Micro Lua DS "now in version 4.0.1.
4.0.1 MicroLite =======================[[ ]]=================== ====
I- New features |
* Nothing for this time, the awesomeness of MicroLua is already
*__ quite great
°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°
II- Improvements |
* Add some functions to ease handling canvas objects
*__ (Canvas.setObjOnTop() and Canvas.removeObj())
°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°
III- Bug fixes |
* Update some parts of MicroLua to 4.0
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June 4th, 2011, 21:35 Posted By: wraggster

We're a few days out from E3, that magical place where dreams are made and fanboys and girls from all walks of life are simultaneously appeased and slightly disappointed. Surprises are expected from all of the big three this year -- particularly Nintendo. How will the gaming giant top last year's 3DS debut? All signs point to the announcement of a Wii followup, which we've heard alternately referred to as the "Wii HD" and "Project Cafe." Rumors, leaks, and the occasional bit of confirmed information have been rampant in the months and weeks leading up to the event. We've weaved it all together into one handy guidebook, to make sure that we're all on the same page, come Tuesday morning.
Let's start with a genuine bit of information: back in April, the company's CEO, Satoru Iwata, confirmed that Nintendo is, in fact, working on an HD followup to the Wii that is most likely due out in 2012. A few days prior to that revelation, the requisite blurry images of console concepts surfaced, detailing controllers with embedded touchscreens that display the system's 1080p gameplay via a technology called Stream Screen. These certainly weren't the first concepts of the console we've seen -- and they were apparently first brought to light by the folks at 4Chan.
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June 5th, 2011, 00:57 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.emucr.com/2011/06/bsnes-v079.html
bsnes v079 is released. bsnes is an emulator for the Super Famicom and SNES video game systems. The purpose of the emulator is a bit different from other emulators: it focuses on accuracy, debugging functionality, and clean code.
bsnes v079 Changelog:
This release includes Nintendo Super System DIP switch emulation and improved PPU rendering accuracy, among other things.
- added Nintendo Super System DIP switch emulation [requires XML setting maps]
- emulated Super Game Boy $6001 VRAM offset selection port [ikari_01]
- fixed randomness initialization of S-SMP port registers [fixes DBZ:Hyper Dimension and Ninja Warriors]
- mosaic V-countdown caches BGOFS registers (fixes Super Turrican 2 effect) [reported by zal16]
non-mosaic BGOFS registers are always cached at H=60 (fixes NHL '94 and Super Mario World flickering)
- fixed 2xSaI family of renderers on 64-bit systems
- cleaned up SMP source code
- phoenix: fixed a bug when closing bsnes while minimized
Please note that the mosaic BGOFS fix is only for the accuracy profile. Unfortunately the older scanline-based compatibility renderer's code is nearly unmaintainable at this point, so I haven't yet been able to backport the fixes.
Also, I have written a new cycle-accurate SMP core that does not use libco. The aim is to implement it into Snes9X v1.54. But it would of course be prudent to test the new core first. So if you'd like, please click the discuss link below for a link to a build with this alternate core.
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June 5th, 2011, 01:00 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.emucr.com/2011/06/fceux-svn-r2202.html
Fceux SVN r2202 is released. FCEUX is a cross platform, NTSC and PAL Famicom/NES emulator that is an evolution of the original FCE Ultra emulator. Over time FCE Ultra had separated into many separate branches. The concept behind FCEUX is to merge elements from FCE Ultra, FCEU rerecording, FCEUXD, FCEUXDSP, and FCEU-mm into a single branch of FCEU. As the X implies, it is an all-encompassing FCEU emulator that gives the best of all worlds for the general player, the ROM-hacking community, and the Tool-Assisted Speedrun Community.
Fceux SVN changelog:
add PUBLIC_RELEASE option to SConstruct; commented out by default
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June 5th, 2011, 01:04 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.emucr.com/2011/06/punes-v020.html
puNES v0.20 is released. puNES is a NES emulator. Currently the program supports mappers 0, MMC1, UNROM, CNROM, but the sound is not yet available. It uses the SDL libraries and it works on both Linux and Windows.
In the future I will use this post to announce new releases and changes.
puNES is an emulator under development that works on Linux32/64 and Windows32. It needs of SDL library to run. Uncompress the zip/tar file in a subdirectory. Run it with the name of the rom as the first argument (or, in Windows, if you don't want use the commandline, drag the rom on the icon of the emu).
P.s. doesn't support zipped rom yet
Current version : 0.20
Implemented illegal opcode 0x80 for the "Beauty and the Beast (E) [!].nes" rom
complete APU emulation.
This is my first attempt with sdl sound and perhaps there may be some bugs. For now, without the implementation of frameskip, the emulator has to work 100% for not having problems with sound skip and crackle.
Changed the structure of the code and now the emu takes less than 100Kb.
Correct many many many bugs.
added AxROM (mapper 7) emulation.
fixed another bug and now Incredible Crash Dummies run without problems.
correct a couple of bugs in the mmc3 emulation.
added MMC3 emulation.
Correct a a bug in the controller routine (thanks Dwedit).
Correct a little bug and now all cpu_interrupts_v2 test roms passed.
Implemented reading of $2004 during the rendering.
(thx to Quietust for the info and for the read2004.nes test rom).
I worked hard on the CPU and PPU emulation and now many
of test roms worked perfectly (thanks blargg).
Added OpenGL support.
Implemented APU Frame Interrupt (only this for now).
Many bugs are gone.
Mappers supported : 0, MMC1, UNROM, CNROM, MMC3, AxROM.
Sound : Implemented.
arrow keys = left, right, up, down
a = button A
s = button B
z = Select
x = Start
1 = 1x
2 = 2x
3 = 3x
4 = 4x
5 = no filters
6 = scale2x
7 = ntsc (press more time to switch between composite, svideo, rgb, monochrome)
. and , = switch between PAL palette, NTSC palette and Sony CXA2025AS US decoder, monochrome and greenchrome.
f = toggle fullscreen
o = switch between opengl and software rendering
p = toggle stretch in fullscreen
r = something nice in opengl mode (use the mouse to rotate the cube)
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June 5th, 2011, 01:26 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://gbatemp.net/t295646-space-impakto-ds-v1-1-0
relminator has taken advantage of the 2011 Homebrew Bounty's extra week for developers to fine tune and update his entry, Space Impakto DS, to version 1.1.0. See what's new in the change log below, and check out the on-going discussion for more information about this side scrolling bullet hell shmup.
QUOTE(Change Log 06/03/11)
•Recompiled without debugging features
•Included my 1 cc replay (until 2-3).
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June 5th, 2011, 22:49 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo announced today that the attack took place a few weeks ago on a website server in US, although it confirms that no user information was compromised by the hackers.
Nintendo's Ken Toyoda said: "There were no third-party victims, but it is a fact there was some kind of possible hacking attack," before later adding, "We are always working to make sure our systems are secure."
A hacker group known LulzSec has claimed responsibility for the attack, proving its claims by posting a config file taken from Nintendo's server. But the group insists that the attack was done not to cause harm, but to help Nintendo plug the gap in its security.
Posting on Twitter, the hacker group said: "We're not targeting Nintendo. We like the N64 too much - we sincerely hope Nintendo plugs the gap. This is just for lulz. <3"
It later stated: "We just got a config file and made it clear that we didn't mean any harm. Nintendo had already fixed it anyway."
This is the latest in a line of hacker attacks on high-profile firms, Sony being the most notable of late. And hackers say they're not done with the home of PlayStation yet.
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June 6th, 2011, 00:10 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.emucr.com/2011/06/1964-svn-r93.html
1964 SVN r93 is released. 1964 is a free Open Source N64 Emulator. It is one of the top Nintendo emulators arround that you can get with a high game compatibility rate.
1964 SVN Changelog
[-] Remove the TNT Combiner, it should no longer be needed and is not as complete as the pixel shader
[!] Merge in the vertex clipping code used in Surreal64, this fixes the problem where vertex's were being clipped even though they are still on screen.
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June 6th, 2011, 00:13 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.emucr.com/2011/06/desmume-svn-r4030.html
DeSmuME SVN r4030 is released. DeSmuME is an open source Nintendo DS(NDS) emulator for Linux, Mac OS and Windows. DeSmuME supports save states, the ability to increase the size of the screen and it supports filters to improve image quality. DeSmuME also supports microphone use on Windows and Linux ports, as well as direct video and audio recording. The emulator also features a built-in movie recorder.
DeSmuME SVN Changelog:
win: fix [3311520], which causes MPCF path to get initialized wrongly and the whole c:\ drive to get scanned sometimes
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June 6th, 2011, 00:20 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.emucr.com/2011/06/project64k-v026.html
Project64k v0.26 is released. Project64k is a version of the Project64 emulator that supports multiplayer games using the Kaillera network.
Project64k v0.26 Changelog:
- New HELP menu and tutorial dialog which includes Graphic tutorial.
- Broken plugins removed.
- New PLUGINS.text for Plugin info. I will update it more soon.
- Full screen (I forgot about it last release) was put back into the emu with shortcut fixed.
- Under settings Directories now a easier way to locate roms plus plugin is always to default folder.
- Roms Folder now is in use. Please see roms tut under the location textbox.
- Rom Downloader featuring a few roms as an example. The roms used are the most popular ones played online.
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June 6th, 2011, 00:25 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.emucr.com/2011/06/ssnes-v051.html
SSNES v0.5.1 is released. SSNES is a simple frontend for the libsnes library. libsnes is the emulator core of bSNES, the most accurate SNES emulator to date, in library form. The libsnes API has been implemented by SNES9x as well, allowing multiple different cores to be used for an emulator that supports libsnes. This enables the possibility of custom front-ends for the emulator.
SSNES v0.5.1 Changelog:
Fixes since RC1:
- When SDL fails to set GL vsync, attempt to use native calls to fix.
- rubyPixelSize et. al. removed. Texture coordinates are now consistent (top-left origin) across shader passes, so there is no need for it
- Improve performance when SNES resolution changes. Avoids memory allocation.
- Slight cleanup in shader compilation; it errors out during compilation and not in link phase.
Updates since 0.5:
- Fix crash in SDL driver when font is being rendered, and no font was selected.
- External audio driver can override sample rate.
- Add fast-forward "hold" mode as an addition to the current "toggle" mode.
- Use SDL joypad driver in GUI for Win32 to make button mapping more consistent for odd drivers.
- Fix color mapping for bSNES CPU filters from RGBA to ARGB.
- Fix some non-compliances with the ISO C99 standard.
- Fix case where some joypad buttons would "mysteriously" be bound to certain actions.
- Greatly update Cg shader implementation. Its implementation is now on equal ground with XML shaders.
- Add lookup-textures to XML shader and Cg shader implementations. Allows i.e. backgrounds.
- Add access for shaders to access the results of previous passes. This allows an "additive" processing model rather than "serial" only.
- Add possibility for shaders to peek into game state (RAM values) and act on these for dynamic effects.
- Update GUI to latest Phoenix version.
- "Default" in input settings for GUI now also show the actual defaults.
- Shader and font settings now have their own sub-windows to conserve screen space.
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June 6th, 2011, 02:13 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://gbatemp.net/t295796-space1-v1-0
Space1 is a new DS homebrew made by fraz75. The objective of the game is to guide and maneuver your ship while blasting though an asteroid field.
•D-Pad = Move Ship
•A = Fire
•Start = Start Game
•X = Pause
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June 6th, 2011, 02:15 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://gbatemp.net/t295796-space1-v1-0
Mr.Robot and his Robot Factory, the DS remake of the classic c64 platform game by maRk2512, has been updated. For the full story on this 2011 Homebrew Bounty entry, check out the on-going discussion linked below.
QUOTE(Change Log 06/05/11)
•bug fixed in teleporter function.
•added pause function (press START during game.)
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June 6th, 2011, 02:17 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://gbatemp.net/t295893-fireworlds-beta-3
Mr.Robot and his Robot Factory, the DS remake of the classic c64 platform game by maRk2512, has been updated. For the full story on this 2011 Homebrew Bounty entry, check out the on-going discussion linked below.
QUOTE(Change Log 06/05/11)
•bug fixed in teleporter function.
•added pause function (press START during game.)
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June 6th, 2011, 02:22 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://gbatemp.net/t295901-mr-sitwel...adventure-v1-2
Mr. Sitwell in Turbo WC Magical Adventure, the Wii "bathroom shooter" by Garrote, has been updated to v1.2. See the change log for what's new in this edition, and join the on-going discussion via the link below for more for information about this 2011 Homebrew Bounty entry, where you can also find a PC version of the game.
QUOTE(Change Log 06/05/11)
•Much better looking title and menu screen.
•Improved intro.
•Mr. Sitwell has voice now.
•Improved visibility of enemy bullets.
•Life 0 now counts as a life, as opposed to before, when 0 lives meant game over.
•Toned down a bit the excessive wiimote rumble on third boss battle.
•Hit points of some enemies tweaked.
•A lot of minor bug/glitch fixes.
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June 6th, 2011, 02:27 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://gbatemp.net/t295904-bagplug-release-3-5
BAGPlug, the Supercard DSTwo exclusive replacement menu by BassAceGold, has been updated to release 3-5. See the change log for what's new in this version, and join the on-going discussion linked below more information about this 2011 Homebrew Bounty entry.
QUOTE(Change Log 06/05/11)
•top screen is now force updated when taking screen shots
•screen shots are now saved in */_bagui/screen shots/
•screens are now turned off, then on again when taking screen shots (screen shot feedback)
•new screen shot naming scheme
•improved coverart.ini organization
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June 6th, 2011, 02:30 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://gbatemp.net/t295908-arcard-wii-v1-0
Snailface has updated arCard+Wii, his 2011 Homebrew Bounty project to version 1.0. The application can be used to display the 3DS Augmented Reality cards on your Wii. See the change log for what's new, and for more information join the on-going discussion linked below.
QUOTE(Change Log 06/05/11)
•Card images improved (precisely shopped).
•Controllable perspectives for mystery card play (warp around the dragon!)
•Change background color to suit your fancy.
•Sound effects.
•Curtain call!.
•Free Bonus!
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June 6th, 2011, 02:34 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://dsx86.patrickaalto.com/DSblog.html
This version does not bring many improvements. It is mainly just a small maintenance update, for the Homebrew Bounty competition. I fixed a potential memory alignment problem in the EMS emulation, which could cause a BSOD exception. This happened in Colonization, at least. I also implemented several previously unsupported INT calls.
For the whole of this weekend I worked on a completely rewritten audio handling for DS2x86. Sadly, I was not able to make it work reliably yet, so I could not include that in this version. It has gotten quite frustrating, as the new code is much cleaner and faster than the current audio code, and it should work much better, but it just doesn't! I have been debugging it for several hours now, and everything seems to work as it should, but still the audio sounds very bad! Very frustrating!
Looks like I will need more time to thoroughly debug this problem, and compare the behaviour of the new code to that of the original audio code. The reason I want to rewrite the audio code is that it is nearly impossible to add other emulated audio sources (besides the SB digital audio) to the current code. I want to start working on the AdLib audio code soon, so I needed to rewrite the audio code so that it can be extended with other audio sources. But, the first step is obviously to make it run the plain SB digitized audio at least as well as the current code.
The Homebrew Bounty 2011 competition will close after tomorrow, so I believe DSx86 0.34 and DS2x86 0.10 are the final versions that I participate in the competition with. Any last minute changes have a high risk of breaking some previously working code, and I try to avoid releasing versions I haven't tested properly. Since both my emulators are still in a continuous "work-in-progress" state, the competition versions will in any case be kind of snapshots of the evolution of x86 emulation on the Nintendo DS. Now I'll just wait and see what happens, whether the judges feel my entries are worthy of some prizes. So, good luck, me! :-)
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June 6th, 2011, 17:22 Posted By: wraggster
A report on the website of the generally reliable Nikkei newspaper has supposedly confirmed rumours of a six-inch integrated touch screen for the controller of the Wii's successor, currently only known as Project Cafe.
The report, translated by Andriasang, says that the screen will be used for supplementary controls for games, but could also serve as a separate portable device independently of the console.
The controller allegedly features a rechargeable battery and a camera, which could be used to add photos to Miis or other in-game avatars. Nikkei's report doesn't give the final name, price or definite release date for the hardware, but does suggest a possible release window of "mid 2012."
For some professional speculation on the possible capabilities of Nintendo's new machine, read Digital Foundry's piece on the hardware's potential.
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June 6th, 2011, 19:36 Posted By: wraggster
Okay, so today's not the most exciting Wii and DSi Shop update ever. But it will be the most exciting 3DS eShop update ever! Or, at least, the first. That's expected late this evening.
Now, as for those WiiWare and DSiWare games. Picdun for DSiWare actually looks pretty cute: it's a first-person dungeon game whose maps are revealed as pixel images as you explore. DSiWare is also host to Dreamwalker, a maze game about tilting a maze to guide a sleeping character through dreams. Also, there's something called "Crazy Cheebo: Puzzle Party."
Ubongo, a board game seen on DSiWare a couple months back, returns this week for a WiiWare engagement.
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June 7th, 2011, 00:31 Posted By: wraggster

E3 2011 is upon us, and you know what that means, a heaping helping of new gaming gear from Nyko. Zoom for Kinect is a set of clip-on specs that lets you get 40 percent closer to the sensor bar with no loss of function -- so the studio apartment set can get in on the gesture gaming craze. Nyko's Play Clock is a charging dock for Nintendo's 3DS that doubles as an alarm clock, because you always wanted to turn your 3DS into an alarm clock. Nintendo's new handheld could definitely use some longer battery life, however, so the company's also rolling out three new extended battery packs for the 3DS. There's the Shock n' Rock that brings thrice the juice, "added vibration feedback," and four speakers to your personal gaming party, while the Power Grip is an ergonomic external battery that also triples the 3DS' battery life. Lastly, the Game Boost battery simply snaps on for an extra hour or two of gameplay. Prices and availability remain unsaid, but there's eye candy in the gallery below and PR's after the break.
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June 7th, 2011, 14:51 Posted By: wraggster

True to its word, Nintendo has released a system update for anxious 3DS owners. The free update over WiFi delivers an internet browser and the eShop digital store to your multidimensional handheld. As a bonus, Ninty's offering the 3D-remastered NES game, Excitebike, for free until Tuesday with additional cash-money content coming to the store on Thursdays. We'll be hearing more from Nintendo, much more we hope, on Tuesday morning where we'll be bringing you live coverage of its next generation console announcements from E3. Join us, won't you?
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June 7th, 2011, 17:54 Posted By: wraggster
The time is nearly upon us. All will be revealed at 5pm BST as far as Nintendo's next console is concerned and it's been something of a journey leading up to this point.
April brought the first real details of a Wii follow up when CVG industry sources tipped the new console to sport an HD controller, a rumour that was quickly backed up by other sites.
That wasn't the only Nintendo gimmick to emerge before time, though. It seemed as though April was the month of Wii 2 madness when our friends over at Edge were told by sources that Nintendo's next console would boast motion-sensing that's 'better than Move'.
Soon after, the first speculative name for the new machine emerged as Project Café. We also got the first rumoured tech specs - slightly more powerful than the 360 was the claim - and more controller details, again backing up our original report.
The controller's also tipped to have eight buttons and twin analogues, which will please the hardcore, and it could have the ability to stream entire games. That's right, entire games on your controller screen.
The first official Wii 2 talk we got was at the end of April (what a month) when Nintendo design legend Miyamoto admitted the new machine was indeed coming.
Nintendo officially confirmed the new console was on the way two days later, saying it would be released in 2012.
Then it was Nintendo CEO Satoru Iwata's turn to talk turkey. He confirmed that the Wii 2, whatever it may turn out to be named, wouldn't be ditching buttons in favour of a tablet-style (iPad-like) touch-screen only mechanic.
More information started to flow as rumours claimed the console would have just 8GB of storage, and that it would feature a camera.
Then of course there's that name. We're still in the dark on this one, as Project Café is just a codename (thank God).
If all the reports are true, then, we're expecting the next Nintendo console to do just about everything.
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June 7th, 2011, 18:16 Posted By: wraggster
There are teething problems with the freshly-launched Nintendo 3DS eShop.
Readers are reporting error codes while linking Club Nintendo accounts and visiting the eShop.
The error message advises rebooting your 3DS. Some machines work after this, others are taking longer to respond.
We've asked Nintendo for comment.
The 3DS eShop adds a Virtual Console selling GameBoy and GameBoy Colour oldies; a DSiWare shop; and capabilities for demos and other content to be downloaded to 3DS memory cards.
The eShop is Nintendo's App Store, in other words, but games are much more expensive on 3DS than on iOS devices. Plants vs. Zombies, for example costs a massive £7.20 on Nintendo's eShop. On the App Store, PVZ costs £1.79.
Other reports note that the US eShop has far more content than its European equivalent. In Europe you'll find just three Virtual Console games, Pokedex 3D and Excitebike to download, as well as the forgotten swathe of DSiWare games.
Nintendo will no doubt reference the eShop at its E3 press conference this afternoon. That gets under way at 5pm BST (UK time) and the Eurogamer team will be reporting live from the event in real-time.
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June 7th, 2011, 18:26 Posted By: wraggster

Nintendo just announced at E3 that The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword is "finally done," and it also revealed that it'll have something of a surprise to mark its release this holiday season: a limited edition gold Wiimote. That, of course, comes with MotionPlus built-in, but details (including a price) are unfortunately a bit light otherwise. We'll let you know more as we get it.
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June 7th, 2011, 18:39 Posted By: wraggster
Underwater races and hang-gliding confirmed for latest racer, due this Christmas
Nintendo has confirmed that Mario Kart 3DS will be released this Christmas.
The game was introduced during the firm's E3 press conference by Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime, who assured fans that this would be a completely new iteration of the popular racing series.
In addition to the traditional karting antics, the key feature of this new Mario Kart is underwater races and hang-gliding, with tracks heading both along the bottom of the ocean floor and into the clouds.
The trailer also revealed that players will be able to customise their cars, switching between different wheels, body parts and more.
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June 7th, 2011, 18:41 Posted By: wraggster
E3 2011: Satoru Iwata outlines 'deeper and wider' aims for new Nintendo console
Satoru Iwata, Nintendo global president, has said the firm's new platform is being built for both core and casual players.
While only teasing a few details until later in the show, Iwata said that the new console would aim to bring both audiences closer together than ever before.
“The new platform will provide deeper gameplay than the most experienced gamer is used to, and wider experiences than even the Wii,†he said.
“It will let everyone see games in a different way.â€
Iwata then said that the console would be something “to look forward to next year.â€
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June 7th, 2011, 21:15 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo has exposed its ambitious new games console, called Wii U.
At the centre of the new console is a built-in 6.2†touch-screen.
The controller can play content from the console without the TV switched on, or indeed with both controller screen and TC being inventively used at the same time.
Data is wirelessly transmitted between TV and controller “without latency issuesâ€, Nintendo said.
The controller features two analogue sticks, four shoulder buttons, rumble support and other standard controller features.
It also comes with a stylus, where users can draw on the controller – with the image appearing on the TV screen.
Augmented Reality features come included too, with the controller used to ‘zoom’ images from a TV screen.
Video calls can also be made, helped with the controller’s built-in camera, and images can be shared between console and controller.
The device console comes with web browser compatibility.
Nintendo has confirmed that Wii controllers can be used with the device.
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June 7th, 2011, 21:17 Posted By: wraggster
Online multiplayer also confirmed, Uprising confirmed for 2011 release
The Augmented Reality cards were a popular inclusion at the 3DS launch, and Kid Icarus: Uprising will take this one step further.
A new trailer shown during Nintendo's E3 conference revealed that 3DS owners will be able to battle characters using special AR cards that will be released alongside the game.
Nintendo also confirmed that Uprising would include online multiplayer. While arena-based combat modes spotted during the trailer, no gameplay details were given.
The platform holder didn't confirm a release date either, but Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime confirmed that it would be available on shelves before the end of the year.
Kid Icarus: Uprising was announced at last year's E3 as one of the 3DS' flagship franchises. It is the first title in the series since the original game debuted on the NES in 1987.
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June 7th, 2011, 21:23 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo's released the first tech specs for its new machine the Wii U.
If you missed it (yeah right) the Wii U was announced moments ago as part of Nintendo's E3 press conference.
Here's everything the Wii U is packing:
Size: Approximately 1.8 inches tall, 6.8 inches wide and 10.5 inches long.
New Controller: The new controller incorporates a 6.2-inch, 16:9 touch screen and traditional button controls, including two analogue Circle Pads. This combination removes the traditional barriers between games, players and the TV by creating a second window into the
video game world.
The rechargeable controller includes a Power button, Home button, +Control Pad, A/B/X/Y buttons, L/R buttons and ZL/ZR buttons. It includes a built-in accelerometer and gyroscope, rumble feature, camera, a microphone, stereo speakers, a sensor strip and a stylus.
Other Controls: Up to four Wii Remote (or Wii Remote Plus) controllers can be connected at once.
The new console supports all Wii controllers and input devices, including the Nunchuk controller, Classic Controller, Classic Controller Pro and Wii Balance
Media: A single self-loading media bay will play 12-centimeter proprietary high-density
optical discs for the new console, as well as 12-centimeter Wii optical discs.
Video Output: Supports 1080p, 1080i, 720p, 480p and 480i. Compatible cables include HDMI, component, S-video and composite.
Audio Output: Uses AV Multi Out connector. Six-channel PCM linear output through HDMI.
Storage: The console will have internal flash memory, as well as the option to expand its memory using either an SD memory card or an external USB hard disk drive.
CPU: IBM Power-based multi-core microprocessor.
Other: Four USB 2.0 connector slots are included. The new console is backward compatible with Wii games and Wii accessories.
Note: Details are subject to change.
Confirmed games
Assassin's Creed
Darksiders II
Ghost Recon
Aliens: Colonial Marines
Metro II
Batman: Arkham City
Prototypes/Yet to be confirmed
New Super Mario Bros Mii
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June 7th, 2011, 21:25 Posted By: wraggster
Developer and publisher bosses speak up on new Nintendo console – here’s what they had to say
Yves Guillemot, CEO, Ubisoft:
“This new controller really revolutionises the traditional pad.
“In Assassin’s Creed, you can just imagine what the multiplayer will look like and Ghost Recon Online will leverage the fantastic connectivity of the new controller.â€
Martin Tremblay, President, Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment:
“It has connectivity, advanced graphics and an engaging interface. This is exactly what it takes to shape the future.
“Batman: Arkham City is going to be on the new console.â€
Frank Gibeau, President, EA Games:
“It’s a phenomenal piece of technology. It’s a platform that’s really going to revolutionise what’s happening in consoles.â€
Peter Moore, President, EA Sports:
“Once we saw the new console together with the new controller, my mind immediately started racing as to what we can do with this in the world of sports.
“We couldn’t be more excited to bring the power of EA Sports to Nintendo’s new console.â€
Ken Levine, Creative Director, Irrational Games:
“It’s a full console experience. [For example] if my wife is asleep I can put in headphones and play a full hardcore console gaming experience in bed on this smaller screen. That’s a really revolutionary thing for me as a gamer.
“It seems like Nintendo heard the voices of the hardcore gamer.â€
Warren Spector, Vice President & Creative Director, Junction Point, Disney Interactive Media Group:
“It means we can make games of the sort that we were never able to make before.
“It’s not just more of the same, it really is opening up a whole new world of gameplay.â€
Danny Bilson, Executive VP of Core Games, THQ:
“I call it the swiss army knife of controllers – it does absolutely everything you could want.
“We’re planning on putting Darksiders II on the new console at launch.â€
Jeremiah Slaczka, CEO and Creative Director, 5th Cell:
“The ability to have asymmetrical gameplay so one player can be doing one thing while another player can be doing something else on the TV.â€
Katsuhiro Harada, Chief Game Director, Namco Bandai Games:
“Without intruding upon your friend’s match, you can play a different game on a separate screen.
“In Tekken’s 16-year history, this is the first time it will be released on a Nintendo home console.â€
Karthik Bala, CEO, Vicarious Visions:
“There was total shock and amazement from the team. Nintendo really know how to keep us developers on our toes.â€
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June 7th, 2011, 21:26 Posted By: wraggster
Epic Games could pave the way for a rush of externally-developed triple-A Wii U games
A significant step has been made in Nintendo’s new bid to capture a core games market with Wii U.
The innovative new console is being supported by two Unreal Engine games and, Develop believes, the high-end engine tech behind them.
Earlier today Nintendo revealed both Batman Arkham City and Aliens Colonial Marines in production for Wii U.
Both titles are built with Unreal Engine 3, meaning that Epic Games is very likely supporting Wii U with its popular engine.
Epic Games vice president Mark Rein said Develop’s theory on the matter “isn’t an illogical conclusion to makeâ€, but could not comment further.
But he did depart with a jocular hint about Epic’s future.
Last month Rein said “the second Nintendo releases a piece of hardware that can run our engine well, we'll be on it like water on fish.â€
Today he tells Develop: “Water, meet fish!â€
The move paves the way for a new rush of externally-developed triple-A games for the platform. Unreal Engine 3 has been the central tech to some of the biggest next-generation games in the past five years.
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June 7th, 2011, 21:28 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime has spoken briefly about the online capabilities of Nintendo's newly announced console, Wii U.
When it was put to him by GameTrailers that Nintendo consoles' online functionality have trailed behind the likes of Xbox Live and PSN, he said: "... Now we've got a system that will have all of that type of capability built in."
Asked whether third parties will be able to create their own Wii U networks and online worlds, Fils-Aime said:
"Our approach [to online] will be a flexible one, literally taking the best of what each of our third party partners has to offer, marrying that with the best of what Nintendo does, and bringing that versus a more rigid, a more closed type of environment."
He added: "We're going to be sharing what we're doing from an online perspective over the next few days."
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June 7th, 2011, 21:33 Posted By: wraggster

Nintendo's new console, the Wii U, was finally unveiled to the world today at E3 2011, and we got a glimpse of its graphical prowess at the company's keynote. Details were scarce about the IBM silicon Nintendo's new HD powerhouse was packing, but we did some digging to get a little more info. IBM tells us that within the Wii U there's a 45nm custom chip with "a lot" of embedded DRAM. It's a silicon on insulator design and packs the same processor technology found in Watson, the supercomputer that bested a couple of meatbags on Jeopardy awhile back. Unfortunately, IBM wouldn't give us the chip's clock speeds, but if it's good enough to smoke Ken Jennings on national TV, we imagine it'll do alright against its competition from Sony and Microsoft.
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June 7th, 2011, 23:32 Posted By: wraggster
THQ has confirmed that the next instalment in the Darksiders series will get a release for the Wii U.
This doesn't come as a big surprise as the game popped up in Nintendo's E3 conference earlier today.
But now THQ has issued a proper press release, stating that the Wii U version of Darksiders II will be out "in calendar 2012".
You can expect it to "take advantage of Nintendo's innovative new hardware with implemented functionality for the revolutionary controller", it says here. There are no details as to what that actually means, unfortunately.
But we do know that Darksiders II follows the exploits of DEATH (their capitals - because plain old "Death" just doesn't have enough impact), "one of the four horsemen of the Apocalypse" (not to be confused with DEATH, one of the four former members of Scooch).
He is on a mission to redeem his brother WAR, who you may remember from the previous Darksiders game, and of course European history 1939 - 1945.
Darksiders II is also coming to PC, PS3 and Xbox 360 next year. But we knew that.
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June 7th, 2011, 23:40 Posted By: wraggster

We just elbowed our way through the crowds and managed to get our first hands-on time with Nintendo's revolutionary new controller, the Wii U. As you can see in the images, it's a rather different thing than even the company's typically unusually styled contraptions. The dominant feature is the center-mounted 6.2-inch touchscreen, which actually looks really good. We'd expected Nintendo would cheap out to keep costs low, but that doesn't appear to be the case, at least not in our first impressions. Join us after the break for more details.
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June 7th, 2011, 23:42 Posted By: wraggster
While Nintendo was blowing minds this morning with the announcement of its new console, the Wii U, the company's Japanese press site was quietly releasing all the juicy specs of the upcoming machine that we hunger for. As mentioned during the presser, the console will output games in high definition, now revealed as ranging from 480i to 1080p. Moreover, the Wii U will output HD by employing HDMI.
As far as internal storage goes, it's still unclear whether or not the Wii U will come packed with an HDD, but the specs sheet does amorphously detail "internal flash storage," as well as an SD slot and the ability to use USB storage. Notably, the list points out that the USB storage will allow for external HDDs. And while the disc slot gives us the impression that Wii U games will be disc-based, Nintendo has yet to reveal its medium of choice.
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June 7th, 2011, 23:44 Posted By: wraggster
After the Wii successor, Wii U, was revealed this morning, Nintendo detailed two unique functions of the giant touchscreen controller: video calls and web browsing. Internet and the equivalent of Apple's FaceTime on Nintendo hardware? We're just as shocked as you are. We'll be sure to update you with more information as it comes in.
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June 7th, 2011, 23:47 Posted By: wraggster

During Nintendo's E3 2011 press conference, president Reggie Fils-Aime took to the stage and confirmed that Super Mario 3D, the 3DS title briefly teased back at GDC, would launch before year's end. Also, the Tanooki Suit is back -- gameplay footage showed a blend of 2D and 3D gameplay, highly reminiscent of Super Mario Galaxy. It makes sense, since the same team is handling the 3DS game.
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June 8th, 2011, 00:12 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.emucr.com/2011/06/news-ga...-20110606.html
GameBoy Online is a Game Boy and GameBoy Color emulator written in Javascript. It strives to be efficient and try to have a perfect compatibility. Currently the execution speed is not optimal even on browsers. For example on Chrome, which is nevertheless deemed to run Javascript faster on a PC running Windows 7 64-bit version with a double heart 2 CPUs at 2.2 GHz, games run at normal speed but almost skipping some frames.
The sound production is still experimental and rather poor quality. The video portion is by HTML5 or by creating images with BMP string URI. State backups are implemented using the object window.localStorage and are serialized / deserialized JSON. Ditto for backup SRAM.
Recent Changes:
- Update the HDMA.
- Update XAudioJS.
- Update the manifest.
- Removed support WebGL-2D, which gave the wrong things. Remove file WebGL js-2D.
- Update function resampling.
- Fixed XAudioServer.
- Added a workaround for the crappy state of the sound that exists in Flash.
- Experimental support flash.
- Cleaning the opcode HALT.
- Remove the encapsulation of Try / Catch of the main loop of the interpreter puiqu'elle became useless because of the new code management opcode HALT.
- Remove unused variable.
- Relocation of the order of checking IRQs.
- Audits of IRQ now run after GDMA and CGB HDMA-specific.
- Small optimization of management of the opcode HALT.
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June 8th, 2011, 00:27 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.emucr.com/2011/06/my-nes-v25.html
My Nes v2.5 is released. My Nes is a portable open source NES/FAMICOM emulator written in C#. it cannot emulate 100%, it still a primitive one and needs a lot of work. however it has been tested and support over 200 games, 100 playable perfectly.
My Nes v2.5 Changelog:
* Added mapper # 47, 50, 51, 57, 58, 60, 62, 74, 76, 77,
83, 86, 87, 88, 89, 105, 114, 115, 117, 118, 119, 133, 140,
142, 180, 182 and 184.
* Fixed mapper # 65, 80, 85, 90 and 113.
* Added text draw for SlimDX video mode.
* Added new option for SlimDX video mode that allows this
mode to run faster.
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June 8th, 2011, 00:33 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.emucr.com/2011/06/mupen64plus-20110606.html
Mupen64Plus 20110606 is released. Mupen64Plus is a N64 emulator and plugins for Linux, Mac OSX, and FreeBSD. Mupen64Plus is a plugin-based N64 emulator for Linux which is capable of accurately playing many games. Included are four MIPS R4300 CPU emulators, with dynamic recompilers for 32-bit x86 and 64-bit amd64 systems, and necessary plugins for audio, graphical rendering (RDP), signal co-processor (RSP), and input. There are 3 OpenGL video plugins included: glN64, RiceVideoLinux, and Glide64.
Mupen64Plus Features:
* Dynamic recompilers for 32-bit (x86) and 64-bit (amd64) machines
* 3 OpenGL video plugins: glN64, RiceVideoLinux, Glide64
* Hi-resolution texture support in Rice Video
* LIRC Infrared remote control support
* Rumble Pak support
* Graphical R4300 debugger
* Cheat system with gameshark code support
* Speed adjustment with smooth sound output
* GTK2-based GUI
* Qt4-based GUI
* Command-line options for integration into other systems
* Installation support for multi-user systems
Mupen64Plus 20110606 Changelog:
- bugfix issue 423: we should call video extension override _before_ checking for SDL state in VidExt_GL_GetProcAddress function
- 1. added new VidExt_GL_GetAttribute function. 2. Added verbose message when inserting time delay due to frame rate limiter
- updated core for new Mupen64plus 2.0 API versioning scheme
- bugfix: we need to call the Video Extension SwapBuffers function during pause, not the SDL one
- added documentation for new GLGetAttr function in the video extension. fixed the CoreOverrideVidext function
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June 8th, 2011, 01:00 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.emucr.com/2011/06/stella-ds-v12.html
Stella DS v1.2 is released. Stella DS is the first version of Atari 2600 emulator for Nintendo DS. To use this emulator, you must use compatibles rom with a26/bin format.
Stella DS v1.2 Changelog:
* Change screen height when switching from PAL <> NTSC
* Add fps display with START button
* Add stylus management for paddle
How tu use StellaDS:
Unzip StellaDS.nds from the StellaDS.zip archive in a directory of your flash / (micro) SD
/ MMC card.
Put the a26/bin files where you want on your flashcard.
That's all, StellaDS can be use now !
When the emulator starts, click on the cartridge slot to choose a file. you are use Up/Down
to select a file, then use A to load it.
Controls :
* Direction pad : the joystick ...
* A : Fire button
Use stylus on buttons for other actions on bottom screen.
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June 8th, 2011, 01:06 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.emucr.com/2011/06/punes-v021.html
puNES v0.21 is released. puNES is a NES emulator. Currently the program supports mappers 0, MMC1, UNROM, CNROM, but the sound is not yet available. It uses the SDL libraries and it works on both Linux and Windows.
In the future I will use this post to announce new releases and changes.
puNES is an emulator under development that works on Linux32/64 and Windows32. It needs of SDL library to run. Uncompress the zip/tar file in a subdirectory. Run it with the name of the rom as the first argument (or, in Windows, if you don't want use the commandline, drag the rom on the icon of the emu).
P.s. doesn't support zipped rom yet
Current version : 0.21
Correct some bugs in the MMC3 (NTSC and PAL) and now
all the roms that I'have tried works well.
Implemented illegal opcode 0x80 for the "Beauty and the Beast (E) [!].nes" rom
complete APU emulation.
This is my first attempt with sdl sound and perhaps there may be some bugs. For now, without the implementation of frameskip, the emulator has to work 100% for not having problems with sound skip and crackle.
Changed the structure of the code and now the emu takes less than 100Kb.
Correct many many many bugs.
added AxROM (mapper 7) emulation.
fixed another bug and now Incredible Crash Dummies run without problems.
correct a couple of bugs in the mmc3 emulation.
added MMC3 emulation.
Correct a a bug in the controller routine (thanks Dwedit).
Correct a little bug and now all cpu_interrupts_v2 test roms passed.
Implemented reading of $2004 during the rendering.
(thx to Quietust for the info and for the read2004.nes test rom).
I worked hard on the CPU and PPU emulation and now many
of test roms worked perfectly (thanks blargg).
Added OpenGL support.
Implemented APU Frame Interrupt (only this for now).
Many bugs are gone.
Mappers supported : 0, MMC1, UNROM, CNROM, MMC3, AxROM.
Sound : Implemented.
arrow keys = left, right, up, down
a = button A
s = button B
z = Select
x = Start
1 = 1x
2 = 2x
3 = 3x
4 = 4x
5 = no filters
6 = scale2x
7 = ntsc (press more time to switch between composite, svideo, rgb, monochrome)
. and , = switch between PAL palette, NTSC palette and Sony CXA2025AS US decoder, monochrome and greenchrome.
f = toggle fullscreen
o = switch between opengl and software rendering
p = toggle stretch in fullscreen
r = something nice in opengl mode (use the mouse to rotate the cube)
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June 8th, 2011, 01:09 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.emucr.com/2011/06/desmume-svn-r4037.html
DeSmuME SVN r4037 is released. DeSmuME is an open source Nintendo DS(NDS) emulator for Linux, Mac OS and Windows. DeSmuME supports save states, the ability to increase the size of the screen and it supports filters to improve image quality. DeSmuME also supports microphone use on Windows and Linux ports, as well as direct video and audio recording. The emulator also features a built-in movie recorder.
DeSmuME SVN Changelog:
gtk: open recent should behave the same as open
If running, pause before loading a new rom
From Jan Bücken (nooris), #3288654
gtk: call launch after rom reset
Jan reports that if you call reset when a game is paused
the statusbar would wrongly report the game as playing
when it is actually paused. Jan's attached patch removes
the call to desmume_resume() and the status bar update.
I think the intent here is different and the plan was to
reload the game so just call Launch directly as already
Jan noticed it would do the right thing.
Based on a patch from Jan Bücken (nooris), #3288654
gtk: remove variable set but not used reported by gcc
List Jan's contributions to wx frontend in Changelog.
Changelog: oops, remove duplicated line 
wx: Add ability to clear recent file list
From Jan Bücken (nooris), #3301520
gtk-glade: Fix wrong savestate slot, bug #3305716
satelight reports the menu item position for savestates does
not match the slots they are saved.
As zeromus explains the pattern should be:
F1 saves to ds1
F2 saves to ds2
F10 saves to ds0
recent savestates list looks like:
1 myfile.ds1 F1
2 myfile.ds2 F2
0 myfile.ds0 F10
Based on a patch from satelight.
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June 8th, 2011, 01:22 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://mobiles.gx-mod.com/modules/ne...p?storyid=9606
The update of the Nintendo 3DS is announced tomorrow. Already available in Japan, it seems that it poses some problems.
Available now in Japan, the update of the Nintendo 3DS does not show harmless. Indeed, the Japanese players have shown some concern about one of the games console. Ridge Racer 3D now known phases freezes, title unresponsive when navigating menus. The problem is not trivial and Nintendo has even confirmed it.
Even if everyone does not play Ridge Racer 3D, this bug is a concern because it may be that other securities are also affected. Be warned if you earn tomorrow and update and part racing game, it's not your console that has a problem but its patch. Nintendo also plans already broadcast another update for erasing this small imperfection.
To recall, the update will bring the Web browser, online store, the 3DSWare, etc. ...
Will you try this update?
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June 8th, 2011, 01:39 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://gbatemp.net/t296083-arsenal-v1-0
Arsenal, the DS bullet hell shmup made by smealum, has been updated to version 1.0. See what's new in the release notes below, and join the on-going discussion for more information about this 2011 Homebrew Bounty entry.
QUOTE(Release Notes 06/06/11)
•It now includes more levels (including a new 3D background for level 5 !),
•more music (including boss music !),
•replay files for every level (except level7 which I kinda want to keep "secret" and exclusive to people who can actually finish it tongue.gif),
•the game is more polished (added transition effects, fixed the menu), and it's possible to control the menu using only the D-PAD and A button.
•Oh, and I added some features to the website, including what Sir_Voe suggested about highscores display, and it's now possible to upload and download replay files to/from the leaderboards
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June 8th, 2011, 22:29 Posted By: wraggster
Cloud gaming service OnLive has called out Nintendo's Wii U concept, claiming in a new video that multi-screen gaming is "already available" through its business.
According to a spokesperson for the company, the video features OnLive CEO Steve Perlman "showing off the power and flexibility of cloud gaming on an iPad and how many of the exciting features from consoles like the Wii U are already available through cloud gaming and OnLive".
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June 8th, 2011, 22:45 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime has admitted that many of the videos used in the Wii U showreel at E3 consisted of footage from Xbox 360 and PS3 versions of the games, but insisted that Wii U games will be comparable.
Speaking in an interview with Game Trailers after the publisher's onstage presentation of its new console, Fils-Aime seemed unabashed that the gameplay videos has been purloined from other platforms, pointing out that expecting footage from a machine still a year from launch is overly optimistic.
"Absolutely," replied Fils-Aime when asked if the footage came from 360 and PS3. "Because we're talking a year away from when this system's going to launch."
Game Trailers' Geoff Keighley then asked Fils-Aime if he expected the Wii U titles to have the same visual fidelity as Sony and Microsoft's machines.
"In terms of how good it looks it's going to be driven by what the individual developers do," he answered. "It's going to be 1080p, it's going to be high definition...
"You're going to see games that take full advantage of a system that has the latest technology and can push out some incredible graphics."
In the same interview, the NOA president also insisted that the Wii U would offer the customer a great value proposition, but would not be drawn on a specific price.
"What I want to focus on is, is it going to offer the consumer a competitive value when it comes out? And the answer is, absolutely."
Fils-Aime drew a distinction between the ideas of value and price, refusing to put even a ballpark figure on the console "You're talking price and I'm talking value," he said.
"What I'm saying is that it's going to have a fantastic value - value defined as what you get, all of these great new experiences for what you pay, is going to be absolutely competitive."
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June 8th, 2011, 22:47 Posted By: wraggster
Processor manufacturer AMD has confirmed it will be providing the graphics chip for Nintendo's newly-announced Wii U.
A custom Radeon HD GPU promises "high-definition graphics support; rich multimedia acceleration and playback; and multiple display support".
Said David Wang, AMD's corporate vice president of Silicon Engineering, "AMD shares Nintendo's excitement for the new HD entertainment experience planned for the Wii U console." Nintendo has claimed the U's graphical performance will be comparable to that of current Microsoft and Sony hardware.
The console's CPU has yet to be revealed, but reports are suggesting that the little-seen base unit will read a proprietary optical media as well as Wii discs.
Nintendo senior designer Katsuya Eguchi told Kotaku that the new disc format would have capacities of at least 25GB, comparable to that of Blu-Ray. It is unknown at present whether the Wii U can also read Blu-Ray, but the current rumour mill suggests otherwise.
Also rumoured is 8GB of internal storage, and support for USB drives. Meanwhile, Nintendo has confirmed to CVG that the tablet-like controller will not be sold as a standalone unit, and will only come bundled with the new console.
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June 8th, 2011, 22:49 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo's share price has hit its lowest value in five years following the unveiling of the Wii U device.
That's according to Bloomberg, which noted a 7.5 per cent drop in the price to ¥16,610 (around £125). More than 1.67 million shares changed hands yesterday, compared to the daily average of 724,000.
"There were high expectations from the new version of the Wii and this fell far short," said analyst Yusuke Tsunoda.
"People had expected to see something more at a big event like the E3, but there wasn't really anything more than what's already reported."
Nintendo stocks had already taken a blow earlier this year, when concerns over supply of the 3DS and the impact of the Japanese earthquakes made investors cautious, pushing stock to its lowest in two years.
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June 8th, 2011, 22:50 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo president Satoru Iwata has reportedly told Japanese newspaper Nikkei that the new Wii U console will "likely" be more than ¥20,000 when it launches in Japan.
That price, translated and reported by Bloomberg in a longer piece on the console, would convert to more than $250 or £150.
The Wii was initially retailed at ¥25,000 in Japan, $249.99 in the US and £179.99 in the UK, a price point which put it below that of its competitors - a factor considered important to its success.
However, the recently launched 3DS saw a less direct price conversion, with the ¥25,000 Japanese launch translating to $249.99 in the US but £229.99 in the UK and €249.99 in Europe.
What the final cost of the console will be in any territory remains moot, but interest remains in whether Nintendo will factor in the strength of the Yen against the pound and Euro in calculating its prices.
Retail laws prevent Nintendo from issuing a static RRP for its hardware, but there will be a standard cost to shops, who will also have to absorb a fair amount of the UK's stringent 20 per cent VAT rate in order to remain competitive.
As the disparate offers for 3DS in the UK illustrated, there is some leeway in setting that profit margin, but how much of the cost the retail sector can absorb remains to be seen.
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June 8th, 2011, 23:10 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo president Satoru Iwata has revealed that the camera built-in to the Wii U controller may feature facial recognition.
Speaking in the latest Iwata Asks, he revealed: "It certainly seems possible from an engineering standpoint that the camera will recognize you if you position the new controller to look at you".
He cited WiiFit as an example of why this would be useful. As seen in the the Wii U reveal trailer (see below), the controller can be used in conjunction with the Balance Board so you can weigh yourself without using a TV.
Facial recognition – as it does with Microsoft's Kinect – would speed the whole process up. "It would be much more accessible if all you have to do is to hold it, press a button and stand on the Wii Balance Board," Iwata added.
"I think so," Shigeru Miyamoto agreed. "I hope it turns out that way".
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June 8th, 2011, 23:12 Posted By: wraggster
Wii U promises PS3 and Xbox 360 levels of third-party support - many of the same types of games, in fact.
But there have been tech demos and there have been showreels (flaunting Xbox 360 and PS3 code). So which games have been confirmed for Wii U so far?
Pikmin 3
Smash Bros.
Lego City Stories
Darksiders II
Ninja Gaiden: Razor's Edge
Batman: Arkham City
New Ubisoft FPS IP
New Ubisoft multi-sports family IP
Ghost Recon Online
Assassin's Creed
Aliens: Colonial Marines (showreel - prototyped, considered)
Dirt (showreel)
Metro Last Light (showreel)
Tekken (showreel)
Madden NFL
BioShock (Ken Levine was a talking head on video at Nintendo conference)
Zelda HD (one of the demos)
New Super Mario Bros. Mii (one of the demos)
Demos (hands-on impressions in Eurogamer's Wii U preview):
Chase Mii
Shield Pose
Zelda HD
New Super Mario Bros. Mii
Battle Mii
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June 8th, 2011, 23:15 Posted By: wraggster
Shigeru Miyamoto has blamed the perception of Nintendo as a casual game maker on the decision not to support HD gaming with the original Wii.
At the same time his boss, Satoru Iwata, acknowledged that the 86 million-selling console was not "able to cater to every gamer's needs" – with Wii U the company's attempt to "resolve" this.
The comments came in the latest massive Iwata Asks chinwag between the pair.
Miyamoto said: "One of the key reasons that such things as the core and the casual exist today is that we decided not to adopt HD on the Wii console."
"I'm sure everyone would agree that we tried really hard to go wider," Iwata added. "But even though we worked aggressively to go deeper in certain areas, the general public's impression that Nintendo was casual grew as time went by."
Wii U, both claim, can break down the barrier between casual and core, which Miyamoto reckons is "psychological".
"I think this is an opportunity for those games that were considered to be core up to now, to evolve into something [with an] even more interesting structure," he said.
"That core vs. casual debate seems like something that can never see a resolution, but with Wii U, I have a feeling that it all may change.
"If we are able to break those psychological barriers with Wii U, I feel like we will be able to take our goal of expanding the gaming population even further to the next step."
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June 8th, 2011, 23:27 Posted By: wraggster

Sure, all the morning's news may have been surrounding a vowel-augmented console from Nintendo, the Wii U, but a certain other Nintendo console that has fewer vowels is also seeing some well-deserved love here at E3 2011. It's the classic SNES, and its been reborn as the SupaBoy, courtesy of Hyperkin. It's a handheld version of the console that's basically intended to fulfill a gamers' desire for portable classic gaming but without having to ask for advice in the Ben Heck Forums. Click on through for some impressions of this handheld wunderconsole.
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June 8th, 2011, 23:37 Posted By: wraggster

While earlier dalliances with the Wii U's "WiiPad" controller didn't include touchscreen interaction, a hands-on session with the "Measure Up" tech demo told me all I needed to know about the touchscreen technology behind the device.
It has a stylus. A recess in the upper left of the unit hides a small, white, roughly DS Lite-size stylus. Interacting with it brings up the familiar feeling of poking at a DS screen. Much like the handheld's bottom screen, the Wii U touchscreen doesn't respond perfectly to tracing with a finger. And multitouch is right out. Touching two spots caused the line I was drawing to jump to a point between them, much like the DS.
That suggests that Nintendo opted for a cheaper resistive touchscreen, instead of a capacitive touchscreen like the iPhone uses.
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June 9th, 2011, 01:10 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.emucr.com/2011/06/dsp-emu...-20110608.html
DSP Emulator v0.11b3 WIP (2011/06/08) is released. DSP Emulator is a new version of the ZX SPECTRUM +3, ZX Spectrum 128, ZX Spectrum 48, Arcade, Amstrad CPC 464, NES and Game Boy emulator.
DSP Emulator v0.11b3 WIP Changelog:
08/06 - DSP Emulator 0.11b3 Released
Released DSP 0.11b3. Windows binary and source available (no WIP this time!).
This has been one of the most interesting versions. Many updates, more speed on all drivers, a system to cache the graphics drivers that change dynamically the palette, better directory system...
Improvements in many drivers, priorities, stability, graphical glitches, but the most significant advances have been the drivers 'Sega System 16A' and 'Irem M72'.
'Shinobi' work at real speed, fixed many graphical glitches.
'R-Type' begins to function better, added controls and fixed sprites.
And added the driver 'Time Pilot' with sound.
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June 9th, 2011, 01:50 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://gbatemp.net/t296073-ds-liero-6-6-11
Schmendrick has updated DS Liero, his 2011 Homebrew Bounty entry. The game is a remake of the popular DOS game by the same name. For more information on this update please see the change log below.
QUOTE(Change Log)
•Digging distance shortened
•Worm bounding box modified to be more like the original
•Changed Game of Tag messages
•Removed level selection
•Added simplifying debugging options to the game (nothing the user will see though)
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June 9th, 2011, 01:53 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://gbatemp.net/t296059-fireworlds-final-version
Fireworlds, the puzzle platformer for the DS by Dirbaio, has been updated to the Final version. He has also released a level editor to accompany the game. Join in on the on-going discussion for more information about this 2011 Homebrew Bounty entry.
QUOTE(Change Log 06/06/11)
•Added lots of levels
•Fixed lots of bugs
•Finished the game
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June 9th, 2011, 01:55 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://gbatemp.net/t296055-gaia-ds-r6
Gaia DS is a Homebrew project which aims to recreate that classic SNES RPG feel. The project is an entry in the 2011 Homebrew Bounty. Please see the change for more information.
QUOTE(Change Log)
•inventory use and swap feature added
•some code was tidied up
•some story was written
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June 9th, 2011, 01:59 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://gbatemp.net/t295951-munchitoy-demo-2-5
MunchiToy is a work in progress physics demo made by HakoByte. See what's new in the change log below, and join in on the on-going discussion for more information about this 2011 Homebrew Bounty entry.
QUOTE(Change Log 05/28/11)
•MINOR BUG FIXES (munchi hits ground)
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June 9th, 2011, 02:21 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopic...98b9b1985a161c
Piirates is a game where you control a ship, in the arcade mode, you must navigate the levels, the level ends when you reach the buoy, to achieve this you will find a path between the enemies and shoot on the switches to open the corresponding gates.
In versus mode, you battle your friends. The 2 game modes are playable 4.
The boats have 2 bars of life, the top bar represents the hull of the boat, if it reaches 0, you sink. The lower bar is the bar life of veiling of the boat, if it reaches 0 your boat will be greatly slowed.
During the game, attacking enemy ships there may be a sailor falls overboard, if you pick it up or it will repair the hull, or the veiling of the boat.
There are 15 levels in arcade mode and 3 in versus mode.
-> Menu:
- The nunchuk joystick to select menu
- A button to confirm
- Menu option A or B button to return to the main screen
- The ship selection screen, players must want to play additional press the + button and if they desist - button to remove them from the game.
-> Select the boat:
You can choose up to 5 different ships each with different stats POW (attack), DEF (defense), SPD (speed)
-Then one must choose the type of gameplay:
Gameplay-A: with the gameplay you tilt the Nunchuk's joystick in the direction of the boat and it is impossible to make a emarche back directly.
Gameplay-B (/ "\ recommend to beginners /" \) direct the vessel using the nunchuk joystick.
-> Game:
- The Nunchuk's joystick to move the ship (you tilt the joystick in the same direction as the boat)
- A button to pull ahead
- The B button to fire to starboard
- The Z button to pull to port
- Pad of the Wiimote to select weapons
- Pressing + or - to put the game paused
- The home button to exit the game (only in pause)
description of the weapons:
- Cannonball simple (the gun from left): cannon ball that does damage to the hull of the ship.
- Ball chains (the gun on top): cannonball that does damage to the hull of the ship (if it is empty the bullet damage the hull of the boat)
- Tonneau explosive (weapon left): the barrel will float on the water a few seconds before they explode and damage the hull.
- Ignite arrows (lower arm): the arrows will fire damage to the boat and the sheer of the boat and the hull.
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June 9th, 2011, 02:27 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopic...98b9b1985a161c
Morukutsu released , the 1.0.1 version of " Panic Project , "Run and run pour la Nintendo Wii.
Update 1.0.1 (always the same download link):
- Corrected Gameplay (travel essentially character more "heavy")
- Bugs fixed: the game is more stable, but there are still some occasional crash
- Difficulty reduced
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June 9th, 2011, 02:29 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopic...98b9b1985a161c
davidgf released the 0.6.1 version of " Toy Wars Wii
FIxed some bugs and updated the splashscreen. I fixed a bug with the controls, one button was wrong (the vehicle change I presume).
Can anyone test it please? Now you can change the button mapping for the wiimote/nunchuck. Also changed the files location.
Note that now everything is located at apps/toywars instead of root folder. Note also that in order to change the button mapping you have to edit the config file (located at sd:/apps/toywars/) and modify the button numbers.
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June 9th, 2011, 02:31 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopic...98b9b1985a161c
miguel28 offers us the demo version 9.5 of its adaptation of the famous fighting game Super Smash Bros. for the DS, " Super Smash Bros. Crash! DS .
In this version add the menus: records, credit and delete data in the data menu.
To unlock the credits needed to complete the classic mode and how allstars.
You fix a small error in attacking and jumping.
I am preparing Homerun Test, and the rest of the Stadium, and now with this, the items will also be ready and the Stage Builder on the next version, I hope it's soon ....
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June 9th, 2011, 19:25 Posted By: Shrygue
via Develop Online
Nintendo’s next home console will read discs as large as 25 gigabytes of data, according to one of the firm’s chief game designers.
Nintendo exec Katsuya Eguchi told Kotaku that Wii U’s proprietary disc format could carry enough data to fill a Blu-ray disc.
Elsewhere it is being reported that Wii U won’t be compatible with Blu-Ray.
According to Nintendo's official Wii U spec sheet, the system features "a single self-loading media bay" that plays "12-centimeter proprietary high-density optical discs for the new console, as well as 12-centimeter Wii optical discs".
At the firm’s E3 press conference, Nintendo unveiled its ambitious new games console, Wii U.
At the centre of the new console is a built-in 6.2†touch-screen.
The controller can play content from the console without the TV switched on, or indeed with both screens being inventively used at the same time.
Data is wirelessly transmitted between TV and controller “without latency issuesâ€, Nintendo said.
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June 10th, 2011, 01:11 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo researching whether Wii U can work with more than one touch-screen controller
The once-inestimable potential of the Wii U console has been cut to size – with Nintendo confirming that only one screen-pad will work with each system.
Nintendo development boss Shigeru Miyamoto said Nintendo’s “basic premise is that you can use one [Wii U controller] with a system."
How this impacts on third parties hoping to bring dual-analogued triple-A games to the system is unknown, though it will likely become a talking point for developers.
Nintendo Wii classic controllers can work with the system, theoretically opening up the possibility of “core game multiplayerâ€.
It is not known if Nintendo is going to assure third-party publishers that it will manufacture and promote other “core controllers†for the system.
The success of the Nintendo Wii U, as a core games platform, is hinged on how third party studios work with the tech.
Nintendo’s business is selling the Wii U through exclusive games and innovative use of the tech, the company’s US boss said this week.
Today, Miyamoto told News.com.au that a 3DS could theoretically be used with the system.
“If we got to an idea of having multiple controllers it might just be more convenient for people to use their Nintendo 3DS and have a way to connect that," he said.
That claim suggests the Wii U can theoretically transmit visual data to more than one separate controller screen – a theory that Nintendo is investigating.
"We are doing research about if someone brings their controller to their friends house and they want to play together on Wii U to whether or not something like that would be possible," Miyamoto said.
The Wii U can play five-player games using up to four Wii Remote Plus controllers.
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June 10th, 2011, 11:29 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo has announced a new 'flare red' version of its latest handheld, the 3DS.
This is the first new 3DS SKU since its release in March this year. Images of the red version were released last Summer, but to date only black and blue SKUs have been available.
The red handheld will arrive there on July 14, reports AndriaSang, day and date with Star Fox 64 3D, a remake of a respected older Nintendo title. So far, only a Japanese release of the flare red 3DS is confirmed.
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June 10th, 2011, 11:31 Posted By: wraggster
Carlson Choi, Namco Bandai's vice president of marketing, has told Nintendo to stand its ground on the issue of 3DS pricing, saying that a slow start doesn't mean that the device is doomed to failure.
Speaking to Gamasutra at E3, Choi spoke about the need to persevere with the high initial price point set by Nintendo, and pledged Namco Bandai's support for the platform.
"It's been a slow start, but that's similar to how DS went in the beginning," said Choi. "We're really close with all the first party companies, but especially Nintendo because our origin of business is in Japan. We know they'll invest heavily in it. It's a big platform they believe in and we believe in it too, so we're going to support it with our key franchises."
Part of the justification, Choi believes, for maintaining a higher price for the platform, is that it signifies it as a high-end product, demarcating it from the smartphone market. By do that, Choi argues, the platform holder encourages publishers to produce premium content, presumably also at a premium price point.
"The moment you cut the price of the item the perceived value goes down," Choi continued. "We'd love to have them retain the price because it keeps the premium status of that product and it allows us to bring premium games to that market."
Nintendo were initially bullish about the cost of the unit, predicting astronomical sales along the lines of those of the original DS, DSlite and DSi. Instead, the handheld finds itself languishing on shelves somewhat, still being regularly outsold in Japan by the PSP.
A number of studies conducted shortly after the 3DS' launch indicated that Nintendo, which has a long-running policy of ensuring profit margins on hardware, was making somewhere in the region of £108 on each unit in terms of margin between manufacturing cost and price to retailer.
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June 10th, 2011, 11:34 Posted By: wraggster
Prior to Nintendo's E3 conference, a number of names floated around for the home console which would be unveiled. Project Cafe, of course, was the development codename for the device. A few ideas were suggested for what the final title would be, including the peculiar but interesting concept that the system itself might just be called "Nintendo". Nobody guessed at "Wii U". Nintendo, unlike its gaming rivals, seems to retain the capability to play its cards close to its chest.
By christening the device using the Wii branding, Nintendo returns to a strategy abandoned long ago. This is the first Nintendo home console to be branded as a continuation of its successor since the venerable Super NES.
Actually, had the company decided to give its older fans a grin of recognition by unveiling a platform called the "Super Wii", it might have been a better move. At least then we'd have avoided the confusion that followed in the wake of the Wii U announcement, which left many observers confused about what was actually being unveiled - with the idea that this was a new controller for the Wii rather than a brand new console being a popular misconception.
At this stage, a few days after the conference and with tons of explanatory coverage appearing across the Web, anyone who frequents gaming sites and is still purporting to be confused over this issue is obviously simply being obtuse. Yet we can't dismiss the confusion that was evident across social networks and comment threads during the conference itself. Many perfectly earnest and intelligent people simply didn't get what Nintendo was trying to tell them - and these are people who are into gaming. What's going to happen when Nintendo tries to explain Wii U to its broader audience?
Part of the problem was that the announcement itself was poorly designed and executed. In their haste to show off the flexibility of the controller, the team writing the scripts failed to set out the basis of what they were presenting from the outset, and then proceeded to bounce around between features and concepts like a giddy child at a birthday party. Contrasted with the measured, explanatory tone of the original Wiimote unveiling at TGS many moons ago, this frenetic and unfocused presentation did its subject few favours.
That, however, is a temporary setback at best. It's just one presentation - an important one, of course, but there'll be plenty more public outings for the Wii U and plenty of chances for the company to get its story straight and its explanations rehearsed, focus tested and rehearsed again. The Wii U desperately needed an elevator pitch this week, and Nintendo didn't seem to have one - but I don't doubt that the company is busy thinking of one right now.
What's more worrying, though, is the second source of confusion - the name. Certainly, some of the audience weren't sure if this was an upgrade to the Wii or a whole new console because the presentation was a bit slapdash - but that idea was reinforced and expanded by the fact that the branding is essentially the same as the previous console.
It's easy to see why Nintendo decided to do that, of course. The Wii is the best-selling home console of the generation, and it doesn't want to abandon the value it's built up in the brand. Throwing away the GameCube branding was easy, but dumping "Wii" would be painful, perhaps even wasteful.
Yet there's a problem with this decision making process - and with the thinking behind it. It's perfectly illustrated by something I've experienced personally a couple of times in the past few weeks, buying new software for my 3DS. I'm not sure when it started, but of late, retailers in Japan have started asking "are you sure you have a 3DS?" when you buy a game for the system. I've heard similar reports from the UK and elsewhere.
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June 10th, 2011, 11:35 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo share prices have continued to decline in the wake of the Wii U announcement earlier this week, diminishing by a further 4.7 per cent yesterday.
This follows a 5.7 per cent drop on the day immediately after the reveal of its new home console, which left Nintendo stock prices at their lowest in five years. While yesterday is yet to close in the US, current figures suggest a further decline of 3 to 4 per cent.
Nintendo itself claims to be flummoxed by its share slump, with CEO Satoru Iwata telling Reuters that "Honestly speaking, the reaction to (Tuesday's) presentation and what I heard from people I met and the mood of the convention did not chime at all with what happened in the stock market.
"It's very strange."
There is historical precedent for this, similar having occurred in the wake of the Wii's initial announcement, with Iwata claiming that in both cases it was a matter of observers not having used the new technology themselves.
"In the end, it is easy to get the mistaken impression that this is just a game console with a tablet. People who came to the presentation and tried it out have understood very well that it opens up a lot of new possibilities. But people who have not tried it will find it hard to believe that this controller will change things."
Multiple analysts have offered different takes on the prospects of the Wii U, although the response has been broadly positive, if cautious. Mitsushige Akino, chief fund manager at Ichiyoshi Investment Management, told the Wall Street Journal that "The product itself is not bad," but Nintendo may have suffered because "market expectations had been far too high... "It is also a reflection of structural issues caused by a transformation within the market."
Meanwhile Panoptic Management Consultants analyst Asif Khan told Industry Gamers that the issue may be that "Put very simply, investors hate uncertainty. With the Wii U announcement, the investing community has no information on release dates, price, components, specs, and even some features seem up in the air."
He added that "I also think that the Wii U controller looks weird to someone who has not had a chance to play with it. Most investors have not had a chance to hold the device and the software demos were limited in their scope.
"This kind of negative response by investors is not shocking, and I have been viewing it as a buying opportunity for myself and clients."
The price of the Wii U has yet to be revealed, although Iwata has suggested it is likely to be in excess of ¥20,000 ($250/£150).
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June 10th, 2011, 11:40 Posted By: wraggster
Third-parties in play with Nintendo for Wii U; Yarnton: ‘New console will grow market further’
Nintendo has its eye on an even bigger addressable audience of gamers with its new Wii U home console.
After courting new audiences for so long, the focus is back on a much-desired re-engaging of actual gamers alongside that skillful non-gamer push.
“Wii U pushes the boundary – it gives gamers a much deeper experience, but the control and touchscreen means we can widen the audience even more,†Nintendo UK boss David Yarnton told MCV. “With DS and Wii we expanded the audience; we changed perceptions about gaming.
“What we are now doing is looking to grow that further, but with power and graphics and a new controller, gamers get a deeper experience than ever before.â€
And that’s good news for retail, said Yarnton: “We’re still growing the Wii audience. We are doing really good numbers in the UK at the moment – the price drop got people back in stores, and helped retail in a very challenged market.â€
Unveiled at E3 this week and due out in 2012, Wii U is a new home console to go under the TV. It features HD graphics, online connectivity and an optical disc drive, keeping physical retail-sold games in the mix.
But the centrepiece is an innovative controller which mixes joypad, touchscreen and streaming technology. Games can be transferred from TV to handset.
Most telling: Nintendo didn’t announce many first-party games for the console, but third-party partners did in their droves. Core games including Batman: Arkham City (Warner), Assassin’s Creed (Ubisoft), Darksiders II and Metro (THQ), Aliens (Sega), plus Namco Bandai and Tecmo Koei titles were all confirmed.
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June 10th, 2011, 11:43 Posted By: wraggster
Though others will be able to join in using a DS, 3DS or Wii controller
With Nintendo's Wii U still in the early stages of development every aspect is still open to change, but for the time being at least it looks as if each Wii U will only be able to use one new touch-screen controller.
"Our basic premise is that you can use one with a system," Nintendo's Shigeru Miyamoto told News.com.au. "If we got to an idea of having multiple (controllers) it might be just more convenient for people to use their Nintendo 3DS and have a way to connect that.
"That being said, we are doing research about if someone brings their controller to their friends house and they want to play together on Wii U to whether or not something like that would be possible."
Miyamoto also went on to claim that while the innovations introduced with the likes of Wii and DS have been widely replicated by rivals, the Wii U will be harder to copy.
"It might be more convenient for people if companies did do that because this system is going to make it easier for people to interact with game systems," he added.
"Because of the way we've designed the game system, where the controller is really just that — it does have a screen but it doesn't have a processor inside it.
"All of the processing is happening inside the hardware itself, and then the hardware is sending the information to the controller with incredibly low latency because of the wireless beam we're using. It would be very difficult for the other hardware systems to be able to implement this at this stage."
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June 10th, 2011, 11:45 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo's breakthrough pad uses wide-VGA display, report claims
The gamepad screen at the heart of the Wii U experience displays at a 854x480 resolution, according to new research and estimates.
Entertainment site Golgotron claims the Wii U controller screen displays at the wide-VGA display standard.
The factual basis to this claim is debatable. The resolution size was estimated after hi-res images of the controller were observed.
The controller screen was manually measured at 870 pixels wide – though it was believed that that errors were made in the calculation and a far more likely result is 854 pixels.
“854 x 480 is a very common widescreen resolution, and it’s within 2 per cent of our not-scientific-enough measurement,†the report read.
The Wii U controller demonstrated at E3 will not likely be the final version sent to retailers by the end of 2012.
The console itself displays TV content at 1080p.
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June 10th, 2011, 11:52 Posted By: wraggster
Opinions of the games industry's top analysts appear to be divided when it comes to Nintendo's latest hardware offering, Wii U.
Piers Harding-Rolls from Screen Digest said the console is a "compelling proposition" and has "strong potential to innovate".
Doug Creutz from Cowen and Company acknowledged Wii U's "promise" but questioned the machine's power. "I'm not sure how revolutionary it will be," he said. According to Creutz, Wii U is "on a par" with PS3 and Xbox 360 rather than "a step up".
Wedbush Morgan's Michael Pachter applauded the "smart" blend of tablet and console, saying it will be "hard" for others to copy the design. "Nintendo will have a head start for a while," he said, "and it will be interesting to see if they can exploit it."
Jesse Divnich from EEDAR lauded Wii U as "a very original and unique system and a perfect transition for consumers from the Wii". Nintendo shares might have fallen "substantially" after the Wii U announcement, said Divnich, but: "I believe investors are going to get this wrong".
All four analysts have concerns, however. Divnich "truly hopes" there aren't too many PS3 and Xbox 360 games ported to Wii U. "The Wii forced developers to be original and unique," he said. "The Wii became successful because it offered so many differentiating features and software that was different and original from its competitors.
"I'll say it flat out: any core-port over to the Wii U will be minimally successful."
Jesse Divnich, EEDAR
"I'll say it flat out: any core-port over to the Wii U will be minimally successful." Conversion costs may be low, but "no port will reach blockbuster status on the Wii U console" Divnich also questioned the "overlap" between the 3DS and Wii U controller when at home.
Piers Harding-Rolls thinks Wii U may confuse people with its "complex vision". "I don't believe that this proposition is as mainstream as the original Wii," he said, because Wii had a "more simple message". Existing Wii owners may even be confused into thinking the Wii U tablet works with Wii, Harding-Rolls added.
To that end, "consumer education is key" for Nintendo, said Harding-Rolls - but also a "significant challenge and expense". A two-screen, two-device vision puts Wii U on "more directly competitive footing" with Apple and its new AirPlay idea, too, pointed out Harding-Rolls.
Mainstream success concerns Doug Creutz as well. He sees Wii U as "Nintendo's attempt to re-enliven their appeal to the core gamer market". But by doing so, Nintendo may sacrifice a larger slice of the pie. "I don't know that this gets people who are not Nintendo fanboys - granted there are a lot of those - to run out and buy the console if they already have Xbox 360s or PS3s," said Creutz. But he expects Wii U to be "somewhat successful" nonetheless.
"At more than $300, it will almost certainly be too expensive."
Michael Pachter, Wedbush Morgan
And Nintendo has to do something, said Michael Pachter, because it is "falling behind" Xbox 360 with Kinect and PS3 with Move. With Smash Bros. the only Nintendo Wii U game announced, Pachter finds it "hard to know if the launch software will be compelling".
Success also depends on price - currently an unknown. But the analysts are unanimous in their conviction that Nintendo cannot break the $300 barrier.
Creutz said Nintendo "absolutely must price sub-$300 given the Wii U is really a lateral move from current competitor consoles rather than a step up".
At $300, Pachter said Wii U "may" be pricier than future Move or Kinect bundles. "At more than $300," he added, "it will almost certainly be too expensive."
"I don't think the Wii U can go higher than $299," offered Divnich, "it just can't and won't happen. I haven't seen the full specs, but no way it crosses that $299 price point."
Harding-Rolls stated the obvious: "A good price would be one that makes it a mass market proposition while delivering strong profits from launch."
Assuming the price is right, can Wii U not only follow in the footsteps of Wii but also outsell its predecessor?
"I doubt it will be more successful than the Wii... The Wii caught lightning in a bottle."
Doug Creutz, Cowen and Company
Harding-Rolls doesn't think so, but partly because the appetite for consoles themselves will diminish as net-connected tellies, set-top boxes like OnLive and tablets running OnLive take off. "Wii U will inevitably launch into a more competitive market than the Wii," he said, "and therefore at this stage I don't believe it will surpass Wii sales."
Creutz isn't sure anything can beat the early adoption rate of Wii. "The Wii caught lightning in a bottle," he said. "I doubt it will be more successful than the Wii, at least in terms of the initial adoption curve."
"Ask me in three years!" exclaimed Divnich. "The Wii is one of the best selling consoles of all time and it may be too early to make any 'official' prediction on overall sales just quite yet."
Nintendo announced the Wii U console - formerly Project Cafe - at E3 this week. The new console will be released next year.
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June 10th, 2011, 23:12 Posted By: wraggster
THQ's kids, family and casual division boss Martin Good has claimed that he is not perturbed by the Nintendo Wii U's similarities to THQ's own uDraw controller.
"None of this is a surprise," he told CVG in regard to the Wii U's tablet controller and drawing capabilities. " As you know, we thought of it 18 months ago and released it last season."
THQ claims to have shipped 1.7 million units of its drawing-centric, tablet-like peripheral for Wii, and now plans to release Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 versions.
He felt the similarities between uDraw and Wii U could even be to THQ's benefit. "We think we're really on the front for it and well poised to exploit this because we've already been playing with the drawing mechanic and we've got a lot of game designs in the pipe. It's only going to get better with that experience."
Good also claimed that "THQ never really went about being a peripheral manufacturer - that wasn't our intent", but had done so due to perceived market opportunities for drawing-based console games. "The fact is we had to create our own peripherals including for 360 and PS3 to be able to play with that audience."
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June 10th, 2011, 23:45 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo has revealed that the Wii U console won't be "drastically different" - that's why the E3 announcement focused on the tablet controller.
But Nintendo top-dog Satoru Iwata admitted he "should have made more effort to explain how [Wii U] works".
"We haven't made any kind of blunder," Iwata told the Evening Standard, referencing a fallen Nintendo stock price and defending against allegations of a confusion-causing presentation.
"But I should have shown a single picture of the new console, then started talking about the controller."
"The console is not drastically different," he added, "and Wii U is about the controller. The console itself will be almost invisible."
Exactly what will be inside the console hasn't been specified. We know it's theoretically capable of matching PS3 and 360 output thanks to a show reel aired at the Nintendo E3 conference (albeit of actual PS3 and 360 code rather than Wii U). How far beyond the ageing PS3 and 360 tech Wii U can go, however, remains to be seen.
Iwata went on to echo what he said to Reuters, and told the Evening Standard that people can't properly appreciate Wii U until they play it.
"They cannot see how this can be a game changer," he said of people reading about but not experiencing Wii U.
"What Wii U will offer is very different," Iwata added. "But I believe we have the strong potential to change the entire format of video games and of entertainment."
Eurogamer has played Wii U, and we tallied with Iwata's argument by declaring that "as soon as you pick that controller up, you understand the genius of Nintendo's idea."
But how will Nintendo demo Wii U to every potential customer? That's what analysts are worried about. Wii, a runaway success, had one universally clear message: motion sensing.
Wii U details are gradually seeping out, however - and Eurogamer cobbled together a list of seven things you don't already know about Nintendo's new console (unless you've read the article already you cheat).
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June 11th, 2011, 00:04 Posted By: wraggster

The highlight moment of my time with Mario Kart 3DS didn't involve blue sparks, bananas or any sort of weaponized carapace; though, naturally, all of those elements make a reappearance in the colorful racer. The key moment was the first time I hit a rather innocuous-looking ramp and, once airborne, produced a hang glider from my vehicle's undercarriage.
It wasn't a particularly surprising moment -- your car's new utilities were revealed in the trailer showed during Nintendo's E3 press conference -- but it was certainly an interesting one. The new aerial and underwater portions of each track aren't just fresh new obstacles for you to dodge using the series' tried-and-true system of drifting, boosting and item-firing. They represent challenges for you to navigate using entirely new methods of control.
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June 11th, 2011, 00:07 Posted By: wraggster
After showing E3 attendees a new level in Sonic Generations, game producer Takashi Iizuka highlighted some of the extra content that can only be found in the 3DS version. "One important thing to say about the Nintendo 3DS version is that besides Green Hill Zone, which is the starting zone on all versions, all the stages on the Nintendo 3DS version will be different from the stages that are seen in the PS3 and 360," Iizuka said.
Generations will revisit and remix levels from Sonic's entire history, including his Genesis and Dreamcast outings, but only the 3DS game may borrow stages from older handheld games. "For the PS3 and 360, none of the stages we're selecting are going to be from the handheld," Iizuka explained during a brief Q&A session. "However, on 3DS we're looking at picking stages from handheld as well."
The portable version of Generations will also offer a special stage, a two-player versus mode and a battery life that should effortlessly summon nostalgia for Sonic's Game Gear days.
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June 11th, 2011, 00:27 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.emucr.com/2011/06/project64k-v027.html
Project64k v0.27 is released. Project64k is a version of the Project64 emulator that supports multiplayer games using the Kaillera network.
Project64k v0.27 Changelog:
-The layout is designed back to the original.
-Multi Language support (I fixed the menu to lang glitch)
-Emulator's memory is now 496kb compared to older versions being 700kb to 1mb
-New Short cuts
-MyGlide WIP added
-Owna's new updated kailleraclient.
-New Icon
-High res logo
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June 11th, 2011, 00:31 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.emucr.com/2011/06/halfnes-v0035.html
HalfNES v0.035 is released. HalfNES is an open-source emulator for the Nintendo Entertainment System, written in Java. Currently, it only runs as a standalone Java SE application.
Current Features:
-Now cropping off the top and bottom 8 pixels of the video output, since these are
not visible on most TVs and a lot of games render garbage on those lines.
-Added volume slider to options dialog (and rewrote the sound output code as well.)
-Fixed a lot of sound bugs. Crystalis, Zombie Nation, A Boy And His Blob etc. all sound right now.
-Fixed Twin Cobra
HalfNES v0.035 Changelog:
-Fixed full screen code for people who still had flicker at bottom
-Fixed Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure
-Rewrote some code to enable putting ROM @ $6000-7fff
-Implemented Mapper 69 (Sunsoft FME-7) and the extra sound hardware for the Japanese version of Gimmick.
(If you haven't ever played Gimmick, find the ROM and give it a go sometime. Great game.)
-Also added mappers 78(Holy Diver) and 87 (Twinbee).
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June 11th, 2011, 00:35 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.emucr.com/2011/06/fceux-svn-r2205.html
Fceux SVN r2205 is released. FCEUX is a cross platform, NTSC and PAL Famicom/NES emulator that is an evolution of the original FCE Ultra emulator. Over time FCE Ultra had separated into many separate branches. The concept behind FCEUX is to merge elements from FCE Ultra, FCEU rerecording, FCEUXD, FCEUXDSP, and FCEU-mm into a single branch of FCEU. As the X implies, it is an all-encompassing FCEU emulator that gives the best of all worlds for the general player, the ROM-hacking community, and the Tool-Assisted Speedrun Community.
Fceux SVN changelog:
sdl - added "vsync toggle" to TODO list
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June 11th, 2011, 00:39 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.emucr.com/2011/06/1964-svn-r95.html
1964 SVN r95 is released. 1964 is a free Open Source N64 Emulator. It is one of the top Nintendo emulators arround that you can get with a high game compatibility rate.
1964 SVN Changelog
[-] Removed all combiners from OGL besides the Fragment Shader
[~] Cleaned up the combiners a bit
[~] Cleaned up the device builder a bit
[~] Removed code no longer needed
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June 11th, 2011, 22:44 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopic...efaa1a11682a1c
Version 1.3.0 also available for ScummVM on the GameCube ( S cript C reation U tility for M aniac M Ansion V irual M achine) adventure games interpreter point'n clicks.
1.3.0 (2011-05-28)
New Games:
- Added support for Backyard Baseball.
- Added support for Backyard Baseball 2001.
- Added support for Urban Runner.
- Added support for Playtoons: Bambou le Sauveur de la Jungle.
- Added support for Toonstruck.
- Added support for Living Books v1 and v2 games.
- Added support for Hugo's House of Horrors, Hugo 2: Whodunit?
and Hugo 3: Jungle of Doom.
- Added support for Amiga SCI games (except Conquests of the Longbow).
- Added support for Macintosh SCI1 games.
New Ports:
- Added WebOS port.
- Added support for loadable modules on platforms without a dynamic
loader (GSoC Task).
- Added Danish translation.
- Added Norwegian Bokmaal translation.
- Added Norwegian Nynorsk translation.
- Added Swedish translation.
- Added Debug Console to Cine, Draci, Gob, MADE, Sword1, Touche and
Tucker Engines.
- Closed significant memory leaks. RTL should now be more usable.
- Closed memory leaks in Simon 2 and Feeble Files.
- Corrected memory leaks and invalid memory accesses.
Future Wars should be more stable.
- Made Operation Stealth completable, though significant graphical
glitches remain so not official supported.
- Added German and French subtitles in the Von Braun cutscene (#3069981:
no subtitles in scene with "von Braun").
- Improved French translation of the game.
- Added support for "Return To Launcher".
- Fixed "Goblin Stuck On Reload" bugs affecting Gobliiins.
- Closed memory leaks.
- Corrected issue which could cause crash at engine exit.
- Closed memory leaks in Nippon Safes Amiga.
- Added a CMS music driver for SCI1 - SCI1.1 games.
- Added an option to toggle undithering from the ScummVM GUI.
- Added several previously missing parts of the game state in saved games,
such as game played time, script created windows, the script string heap
and information related to the text parser in old EGA games.
- Added support for SCI1.1 magnifier cursors.
- Added support for the keypad +/- keys.
- Added support for the alternative General MIDI tracks in the Windows CD
versions of Eco Quest, Jones in the Fast Lane, King's Quest 5 and Space
Quest 4.
- Added support for the alternative Windows cursors in the Windows version
of King's Quest 6.
- Added support for simultaneous speech and subtitles in the CD versions of
Space Quest 4 and Freddy Pharkas.
- Corrected resource loading leaks.
- Corrected several problems and issues in the Skate-O-Rama rooms in Space
Quest 4.
- Corrected several issues in Hoyle Classic Card Games.
- Fixed several graphical glitches (like, for example, parts of the screen
that weren't erased correctly under some rare circumstances).
- Fixed several script bugs.
- Fixed several pathfinding related issues and lockups (like, for example,
a lockup in the shower scene of Laura bow 1 and pathfinding in some
screens during the chase sequence in Laura Bow 2).
- Fixed several music related glitches and possible lockups (like, for
example, a rare music lockup that occurred when loading a saved game
outside the palace in Quest for Glory 3).
- Fixed possible problems and lockups in the character import screens of
Quest for Glory 2 and 3.
- Fixed a bug that caused a lockup in the SCI1 CD version of Mixed Up Mother
Goose, after Tommy Tucker's song.
- Fixed a script bug in the CD version of King's Quest 5, which caused a
lockup under certain circumstances when going outside the witch's house
in the dark forest.
- Function keys now work correctly when the num lock key is on.
- Improved support for fanmade game scripts.
- Improved support for non-English versions of games.
- Made several enhancements and fixes related to MT-32 music (e.g. reverb).
- Music is no longer out of tune when loading saved games.
- Improved support for FM-TOWNS versions of games.
- Fixed crashes on sequences for several ports (Android, OpenGL, ...).
Teen Agent:
- Closed memory leaks.
- Closed memory leaks in Coroutines.
- Added enhanced music support for the German CD "Neon Edition" re-release
of Discworld 1.
- Corrected memory leaks and minor issues.
- Added workarounds for several issues present in the original game.
SDL ports:
- Closed memory leaks in Mouse Surfaces.
Android port:
- Switched to the official NDK toolchain for building.
- Fixed GFX output for various devices.
- Fixed various crashes.
- Switched to the native screen resolution to improve text readability.
- Added support for pause/resume.
- Added support for games using 16bit graphics.
- Increased the performance significantly.
- Added support for the "Fullscreen mode" option. Unchecking this keeps the
game's aspect ratio.
- Added a new graphics mode for linear filtering.
- Overhauled the input system (see README.Android).
- Added a MIDI driver based on SONiVOX's Embedded Audio Synthesis (EAS).
Nintendo DS port:
- Added support for loadable modules.
PSP port:
- Added support for loadable modules.
- Added image viewer.
PS2 port:
- Added support for loadable modules.
Wii/GameCube port:
- Added support for loadable modules.
- Fixed 16bit mouse cursors on HE games
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June 11th, 2011, 23:06 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopic...efaa1a11682a1c
ThatOtherPerson , yes it still offers a first draft of " Shooter Cubicle "FPS in a fully destructible 3D environment for the Nintendo Wii.
I had intended to get more done before posting it but I’ve been very lazy lately so anyways here is the first demo of Cubicle Shooter for Wii.
Cubicle Shooter is a first person shooter with a focus on highly destructible environments.
It is very incomplete and is really just a tech demo right now. My plans for it are essentially the same as what I was planning for the original PS3 version but it is more of a remake then a port. Everything is being completely re written. There is also now a PC version.
Use the nunchuck analog stick to move, the wiimote cursor to turn, the A button to jump and the B button to shoot.
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June 11th, 2011, 23:12 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopic...efaa1a11682a1c
Cristian offers version 0.02 of his homebrew still under development, " IOCEROSOCCER , "a football game for the Nintendo DS arcade.
A little improvement on cpu player ai routine, but new bug appears on screen...sorry about that.
I'll fix the bug in the next days...I hope... Shocked
Now CPU players are looking for ball, but still can't shoot (control is switch to uman player for testing purpose).
Some bugfix
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June 11th, 2011, 23:18 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopic...efaa1a11682a1c
icedaddy offers version 1.0 of " Alphablocks "educational game (spell the letters), adaptation of Alphablocks for the Nintendo DS.
I have made a simple Alphablocks game for my son. (Actually it's a shameless rip-off of the Alphablock introductions from the CBeebies web site ).
In making this I had to write a simple media player for the DS, which I call viDSnips. It's not bad but the sound handling could do with a little tweaking. Maybe I will release viDSnips as a DSGM plugin later...
A couple of things to note:
1. If you run this game in an emulator it may run slow (and therefore a bit crap) depending upon your computers performance.
2. The game is rather large so I've RARed it up. Just unpack the alphablocks.nds file.
Have fun and get learning those letter sounds.
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June 11th, 2011, 23:25 Posted By: wraggster
The Gamecube and Wii emulator for Windows has been updated once more, heres whats new:
Changelog for 7593
Windows: Sets the cwd to the folder that dolphin.exe resides in.
Removes the ugliness that was the portable file, and now creating a shortcut or file association is less of a pain
it is still necessary to modify the file association from ".../dolphin.exe" "%1" to ".../dolphin.exe" /e "%1"
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June 12th, 2011, 12:40 Posted By: wraggster

The 3DS, despite being a higher-end piece of hardware than the DS -- and, yes, bearing a much higher-end price -- still bears the same resistive touchscreen technology as its seven-year-old forebear. Why would Nintendo opt for older touchscreen technology, eliminating the possibility of multitouch and forcing the use of a stylus?
3DS hardware producer Hideki Konno told Joystiq it's because of that seven-year-old DS screen. "Really, it's all about the backwards compatibility," he said during an E3 interview. "We have to play DS games on this and we want to make sure they work."
Konno said that Nintendo didn't think there was currently sufficient technology to both enable a more feature-rich touchscreen and accurately emulate the touch interface of the legacy DS. "Now that technology may come out sometime in the future, but when we were making our decision on what kind of touchscreen to implement," he said, "that was one of the deciding factors."
That, of course, doesn't explain at all why the Wii U uses the same vintage touchscreen technology. Unless the Wii U is secretly capable of emulating DS games! We're totally onto you, Nintendo.*
*We're probably not actually onto you.
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June 12th, 2011, 12:51 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://gbatemp.net/t297000-a5200-v1-3
Alekmaul has updated his ATARI 5200 EMU. This emulator was coded specifically with the iEVO and DSi-Mode in mind, and benefits from the faster CPU and increased RAM. This update finally fixes iEVO compatibility. Sudokuhax users need not worry, this project will work for you as well. The emulator requires an ATARI 5200 BIOS file (renamed to 5200.rom), please do not ask us where to find it.
QUOTE(Change Log)
V1.3 : 12/06/2011
•Fix pb with iEvo (hangs on menu)
V1.2 : 11/06/2011
•Fix pb with B button (now you can use bombs in HERO)
•Remove argc/argv management (for Another World test with his ievo)
•Fix flickering pb (remove alphalerp for now)
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June 12th, 2011, 14:36 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.emucr.com/2011/06/crystalboy-v13.html
CrystalBoy v1.3 is released. CrystalBoy is a GameBoy emulator written in C#.
- Emulated Hardware:
*Game Boy B & W
*Game Boy Color
- Windows Forms UI
*Graphical debugger
*Map Viewer
*Real framerate limiter (Still not accurate enough, as it seems to limit at 62/63 FPS and not 60… But way better than before)
- Rendering methods
*GDI+ (Slow)
*Direct3D (Using Managed DirectX, only works in 32 bits)
*Direct3D 9 (Using SlimDX, should work everywhere provided you install the SlimDX runtime)
CrystalBoy v1.3 Changelog:
* More accurate CPU emulation (according to the tests, all instructions now compute 100% exact… Only HALT and STOP may need reworking)
* Direct2D render method with SlimDX (March 2011)
* More accurate graphics emulation (dynamic color palette changes, correct sprite priority emulation)
* "Perfect" RTC emulation
* Bugfixes in Mapper emulation (generic mapper bugfixes and some MBCx specific ones)
* Enhanced various areas dealing with game information
* Added support for saving the RAM for games with battery (finally !)
* Saving the RAM also saves the RTC information for games using the RTC
* UI is now localizable
* Added fr-FR localization
* Better detection of invalid plugins, which should prevent crashes.
* Hardware Type can now be changed using UI (Menu items previously did nothing…)
* Various chanegs in emulation for hardware type switching. (Quite logically, changing hardware now requires the emulation to be reset)
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June 12th, 2011, 14:47 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.emucr.com/2011/06/desmume-svn-r4039.html
DeSmuME SVN r4039 is released. DeSmuME is an open source Nintendo DS(NDS) emulator for Linux, Mac OS and Windows. DeSmuME supports save states, the ability to increase the size of the screen and it supports filters to improve image quality. DeSmuME also supports microphone use on Windows and Linux ports, as well as direct video and audio recording. The emulator also features a built-in movie recorder.
DeSmuME SVN Changelog:
Improved Spanish Translation.
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June 12th, 2011, 15:01 Posted By: wraggster
Gravitii 0.5 release by G_man
Gravitii is a puzzle game with a simple objective. All you have to do is shoot the ball at the target. The only problem is there are planets in the way. You must use the gravitii of the planets to curve your ball and hit the target, but be careful because every planet's gravity level is different.
Much better graphics, the planets actually look good now!
Wall now bounce the ball, instead of destroying it
Ball graphic now an actual ball
Added in a trail behind the ball to make it look nicer
Got rid of some of the nearly impossible levels(If you find any current levels too difficult please post them on the discussion page)
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June 13th, 2011, 17:12 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo exec Reggie Fils-Aime continues to evade questions on new system's performance
Prototypes of the Wii controller and system shown at E3 will not undergo any major alterations, Nintendo’s US boss has said.
Nintendo Of America president Reggie Fils-Aime said the Wii U system’s form factor “is quite near finalâ€.
“Similarly, the form factor of the controller is quite near final,†he added in an interview with Venturebeat.
Nintendo turned heads at this year's E3 by unveiling an ambitions next-generation console that displays TV content on the system’s controller itself.
however, throughout E3, Nintendo execs had dodged questions on the Wii U’s system specifics.
All the company’s execs at the event would onlyexplain the console's horsepower in illustrative terms.
“The point is not about a comparison versus our competitors,†Fils-Aime said.
“What we’ve said is it will be 1080p. Check the box on the best graphics capability. It will have a robust online environment. Check the box. That will not be a disincentive for purchase.
“The specifics of how we get there — we still have a number of months to share more and to show more.
“The reason we showed that visual demonstration with the bird in the garden is just to reinforce that the visual horsepower of this machine is there.â€
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June 13th, 2011, 17:14 Posted By: wraggster
CryEngine will also have 'deep support for Kinect'
CryEngine-built software is already close to fully running on Nintendo’s next-generation console, engine vendor Crytek has said.
“Crytek’s support for Wii U is definitely going to happen,†company CEO Cevat Yerli told Develop in a new interview to be published soon.
Yerli claimed that CryEngine's tech was close to fully running on Nintendo’s new system, though wouldn’t specify any details.
“We aren't showing it but we are pretty much running it already,†Yerli said.
The news comes days after Develop revealed that Crytek’s closest business rival, Epic Games, is also supporting Wii U with its high-end game engine.
Yerli suggested that Crytek will be taking a more aggressive business approach with CryEngine 3, which at the time of writing only supports PC, PS3 and Xbox 360 projects.
He said he wants CryEngine to eventually support “every platform that's a major player in the industry of gamingâ€.
“We are expanding in many ways, and some of that is more announced than others. Kinect is major driver for future platforms as well, so Kinect support is important. Having basic Kinect support in the CryEngine is one thing, but I'm talking about really supporting it deeply. CryEngine is going to have deep support.
“Then there are other efforts towards supporting mobile and tablets, which we can only say we are working on. How far we have gone and what we mean is something I can't say more about now.â€
Nintendo turned heads at this year's E3 by unveiling an ambitions next-generation console that displays TV content on the system’s controller itself.
However, throughout E3, Nintendo execs had dodged questions on the Wii U’s system specifics.
All the company’s execs at the event would onlyexplain the console's horsepower in illustrative terms.
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June 13th, 2011, 17:22 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime has said he doesn't believe the announcement of the Wii U will affect sales of the Wii, as that the two machines will attract different consumers.
He argued that the price and available games will maintain sales of the Wii, and that Nintendo intends to support the older machine until after the launch of the Wii U sometime in 2012.
"We don't think that's going to be an issue and here is why. Let me focus in on the US. About 36 million units later, the consumer who is buying a Wii for the first time now is very different from one buying the first one million Wii units," Fils-Aime told GamesBeat.
"The consumer today loves the $149 price point. There is a wide range of software. For the consumer today, having a library that includes Wii Sports Resort and Wii New Super Mario Bros, Wii Donkey Kong Trooper Challenge - it's a different consumer."
"I continue to believe that the Wii will have a strong summer, fall, holiday season and we are going to continue to drive the Wii part of our business. It will be strong even after the Wii U launches. They are just different consumers and we saw that just as an example when we launched the 3DS and continued to sell other units too."
While the console shown at E3 was a prototype, Fils-Aime said both the machine and controller won't undergo any drastic changes before release.
"In terms of the form factor of the console, it is quite near final. Similarly the form factor of the controller is quite near final."
He also pointed to the addition of HD, a first for Nintendo, as a significant step forward in securing new software. "HD is something that our partners told us was important to them and they were holding HD as a key reason why game A on a competitive platform couldn't be brought to the existing Wii. We have eliminated that issue now. "
The Wii U boasts 1080p graphics, a multi-core 45 nm microprocessor and a distinctive tablet style controller complete with a six-inch touchscreen for streaming content from the console.
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June 13th, 2011, 20:52 Posted By: wraggster
In case it somehow snuck in under your radar, E3 just happened. The LA-based gaming extravaganza is where Nintendo introduced its next generation of home console, the Wii U, also served as the location where our buddies from Joystiq caught up with Hideki Konno, the company's 3DS hardware chief. When queried as to why the 3DS uses the same, nowadays archaic, resistive touch technology as in the original DS, Mr. Konno answered candidly that "it's all about the backwards compatibility. We have to play DS games on this and we want to make sure they work." Not an unreasonable assertion by any means, however those same Joystiq sleuths also determined pretty conclusively that the Wii U's bodacious 6.2-inch controller also uses a resistive touchscreen -- could the primeval tech be getting recycled again for similar reasons? Nintendo's made no announcements about game compatibility on the Wii U beyond confirming that it'll play all Wii titles, but this at least it gives us some extra food for rumination (and speculation) while we wait for the new console's 2012 release.
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June 13th, 2011, 20:57 Posted By: wraggster
The Australian ratings board has revoked its initial PG certificate for 3DS title Dead or Alive: Dimensions after being made aware that several of the characters are under 18, which renders what the previous classification has referred to as "sexualised gameplay" as unsuitable for a PG audience.
Speaking to GameSpot AU, the board made clear that it considered the game unsuitable for publication under its current classification.
"Information provided to the Board last week suggested that the game contained content not drawn to the Board's attention in the original classification application," a spokesperson for the Board told the site.
"After considering the response to a show cause notice issued last Thursday, June 2, the Board made the revocation decision. Dead or Alive: Dimensions is now unclassified and cannot be sold in Australia unless it is re-submitted for classification."
The game had previously been submitted by the original distributor, THQ, and had been passed as a PG title. However, when a scandal erupted over the age of some characters in the famously risqué fighter, the Australian authorities returned to the case.
According to the authorities themselves, THQ had originally submitted the game without publishing the ages of the characters in question, listing them as N/A rather than as below 18 as they were in other regions. Nintendo has made clear that it will rectify that error upon resubmission.
"When Nintendo Australia agreed to distribute the Dead or Alive: Dimensions game in Australia, it had already been submitted for classification by another video game company," a Nintendo representative told GameSpot.
"It was classified PG (Parental Guidance) by the Classification Operations Branch. Nintendo Australia did not submit the classification. The application did not provide adequate information regarding the contents of the game."
Australia has still not decided whether it will be introducing an R18+ rating for games, although the Federal government is reportedly supporting the move. Currently, any games deemed too mature to be granted a 15+ certificate are judged as unsuitable for sale in the region.
However, Home Minister Brendan O'Connor has released a draft of a government paper, listed as being revised in 2008 but still under deliberation, which discusses the possible application of an R18+ rating for games. That rating, the paper explains would be likely to operate on similar grounds as those devised for film classification.
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June 13th, 2011, 20:58 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo's 3DS has broken the million unit sales barrier in Japan, according to the latest report from Enterbrain, detailing sales figures for May in the region.
The machine took thirteen weeks to break the million mark, a continuation of the slowing trend set by previous iterations of the two-screen device.
The original DS took only four weeks to break the million mark, reports Andriasang, whilst the DSi and DS Lite both took eight weeks. The over-sized DSiLL took the longest, at 25 weeks.
The 3DS continues to lag behind the sales of it's much older rival, the PSP, in Japan, despite a strong first month.
A recent survey in the territory revealed that most respondents considered the price of the unit to be the most important barrier to purchase, followed by a continuing satisfaction with the DSi and DS Lite.
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June 13th, 2011, 21:01 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo's Wii U is arriving on the market at least two years late, according to influential analyst firm Wedbush Morgan.
In a note to investors, authored by Michael Pachter, Edward Woo and Nick McKay, the company pointed out that Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 footage was used to demonstrate third-party Wii U games - likely evidence that the system's high definition visuals will not surpass those of the current consoles.
"We think that Wii U is arriving two years late, given that the other HD consoles already have peripherals for movement," said the firm.
"As Nintendo did not provide any specifics around the new console's power or pricing (Nintendo used PS3 and Xbox 360 game footage in the Wii U presentation), we are assuming that the Wii U is unlikely to provide greater power than the current HD consoles," continued the report.
"If that is the case, we believe Nintendo has conceded a tremendous first mover advantage to Microsoft and Sony, which launched Kinect and Move control schemes, respectively, in late 2010."
The new tablet controller also failed to impress, largely due to it's role in multiplayer gaming.
"We were also disappointed by the recent announcement that each console can support only one of the new controllers, with the controllers for additional players coming from the original Wii."
The report also notes that the Wii U announcement "lost some impact" as a result of the limited information available about the new product. So far Nintendo has refused to offer detail on the console's performance, such as the type of graphic chip or more details on the IBM CPU.
Details of the PlayStation Vita received a better reception, with Wedbush calling Sony "smart to focus on power and core" but warning that success was dependent on strong launch games and the service provided to American 3G users by telecommunications partner AT&T.
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June 13th, 2011, 21:03 Posted By: wraggster
Upcoming Nintendo 3DS game Resident Evil: Revelations is a single-player only experience, Capcom has confirmed.
At E3 last week Capcom announced new playable character Parker Luciani, a Bioterrorism Security Assessment Alliance member who fights alongside series favourite Jill Valentine.
The announcement sparked speculation that the game would feature co-op play using the Nintendo 3DS Wi-fi connection feature.
This is not the case.
"You can see the game is very focused on that horror atmosphere, so it's not made for co-op play," Resident Evil producer Masachika Kawata told Eurogamer.
"We're focusing on the single-player this time."
Revelations, which has exactly the same control set-up as next month's Resident Evil: Mercenaries 3D, is set between Resident Evil 4 and Resident Evil 5.
It is seen as a return to the series' survival horror roots – a fact Capcom hopes will lead some new Resident Evil players to seek out the first three games in the illustrious zombie kill-em-up.
"It's a full Resident Evil story. Just because it's on a portable doesn't mean we've shrunk the scope of that or anything," Kawata insisted.
"Probably my biggest goal was to get back to that survival horror feeling the Resident Evil series has been known for for so long. I wanted to bring that out on the 3DS and maybe even show newer fans of the series, who are maybe only familiar with the more action-focused recent Resident Evils, how much fun this new survival horror Resident Evil is.
"Maybe by doing that they'll take a look at some of the older ones."
Capcom is yet to announce the game's SpotPass and StreetPass features.
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June 13th, 2011, 21:08 Posted By: wraggster
Like the Wii U's Apple white aesthetics? Nintendo has said the Wii U design it revealed at E3 will probably remain unchanged.
"In terms of the form factor of the console, it is quite near final," Nintendo of America boss Reggie Fils-Aime told VentureBeat. "Similarly the form factor of the controller is quite near final."
The Wii U console's base unit looks like a chunkier version of the Wii, while the tablet-sized controller has a large touch screen. But it's nothing like an iPad, says Fils-Aime. "We were well in development before the birth of tablets, and again, to be clear, this is not a tablet."
"This was not conceptualised as an on-the-go piece of equipment," he qualified. The Wii U controller needs to be near the base console unit to stream content, meaning no on-board processor, which helps keep costs down.
Was any tech left out of Wii U to keep its price low? Fils-Aime's not telling. "What I would say is we have built an approach that we believe is going to satisfy the needs of all kinds of consumers that will allow for new experiences and yet still will be affordable and be consistent with the value philosophy of Nintendo," he said.
Fils-Aime also poured water on a dual platform release for upcoming Wii Zelda game Skyward Sword. Late GameCube Zelda game Twilight Princess found itself in a similar situation and ended up launching on Wii as well.
There's no chance of it this time around however, "Because Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword was built to be played with a Wii controller," Fils-Aime reasoned.
An odd argument considering Skyward Sword uses the Wii Motion Plus, the advanced Wii Remote technology the Wii U fully supports.
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June 13th, 2011, 23:27 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo is hoping that the Wii U's unique set of features will attract major third party exclusives when the new system launches next year.
Nintendo's UK marketing manager Rob Lowe told Eurogamer at E3 last week that the platform holder is having a major rethink about its approach to third party development in the run up to the release of the console.
"It's absolutely fundamental to the success of Wii U to have better third party support than we've had in the past for our previous consoles. I think Mr Iwata totally recognises that," he insisted.
"That's why we had a Ubisoft round table session [during E3], that's why John Ricitiello was on stage at our conference.
"And even at a local level we're doing everything we can to support third parties much more than we have done in the past. It goes all the way through the company, from Nintendo Japan, to Nintendo Europe, to Nintendo UK."
Lowe added that this new approach represents a major strategic shift for the company, who has traditionally relied on its own key franchises - such as Mario, Zelda and Pokémon - to drive hardware sales.
"It's very different for us to act like that because traditionally we would invest our time and money more into first party," he explained.
"We have a sightly different business model to Microsoft and Sony, who will obviously invest more money or marketing support in third party titles. It's almost the opposite for us but I think we realise now we have to invest in a much bigger way in third party partners because there are certain types of games that we're just not specialists at.
"If we want to create a console that will appeal across boundaries to all different types of gamers we're going to need their support more than ever before."
According to Lowe, the end result should be big third party exclusives on the Wii U, while multiplatform releases on Wii U will be set apart apart from their PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 counterparts by "individual features".
"We're hoping we'll get a lot of exclusives as well because of the unique way the console is made.
"It is much easier for third parties to move their products across from Xbox 360 and PS3 to Wii U. However, the way that the controller has to make you think and make the developers think will hopefully mean that titles that are ported over will hopefully have individual features that aren't on the other systems."
The only third party exclusives confirmed for Nintendo's new system so far are Ubisoft's alien FPS Killer Freaks From Outer Space and Lego City Stories from Traveller's Tales.
A montage shown during Nintendo's E3 presser last week revealed a number of core multiplatform releases would be appearing on the console, including Batman: Arkham City, Ninja Gaiden 3, Aliens: Colonial Marines, Metro: Last Light and Darksiders 2.
Lowe also discussed Western developers' apparent reluctance to get on board with the 3DS, whereas Japanese studios have been quicker to up dev tools for the new handheld. In particular, he's looking forward to a "brave new dawn" with EA.
"I think because we're a Japanese company we automatically have those connections with companies like Konami and Capcom built up over many, many years, so it makes it easier for us to get those franchises off the ground first.
"But I think with EA in particular we recognise that we've had a very rocky relationship in terms of products and quality of their products on our systems. Sometimes its been great, sometimes they've done bespoke stuff for us and sometimes they've very much focused on the other consoles.
"I think with this brave new dawn with EA its great for us and it was fantastic to see a few slides [during our E3 conference] with all of their key properties coming out, and I think that will be across both 3DS and Wii U as well."
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June 13th, 2011, 23:31 Posted By: wraggster
The Wii U will offer a significantly improved online experience to that of its predecessor, Nintendo has promised.
Marketing manager Rob Lowe outlined Nintendo's plans for the system to Eurogamer at E3 last week, explaining that a strong online set-up is much more important now than it was when the Wii launched back in 2006.
"I think that in a similar way that we waited until HD technology was almost ubiquitous before we went in there with an HD console, it's similar with the penetration of wi-fi," he said.
"I think now almost every home has wi-fi or broadband. It's a universal truth that everybody is connected online and that wasn't the case when the Wii came out five years ago.
Lowe pointed to the 3DS's refined online set-up as an indication of where Nintendo's aspirations lie for Wii U.
"If you look at 3DS and the online of that you'll get an understanding of where we're going with Wii U and we're taking that even further.
"We can't talk about the details yet as Mr Iwata will announce those slightly later. But with the online of 3DS it's obviously a massive leap on from where we were with DSi and DSi XL. It's smooth, robust, it doesn't drop in and out.
"The friend code system has also been refined. It still exists but in the same way that you'd need to pair up with friends on PSN or Xbox live. Now it's much closer to that kind of online gaming experience than what it was before.
"We always try and strike a balance. Because we do have more younger consumers than any other hardware manufacturer or games brand we need to protect them while also making it as accessible as possible for the more active and hardcore consumers to go online.
He also reaffirmed comments from CEO Satoru Iwata earlier this year that Nintendo has brought in outside help to remedy its lack of internal online expertise.
"With Wii U I think that we've already hinted that we're looking at getting people in that know and understand online gaming as it's something that perhaps we've struggled with in the past."
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June 14th, 2011, 00:03 Posted By: wraggster

The new Super Mario for 3DS is an interesting new take on 3D Mario gameplay ... in that it largely restricts the level design to 2D. Or, at least, 2.5D. There are plenty of sections where you move in and out of the screen, sure, but for the most part, you're following corridor-style paths from left to right. Where previous 3D Mario games were about exploring spaces, Super Mario is in general about navigating to the end of the level. It's a mix of the styles of classic and 3D Mario.
It also makes more of an effort to integrate the 3D effect into gameplay. But the parts that don't really deal with that are a lot more effective than the ones that do.
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June 14th, 2011, 00:04 Posted By: wraggster
We were just casually browsing Nintendo's E3 press site, like you do, when we happened upon upcoming schedules for 3DS, DS, and Wii. And there's a bunch of stuff on here that we, and probably you, hadn't heard about yet! Like, in case you missed it, the September 11 release date for Star Fox 64 3D., and an August 23 date for Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor Overclocked.
According to this schedule, Ubisoft's got James Noir on the way August 30, Imagine Babyz 3D (imagine babies! In 3D!) October 25, a 3DS version of Michael Jackson: The Experience and a 3DS NCIS game the same day, and ... a 3DS version of Rayman: Origins on March 13, 2012!?
The eShop section of the schedule names some upcoming Game Gear Virtual Console titles from Sega, all scheduled for "Summer." The games include Columns, Dragon Crystal, Shinobi, Sonic Drift 2, and Sonic Triple Trouble.
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June 14th, 2011, 02:36 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopic...e01e1ee39e3a54
Papymouge verison moved from 0.3 " Micro Solitaire , "adaptation of the famous card game for the Nintendo DS.
Requires the interpreter Micro Lua DS to work.
Well, I finally took the time to finish it.
So I give you a little card game hobby.
Faitent Do not pay too much attention to this fact that has been seen in MLS and who therefore did not support some functions microlua what has created this display problem.
Haa yes it only works on hardware with version 4.0.1 of microLua.
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June 14th, 2011, 02:42 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopic...e01e1ee39e3a54
Popolon offers version 0.90 of " msxDS "excellent emulator MSX/MSX2/MSX2 + for the Nintendo DS.
The enhancements include:
Display engine optimization. (Thanks for the suggestion pixador for sprites)
Improved emulation MSX1 VDP registers.
Some optimizations in emulation of Z80 and sound functions.
Added emulation of the Z80 R register.
Update libnds (v1.5.0). MsxDS is now compatible with mode CycloDS iEvo CIO.
New memory management ITCM to put the most useful routines depending on the mode selected the MSX.
Correction color values of Screen mode 8.
Fixed problem with color 0.
Redefinition of L and R triggers to Angma Jida - Devil Zone (Uttum Soft). (ROM version)
Fixed a bug in displaying error messages.
Update file Carts.crc.
Fixed a problem detecting the CSC for games in ROM.
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June 14th, 2011, 02:44 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopic...e01e1ee39e3a54
Alekmaul offers version 1.3 and 1.4 of " A5200DS "emulator for the Atari 5200 for Nintendo DS / DSi.
V1.4: 13/06/2011
* Add automatic detection chip for 16k Roma (Goal You Can Change It)
* Button L to display / hide FPS
* Add R & L to change Rom
* Really fix flickering bp alphalerp is back & SCREEN IS smoother
* Better sound (not so much ...)
V1.3: 12/06/2011
* Fix With iEvo bp (it hangs menu)
V1.2: 11/06/2011
* Fix pb with B button (Now You Can Use bombs in HERO)
* Remove argc / argv management (test for Another World With history ievo)
* Fix flickering bp (remove alphalerp for now)
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June 14th, 2011, 02:57 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://dsx86.patrickaalto.com/DSblog.html
For the past week I have been working on the new audio system for DS2x86. As I mentioned in the previous blog post, the code was mostly done by last Sunday, but the problem was that it sounded very bad and also seemed to cause the games to hang much more frequently than with the old audio code. The current status is that the new code is in use, and works at least as well (if not better) in the games that had audio also with the old code. The new code also has ADPCM audio supported, and it works fine in Warcraft, when the original code either failed to initialize or caused the game to crash very often.
I have been using four different games to test the new audio code, as each of these games use somewhat different SoundBlaster audio features:
Supaplex uses the plain simple DMA transfers, playing one digitized sample at a time. The samples have varying sample rates.
Doom uses auto-initialize DMA method, with a 1024-sample buffer but with an IRQ request after every 128 samples. The playing rate is 11kHz.
Warcraft uses auto-initialize DMA with 2048-sample buffer and IRQ request every 1024 samples, with 11kHz sample rate.
Duke Nukem 2 uses various ADPCM sample formats with simple DMA transfers, and with varying sample rates.
I am using 22050Hz audio playing rate in DS2x86. In the original audio code I had initialized the DSTwo audio transfers to 3*128 samples per transfer (with the ds2io_initb() call), as that was the closest I could get to be able to send a new audio buffer within my 60Hz main emulation timer handler. That number was derived from the fact that I would need to send 367.5 (= 22050/60) new samples during each 60Hz timer interval, and the need of the transfer size to be divisible by 128. Using the 60Hz timer for this also meant that I could not emulate an SB IRQ faster than at 60Hz (which again corresponds to 367.5 samples at 22050Hz). For example Doom wanted to get an SB IRQ after every 128 samples have been played. As Doom played the audio at 11kHz (which is very close to half the 22050Hz playing rate I use), I should have generated an SB IRQ after every 256 output samples, or at 85Hz (= 11000/128). To make the audio in Doom work, I had coded a special hack into my audio code where I slowed down the sample rate if a game wants SB IRQs faster than my code could provide them. Obviously this was not a proper solution, so in my new audio code I wanted to handle this situation better.
The basic idea of my new audio code is that the emulation interrupt runs at 4*60Hz (240Hz) and calls the screen and keyboard handling only during every fouth interrupt. The audio emulation is handled at 240Hz, which should be fast enough for any SB IRQ frequency a game would need. By last Sunday I had implemented this new audio code, using 128 samples per transfer in ds2io_initb(), with a separate 1024-sample ring buffer that is filled in the 240Hz interrupt. Since 22050/240 = 91.875, I had designed the ring buffer filling algorithm so that it tried to fill the buffer with approximately 96 samples in each 240Hz interrupt, with the actual amount adjusted by the number of DSTwo IO/ layer audio buffers in use. Since the DSTwo I/O layer has 4 audio buffers, I calculated the needed new samples as 128-ds2_checkAudiobuff()*32. And in every interrupt where the ring buffer had >=128 samples, I sent the buffer to the DSTwo I/O layer.
I thought this code was much better than the original one, however there were several problems that took me pretty much the whole of last week to fix:
Doom had a weird looping/stuttering problem, where parts of the audio kept repeating.
The audio had a horrible constant warble, regardless of what audio was playing.
All games (playing audio) kept hanging within a minute or two of playing them.
I first debugged the behaviour in Doom, as that was one of the main problematic games I tried to fix with the new code. At last I found that the problem was in how the timer and SB IRQs interract in the Doom code. For some peculiar reason, Doom does not fill the 1024-sample DMA buffer during the SB IRQ, but instead in the timer IRQ. And with my new 240Hz maximum SB IRQ frequency, when the DSTwo audio buffers were empty, Doom could get two SB IRQs with no timer IRQ in between, and thus it skipped one 128-sample block in the DMA buffer, which in turn caused that block to play some old data that was in the buffer. I fixed this problem by fine-tuning the amount by which I fill the ring buffer, and never continuing to fill it after it was time to send the SB IRQ to the emulated game.
The second problem with the warbling sound seemed to be simply caused by the 128-sample transfer size. The DSTwo I/O layer does not seem to work very well with anything less than 512-sample transfer sizes. I tested all sizes between 128 and 512, and the 512-sample transfer size sounds best by a wide margin. It would be better to use smaller transfer sizes, as the larger the transfer size the bigger the delay between the game initializing audio playing and the time when the audio is actually heard. With the 512-sample buffer the delay is 23ms, which should still be small enough not to be noticeable.
The third problem was actually mostly fixed by fixing the second problem, using larger transfer sizes. I noticed that I got rid of the hangs by transferring the audio buffer in the same every fourth interrupt as where I handle the screen and keyboard stuff. It seems that sending the audio buffers too fast can hang the DSTwo I/O layer. I actually experienced an interesting hang once in Doom, where the screens stopped updating but the audio still continued, and based on the audio (gunshots and monster roars) the game continued fine in the background even when both the screens were completely frozen!
After I got those three problems fixed, I continued by adding the ADPCM sample routines for Duke Nukem 2. Those have now also been implemented, but for some still unclear reason Duke Nukem 2 seems to hang quite often. At times only the audio hangs and the game continues forward, at other times the whole system hangs. I have debugged the situation where the audio stops working, and in that situation the DSTwo I/O layer never releases the audio transfer buffer, and thus DS2x86 is unable to send the next transfer block. So, the problem is again somewhere in the DSTwo I/O layer, or more likely in some interaction between my emulation interrupt and the DSTwo I/O layer. It is rather frustrating to always fight with the DSTWo I/O layer to get rid of weird problems, but I suspect that is the price to pay for trying to bypass some limitations in the I/O layer.
Anyways, I got bored with debugging Duke Nukem 2, as Supaplex, Doom and Warcraft all now play nearly perfect SB digital audio and work fine without crashing for at least 15 minutes (that's the longest I have tested them). So, I started porting the AdLib audio code from DSx86 to DS2x86. The first step is to simply convert the assembler code from ARM to MIPS, and that is what I am currently doing. The bigger step is then to actually change the playing scheme. In DSx86 I could simply play each of the 9 AdLib channels using different NDS hardware audio channels, but in DS2x86 I need to mix all of these channels to the same output buffer that the SB digitized audio emulation uses. This might require some further changes to the AdLib emulation code, but I don't know for sure yet as I am now just converting the code. There is a tiny chance that the next version of DS2x86 might have AdLib audio, but it is more likely that the code does not work properly yet at that time.
Thanks again for your interest in DSx86 and DS2x86! The GBATemp Homebrew Bounty 2011 is currently in the voting phase, so I don't know yet whether DSx86 or DS2x86 will win anything. I am looking forward to seeing some results for that competition!
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June 15th, 2011, 00:34 Posted By: wraggster
The Nintendo Wii sold 236,000 units in May, according to a report released by Wedbush Securities - a 20 per cent decline year-on-year.
The report arrives in the wake of NPD figures confirming that the Xbox 360 has maintained its supremacy in the US market after selling 270,000 consoles.
The PlayStation 3 enjoyed a 14 per cent year-on-year increase, but is still lagging behind its rivals with unit sales of 175,000.
The 3DS also had a difficult month, with hardware sales falling by 50 per cent from its second month total, and "well below" Wedbush Securities' 180,000 unit estimate.
Software sales for the handheld reflected the current downward trend for physical retail with a tie ratio of just 2:1, which the report called "disappointing" and, "surely an all-time low for a new hardware launch."
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June 15th, 2011, 00:38 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo took some inspiration from the TV remote for its Wii controller, and it apparently thinks its new Wii U controller could well be the "TV remote of the future." That's just one tidbit from All Things D's sitdown with Nintendo president Satoru Iwata, who also talked more broadly about the Wii U's new role in the living room. As evidenced by E3, that will include catering to more hardcore gamers than the Wii did, but Iwata says the Wii U is also an effort to take some of the couch time back from folks playing games on tablets, smartphones or laptops. To that end, Iwata says that Nintendo's mission is to "shorten the distance between people and gaming" and remove some of the barriers involved with console gaming, further adding that it's also trying to "reach out to the people who are not interested in video games." Though it's not saying much about it, Nintendo's no doubt hoping to win back a few investors as well. As you may have noticed, the company's stock slipped significantly following its E3 announcement and, while it's bounced back a bit since, it's still well off its Wii-fueled heights of recent years.
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June 15th, 2011, 00:40 Posted By: wraggster

Slowly, but surely, we're starting to piece together what's going on inside that mysterious white box known as the Wii U. IBM was a little coy about the multi-core CPU it was providing, but did tantalize us by mentioning the name "Watson" in describing some of its underlying tech. Now details about the custom Radeon GPU are starting to surface and, while certainly capable, it's not exactly cutting edge. At its heart is a chip similar to the R770 found in AMD's last-gen cards like the 4890 and, before you dismiss it, remember the PS3 and Xbox 360 are still capable of pumping out impressive visuals while packing five-year-old silicon (The 360 is essentially running a souped up ATI X1900). The custom core also supports Direct X 10.1 (Microsoft runs out of steam with Direct X 9) and Eyefinity-like multi-display tech for up to four SD video streams -- though it'll be up to Nintendo and developers to put that to good use. In case you're still not convinced of the Wii U's graphical prowess, Crytek has said its advanced CryEngine is "pretty much" up and running on Nintendo's upcoming console -- and, if it's good enough for Crysis, it should be good enough for you.
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June 15th, 2011, 00:51 Posted By: wraggster
Last week's Wii U announcement might not have won over every gamer out there, but it seems Nintendo has done a good job of getting its message across to developers and publishers.
Following Itagaki's endorsement reported earlier today, Activision Publishing chief Eric Hirshberg is the latest industry figure to express his enthusiasm for the new system.
"It looks like this is a platform that's going to be even more relevant to the kinds of games we make," Hirshberg told IndustryGamers.
"They're committing to HD, greater processing power, digital infrastructure, connected universe at the back end... Those are all the things we need to make a state of the art experience for a lot of games.
"So we were thrilled to hear their plans and I think that anyone that bets against Nintendo does so at their peril. They're a pretty great company."
Hirshberg added that Activision developers were already tinkering around with ideas for the system, though he wouldn't confirm any concrete plans.
"I was very excited about some of the things that I saw in the Wii U because I thought it was an innovative take on the next gen controller and the next gen console. I was really excited to see Nintendo taking their console into something that I think is going to be friendlier to core games."
Activision's key rivals have also shown signs that they're willing to take Wii U seriously as a core gaming machine.
EA boss John Ricitiello climbed on stage during Nintendo's E3 presser to pledge his support; Ubisoft got its own third party E3 round-table to talk up Assassin's Creed, Ghost Recon Online and new FPS IP Killer Freaks From Outer Space; while THQ has confirmed plans to bring Darksiders 2 to the platform next year.
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June 15th, 2011, 00:54 Posted By: wraggster

Nintendo went on a domain shopping spree recently, grabbing a few domain names related to Wii games (like rhythmheavenwii.com and kirbywii.com) as well as a lot of domain names related to Wii U, referencing things like New Super Mario Bros. Mii and several unannounced games and items like "Wii Zapper U," "Wii Fit U," "Wii Party U," Wii U Balance Board, and even "Wii Music U," most with variations like "Wii U Music." All redirect to nintendo.com at the moment. Check the full list after the break, as reported by Nintendo World Report.
While we'd love to say that we had an early look at, like, the entire software and peripheral lineup for next year's console, this looks a lot more like Nintendo just registered everything it could think of, just in case. The duplicate registrations for name variants support this theory. Take that, thwarted domain squatters!
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June 15th, 2011, 01:32 Posted By: wraggster

We got plenty of face time with the Wii U's fancy controller at E3 but, apart from some stock press photos, we haven't seen much of the actual console. That problem has been rectified thanks to Inside Games, which has posted a few up close and personal shots of the device. Overall, the Wii U bears a strong resemblance to its predecessor, albeit some extra ventilation grills, an HDMI port and more curves.
Speaking of curves, vertical orientation doesn't look viable, though we suspect the small tabs on the side of the console may be designed to fit into a stand. You can spot the tabs in the photo after the break, and find even more pics over at Inside Games.
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June 15th, 2011, 02:18 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.emucr.com/2011/06/project64k-v028.html
Project64k v0.28 is released. Project64k is a version of the Project64 emulator that supports multiplayer games using the Kaillera network.
Project64k v0.28 Changelog:
-Fixed full screen de-sync glitch (You must first close cheat codes window then full screen)
-Full screen shortcut is now F8
-Stop emulation short cut is now F9
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June 16th, 2011, 00:00 Posted By: wraggster
Internal teams at Activision are already working with the Wii U, according to publishing boss Eric Hirshberg - although the company is still yet to announce any specific titles.
Speaking to US trade site IndustryGamers, Hirshberg spoke about Wii U's increased relevance to his company's catalogue.
"I think Nintendo's an incredible company and it looks like this is a platform that's going to be even more relevant to the kinds of games we make," said Hirshberg.
When asked whether Activision studios were already working on ideas for the system Hirshberg responded: "Absolutely, yeah."
Hirshberg refused to announce any specific titles though and would not be pressed on the possibility of a Call Of Duty game on the Wii U, even though versions of previous titles have appeared on the original Wii.
"There are some first person shooters out there that are using motion control and Kinect and we're not and that's a conscious choice. Call of Duty runs at 60 fps. It's an incredibly precise game. It's an incredibly smooth game. We still think the DualShock controller is the best way to deliver that game," he said.
"But there are other games where new innovations make all the sense in the world. I was very excited about some of the things that I saw in the Wii U because I thought it was an innovative take on the next gen controller and the next gen console. I was really excited to see Nintendo taking their console into something that I think is going to be friendlier to core games."
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June 16th, 2011, 00:20 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo has made the decision to omit DVD or Blu-ray playback capabilities from the Wii U to save on manufacturing costs.
The information came from a Q&A session for investors.
"We feel that enough people already have devices that are capable of playing DVDs and Blu-ray," explained Satoru Iwata, Nintendo president, "in such that it didn't warrant the cost involved to build that functionality into the Wii U console because of the patents related to those technologies."
The report also addressed the disappointing sales of the handheld 3DS, with Iwata admitting they "have not met our expectations."
"What we have analysed up to this point is that the initial move by the early adopters has not translated into broader movement by the broader market in the ways that we had expected."
He was quick to reassure investors that this is expected change as new services become available. "I think that we'll be able to show you that as Nintendo eShop and 3D video services come online, and a number of key software titles become available, we'll be able to regain momentum for this hardware."
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June 16th, 2011, 00:25 Posted By: wraggster

As you may have noticed, we have a bit of a soft spot for Nintendo's other 3D device, the Virtual Boy -- despite its many, many flaws. So, it seems, does DIYer Tighe Lory, who liked the oddball console so much that he built an full-size arcade cabinet for it. As you can see above, that comes complete with some custom joysticks that replace the Virtual Boy's controller, along with a sliding mechanism that lets you adjust the Virtual Boy itself to just the right height instead of forcing you to hunch over a table. It even has some buttons on each side specifically for Galactic Pinball, and some other authentic arcade touches like a Nintendo serial plate and a backlit marquee. Head on past the break for Tighe's grand tour on video.
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June 16th, 2011, 00:32 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo has never shown interest in free-to-play games in the past, likely due to their requirement of support from sophisticated online infrastructure. And ... that is unlikely to change. Speaking to AllThingsD, Satoru Iwata said flatly that "Nintendo is not interested" in freemium games, alluding to the same discussion of maintaining the "value" of games that he mentioned at GDC.
"I'm not interested in offering software for free of charge," he said. "That's because I myself am one of the game developers, who in the future wants to make efforts so the value of the software will be appreciated by the consumers." Although freemium games can make money through ads and microtransactions, Iwata expressed concerns about "[destroying] the value of game software."
So, uh, don't expect that Wii U version of Ghost Recon Online to be free-to-play, even though the PC version is.
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June 16th, 2011, 00:51 Posted By: wraggster

Do you remember that crazy Super Mario Bros. 3 fan remake we posted about late last year? Well, creator SKJmin has finished a sizeable update to his ambitious remake, one you'll be able to download on June 16. If you plan on doing so, we'd suggest making sure you actually own New Super Mario Bros. DS -- you know, for legal reasons.
The update adds enhanced graphics to each level, including new block sets and backgrounds, plus 84 bonus rooms, a new final castle and over 30 different cameos. For now, we must be content with 14 minutes of footage, which we've gone and tucked just past the break.
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June 16th, 2011, 00:53 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo's "ideal situation" is that the 2012 launch of Wii U will convince those who want to buy a HD video game console now to wait for it.
"The ideal scenario for Nintendo would be that if people are considering purchasing another HD video game console, then knowing that they will have opportunity to purchase Wii U when it is released next year, they perhaps might delay their purchase of a console," Nintendo president Satoru Iwata told investors in a new question and answer session.
The Wii U marks Nintendo's first foray into high definition home console gaming. Microsoft of course went first in 2005 with the Xbox 360. Sony followed a year later with the PlayStation 3.
Iwata was responding to concern that the Wii U may hurt Wii sales. Nintendo's hope is that by targeting "late adopters", the Wii can enjoy a healthy end to its life.
"For those people who are considering their holiday season purchases, it becomes our job to convey to them that the Wii has great entertainment value and it will make their family and friends happy during the holiday season while they are at home.
"If those individuals are looking to make a purchase during the holidays this year, then the Wii U system, which won't be out in time for the holidays, will not be an option for them to choose from. Conversely, because the majority of the people who will purchase the Wii U system initially already own the Wii system, I don't think that the information about the Wii U system launch taking place next year will affect the sales of the Wii system."
Wii U was unveiled last week in LA. Its wireless controller features a touch-screen that can be used in unique ways.
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June 16th, 2011, 00:56 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo president Satoru Iwata has revealed his vision for Wii U online gaming.
The Japanese company aims to create a "more flexible system". It wants to allow each publisher the freedom to do what it wishes with its games in an online space.
"Nintendo's past console business has often included this idea of a set and fixed online structure," Iwata told investors at E3.
"So, I think that, going forward, the question is really to what degree Nintendo can create a more flexible system for its consoles.
"And, what we found at this point is that, as we discuss the online structure with different publishers, the things that the different publishers want to do are in fact seemingly rather different.
"Our current direction is how we can take the desires of the third parties and create a system that's flexible enough to enable them to do the types of things that they might want to do."
Nintendo pledged to work with game makers to enable voice chat (VoIP).
"But, what we're not going to do is to consider as prerequisite conditions that every game includes features like that because obviously there are some developers who may not want to do that."
Iwata also said Nintendo will "consider" how Wii U will work with social networking services, such as Facebook.
"We've come to an era where it's important to consider how the social graph of the social networking services can work in conjunction with something like a video game platform."
Nintendo isn't ready to offer concrete details on its Wii U online plan, but believes it will impress gamers in the end.
"Once you hear what we'll have to say, you'll feel that Nintendo has a policy of adapting itself to changes in the network environment in a flexible fashion rather than the one of sticking to a rigid mechanism, or perhaps you'll notice that we have found ways to take advantage of these types of features like VoIP and social networking, where our systems have been seen as being weak in the past."
Nintendo told Eurogamer at E3 that Wii U will offer a significantly improved online experience to that of its predecessor.
"The friend code system has also been refined. It still exists but in the same way that you'd need to pair up with friends on PSN or Xbox live. Now it's much closer to that kind of online gaming experience than what it was before," marketing manager Rob Lowe outlined.
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June 16th, 2011, 20:39 Posted By: wraggster
Games axed at the eleventh hour due to unimpressive performance, paper claims
Nintendo axed a number Wii U demos at E3 due to concerns that they would fail to impress, a new report suggests.
Games consultancy group Hit Detection claims in a white paper that external developers had created Wii U game demos with “underclocked development kits†for this year’s E3.
These developers “worked hard to deliver titles running on that hardware to demonstrate live at E3â€, the paper read.
“However, due to titles not looking much better than what is currently available on Xbox 360 and the PS3, Nintendo decided late in the game to not show those titles and focus instead on tech demos.â€
Hit Detection’s white paper, which Develop has obtained a copy of, is the first documentation of Nintendo’s alleged decision to pull third-party games from the E3 show floor.
Games built with the Unreal Engine, such as the next Batman and Darksiders titles, were initially scheduled for presentation at E3.
“THQ said Darksiders 2 was running on development hardware and could have been shownâ€, Hit Detection claimed.
The full technological potential of Nintendo’s next-generation system is a matter of debate.
Several sources speaking anonymously to Develop say the hardware specifics are yet to be finalised.
Unreal Engine and CryEngine 3 are said to be supported on the console, primarily due to the Wii U allowing for programmable shaders.
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June 16th, 2011, 20:51 Posted By: wraggster
It may not yet have a release date, but the biggest third-party games publishers are preparing to hit the ground running when Nintendo releases the Wii U next year.
Electronic Arts, Ubisoft and Sega are all backing the system day and date without hesitation, with only Take-Two remaining cautious of the first new home console to hit the market since 2006.
Ubisoft CEO Yves Guillemot told GamesIndustry.biz that the publisher is pledging new intellectual property for the system and is keen to see early adopter feedback on the new hardware.
"We will announce one game that we want to launch day one that is a new type of game, which should be interesting. It is still very important, just because you can test a market and also see through the eyes of the first consumers.
Getting in early is partly about being a successful transition company and figuring out where the hardware is going to go
Frank Gibeau, EA Games
"They are the people that actually have the word of mouth factor. The trendsetters," he added.
For Electronic Arts it's a gamble to go big on the day of release, but Games label president Frank Gibeau is confident from previous form.
"It served us well on PlayStation 2 and PlayStation 3," he told GameIndustry.biz. "Getting in early is partly about being a successful transition company and figuring out where the hardware is going to go.
"With the Wii U it's important for us to get there on day one so we can get in and build as big an audience as possible. We've been doing this for 25 years and trying to pick platforms and more often than not we get it right. I hope we have this one right. That's the gamble," he admitted.
Although some third parties were stung by dedicating separate resources to the Nintendo Wii and seeing poor return on investment, Sega West president Mike Hayes said his company was confident a long-tail approach would pay off even if day one was daunting prospect.
"At some point we were the biggest, certainly top three third-party publisher on Wii, so for us it was a great platform... we've got absolutely no qualms about [Wii U].
The recent launch of the 3DS highlighted how sluggish sales can be for Nintendo without one of its hit franchises such as Mario or Zelda, but again, Hayes is willing to play the long game.
"I just think we're all a bit premature in being a bit glass half full on 3DS. Everyone was clamouring 'oh please bring it out in March, you must bring it out' and then it's like you get to June and it's all 'sales aren't very good...' Well, they haven't got the software yet."
Karl Slatoff, chief operating officer at Red Dead Redemption publisher Take-Two was more cautious, suggesting his creative teams need time to assess the hardware before committing to launch.
"For us it's really about understanding what the hardware capabilities are and understand how it's going to fit into what our goals are from a franchise creation perspective," he told GamesIndustry.biz. "Really understanding what that platform can deliver and developing for that platform.
"So that's our philosophy, not just with the new Nintendo console but across the board. Whether we're looking at the 3DS or the PlayStation Vita or any of the new formats that are coming out. We can't look at them all the same way. We're not just going to port over."
Porting games from established Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 franchises is an opportunity now that Nintendo's Wii U is said to have comparable technology, and will help keep costs lower than an entirely higher spec console.
"It doesn't increase [costs] very much because the advantage is in being close to the other machines, you can do the game for all the formats at the same time," offered Guillemot.
But he also made it clear that Ubisoft is evaluating the Wii U for "both new content and a third location" for existing franchises.
Although the costs of bringing existing titles over to the Wii U won't be high, Hayes said Sega is willing to spend more money on implementing the unique tablet controller, helping to distinguish the Aliens: Colonial Marines experience on Wii U from the same game on Sony or Microsoft hardware.
"That controller is absolutely brilliant and we have to think of innovative ways to use it. We're doing high definition Sonics, we're doing obviously Aliens: Colonial Marines, so you can bring them across, and that's relatively low cost, which is good news.
"Then you spend your money on how do you use that controller effectively to make it unique and differentiate it."
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June 16th, 2011, 20:57 Posted By: wraggster
Developers working on titles for Wii U are reportedly using development kits which have been underclocked, meaning that the graphics they produce are almost indistinguishable from a PS3 or 360.
A report from consulting firm Hit Detection has suggested that Nintendo chose to show tech demos at it's E3 reveal "due to titles not looking much better than what is currently available on Xbox 360 and the PS3, Nintendo decided late in the game to not show those titles."
"Developers have underclocked development kits, and worked hard to deliver titles running on that hardware to demonstrate live at E3," reads the report.
"THQ stated that Darksiders II was running on development hardware and could have been shown. Also, Epic vice president Mark Rein tweeted during E3 that Gearbox's Aliens: Colonial Marines was being made for Wii U with Unreal Engine 3, showing that Epic is bringing its tech to Wii U."
However, third party developers have told GI that the Wii U is expected to exceed current consoles. Ubisoft CEO Yves Guillemot said that visual quality should be "at least" that of the 360.
"It should be even superior for some of the games. We don't know everything, so we have a few things Nintendo is telling us that will have such and such powers."
Hit Detection was founded by influential games journalist N'Gai Croal.
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June 16th, 2011, 23:36 Posted By: wraggster

Nintendo released its second 3DS firmware update in as many weeks yesterday, which will be welcome news to those of you who have tried and failed to play Ridge Racer 3D recently. Version 2.1.0-3U of the 3DS system software includes "a correction for the screen freeze symptom" found in that game. That takes care of those crashes; the ones that happen around tight corners are on you.
The new update also enables automatic download of future updates when wireless internet is available. This is either convenient or terrifying, depending on whether you're trying to work on homebrew 3DS software right now!
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June 16th, 2011, 23:46 Posted By: wraggster
The Game Boy version of arcade classic Donkey Kong is now available to download from the 3DS Nintendo eShop.
Today's store update brings the barrel-jumping platformer to the 3DS in all of its original monochrome glory. It costs €4 (about £3.50).
The Nintendo eShop launched last week via a 3DS firmware update that also unlocked the handheld's web browsing capabilities.
Unfortunately that update (2.1.0-2) also caused screen-freezing when playing Ridge Racer 3D. Nintendo pushed out another update today (version 2.1.0-3) fixing the issue and providing "further system stability improvements and other adjustments".
Last week's launch was headlined by the re-release of marvellous Game Boy Zelda title Link's Awakening. There are new games, too, including free Pokémon info app Pokédex 3D and a 3D remake of classic NES racer Excitebike - free until 7th July 2011.
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June 16th, 2011, 23:51 Posted By: wraggster
Recent Super Mario games have drifted away from what the series was initially meant to be about, so says the Nintendo veteran behind the forthcoming Super Mario 3DS.
Yoshiaki Koizumi, who also directed the GameCube's Super Mario Sunshine and the peerless Super Mario Galaxy, told GameSpot that the 3D Mario games' focus on exploration was at odds with the original series' tight, quick-fire, precision platforming.
"I feel like the core experience is something that we may have started to get away from a little bit when we first started presenting games in 3D like in Super Mario 64," he explained.
"The idea in those games is that you walk around in those environments and give the players a lot of opportunity to explore.
"But the real basics of the Super Mario series is that players have to get to the goal of a level without dying. You have short levels with a very quick tempo, and it should be a very thrilling experience.
"So some of that was actually missing from Galaxy. The gameplay was a bit slower, and it was so much easier to die, so the core experience of getting to the goal without dying was harder to achieve."
Koizumi promised that Super Mario 3DS, which judging by its E3 showing is shaping up rather wonderfully, will see the plumber going back to his roots.
"This time around, you'll find that we have something closer to the three-minute levels you see in Super Mario Bros, so for me, overall this feels closer to the core of the Super Mario Bros. experience traditionally."
Nintendo hasn't confirmed an exact release date for the game but it is expected to arrive before the year is out.
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June 16th, 2011, 23:53 Posted By: wraggster
The Wii U's unusual feature set is causing brainache within EA Sports, label boss Peter Moore has revealed.
Speaking in an interview with Gamasutra, Moore explained that his teams were very excited about the new platform but unsure how to best leverage the tech in its games.
"My dev teams - their heads are exploding, in a good way and a bad way," he said.
"How do we look at this new technology? We don't just want to bolt this on; this has to be relevant to the sports gamer."
Moore insisted he was a big fan of Nintendo's new system, stating, "once again, Nintendo is putting a different spin on things, showing that it's not all about graphic fidelity and processing power.
"In the world of sports, our minds are racing as to how we can bring a sports game to life in a unique way."
He gave one example of how its sports titles might use the controller - calling plays in a Madden game via the pad's touch screen would be "kind of a no-brainer for us."
He also hailed Nintendo's apparent focus on luring third parties back into core development for the platform, following the first party focus it favoured with past machines.
"We love the fact [Wii U] is high def, that Nintendo has a renewed focus on building online communities. Nintendo adds that kind of outlier mentality that is a very different take on what the industry needs, and more power to them," he says.
EA Sports hasn't officially confirmed any games for the system just yet, but hinted to Eurogamer last week that FIFA could well be a launch title.
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June 17th, 2011, 00:24 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopic.php?t=13548&f=19
New version available of the Lua interpreter for the Nintendo DS " Micro Lua DS "now in version 4.0.2.
4.0.2 Microlut ======================[[ ]]==================== ===
.................................................. ...............
|| ||
|| By the MicroLua forum, from the original project by Risike ||
|| CHANGELOG file by Reylak ||
|| ||
¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨ ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨ ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I-..... New features
II-.... Improvements
III-... Bugs fixes
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
(((((((((((((((((((((((((((()))))))))))))))))))))) )))))))))))))))
I- New features |
* Nothing for this time, the awesomeness of MicroLua is already
*__ quite great
°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°
II- Improvements |
* Change the logo of the binaries. It is now really cute
°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°
III- Bug fixes |
* Fix getting a BSoD when pressing Start at startup.
* Fix some Image transformations not being permanent with Canvas.
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June 17th, 2011, 00:31 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopic.php?t=13555&f=19
huiminghao et minitroopa proposent version 0.52 alpha " nesDS "émulateur Nes pour la Nintendo DS.
The 'menu' is re-designed.
Raw PCM supported, not perfect, can be switched off in menu>Settings>Config.
Settings of nesDS can be written to 'nesDS.ini' at runtime, done in menu>Settings.
Short-Cuts can be configured in menu>Settings.
'LightGun' is placed in menu>Game>Extra, 'Micphone' and 'FDS disk' are also added there. 'Micphone' is not tested.
Nothing more.
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June 17th, 2011, 11:09 Posted By: wraggster
I was hoping to get one site a day back online but real life takes over, however our Nintendo DS Site which like most of our other sites was born even before the DS had a Homebrew scene is back online, theres hundreds and hundreds of Homebrew releases on their for those who like to relive Homebrew from the begining of a scene.
Check out Nintendo DS News here --> http://nintendo-ds.dcemu.co.uk/
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June 19th, 2011, 10:02 Posted By: wraggster
Gary Dunn, SEGA's MD of development, has revealed that new dev kits for Nintendo's Wii U will be on their way to developers either this month or next, but is still uncertain as to how powerful those units will be.
Speaking in an interview with Eurogamer, Dunn said that his team is pleased with the performance of current kits, but refused to be drawn on comparisons with current-gen hardware, instead highlighting the fact that the platform will offer studios a "different" approach to development.
"It's still a little early," Dunn told Eurogamer. "There's another generation of prototype hardware coming out in June or July that's going to give us more information." As a "very early doors" assessment, Dunn offered that "we're finding it to be quite powerful."
"We've certainly found it easier to get prototypes up and running on next-gen definition visuals, so we're quite pleased with it," added Dunn.
"Given the fact that one of our graphics engineers ported something across very quickly I would say the answer to [having easily understandable architecture] has got to be yes."
It had already been suggested that the technical specifications of the kits which developers are already in possession of are likely to change, with final systems likely to offer parity with 360 and PS3 at the very least.
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June 19th, 2011, 10:11 Posted By: wraggster

Nintendo's tablet-esque Wii U controller raised a few questions when it was announced at E3. Questions like, "What kind of crazy games are going to use that thing," and "How much will a second controller cost me?" The latter, at least, has been answered. Nothing. You don't need one. Nintendo's Satoru Iwata recently said in an interview that games enlisting more than one Wii U controller aren't being considered just yet -- although they are possible. Our very own Ittousai tells us that Iwata told Diamond Online that the Wii U can technically support multiple screen-controllers, but that additional slabs would be too expensive to sell on their own. Iwata went on to say that the console would ship with only one, and that game developers should design titles under the assumption that each console will use a single Wii U controller. Player two will have to settle for a good 'ol Wiimote, and even Satoru himself admits that there are plenty of those around.
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June 19th, 2011, 20:03 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo UK has shored up its online security in the wake of a "possible phishing threat".
After a comprehensive scan of its website, Nintendo has introduced "additional security measures" in a post declaring the whole site fully operational.
Nevertheless, Nintendo recommends users change their Club Nintendo passwords. Spot suspicious account activity? You'll need to contact your local Nintendo customer services centre.
Sections of the site - including the Club Nintendo user reward scheme - have been unavailable for the past week. They were "immediately shut down" as a preventative measure.
It's unclear what - if any - user details were threatened. Nintendo previously reassured gamers it "does not hold any bank, credit card or address details", so "this data is not at risk".
The resumption of service comes just in time for Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D's launch. Register your copy quickly and Nintendo will send you a free soundtrack CD (while stocks last).
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June 19th, 2011, 23:45 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.emucr.com/2011/06/savegam...-svn-r106.html
SaveGame Manager GX SVN r106 is released. SaveGame Manager GX is a SaveGame & Mii Manager for the Wii with GUI based on LibWiiGui by Tantric,
SDHC and USB2 support
Protected save support
Mii Support
Multilanguage support with Custom Font
WiiTDB support
Display information about savegames/miis in a special windows
Extract, Install, Delete, Copy, Move fonctions are available
Online AutoUpdate
Widesreen support
SaveGame Manager GX SVN Changelog:
* Added an automatic resource list generation script which is executed when
files are added/removed (Thanks Dimok)
* Added an own class for the HomebrewPrompt
* Added booting with arguments from meta.xml for homebrews
* Added an argument receiver from meta.xml to the app: "-ios=xxx". The ios is
the boot IOS on startup.
* Fixed Homebrew Browser duplicate buttons for apps with more than one dol in
the app folder
* Fixed lot of problems with USB HDD (need feedback)
* Fixed the "GoogleCode" AutoUpdate problem (one more time...)
Download = http://www.mediafire.com/?0jivkmn5ixb2aai
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June 19th, 2011, 23:57 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.emucr.com/2011/06/vectrexwii-v02.html
VectrexWii v0.2 is released. VectrexWii is a Vectrex emulator for the Nintendo Wii ported from Vecx by Aruskano.
It is not much better than the first one... the changelist is something like this:
-Improved main menu (more on this at the bottom).
-ROMs are not appended anymore. The ROM that is still there is Minestorm which was built in the original Vectrex and is still here at the "Vectrex". ;D
-ROMs are sought in both SD and USB. The emulator will seek a folder named "vec" (I have plans to make this configurable but it is currently hardcoded) at the root of both devices and will display any file with the ".vec" (case insensitive) extension as an option to load.
-You are able to return to the main menu once the emulation has started so you can load another ROM without returning to the homebrew channel.
-Gamecube controller support because it has a stick... I don´t have any wiimote peripheral at the moment and that´s why I did not bother to write that (kinda selfish I know hahaha), I will wait to have them to do the proper tests (also I´d like to write the button mapping code first, which involves more user interface work ).
The main menu works as follows: There are 4 options: The first one starts the emulation. The second one lets you choose your "cartridge" which can be your SD or USB (or NA if you want to play the built in ROM). The third option lets you set your joystick, which can be a Wii or GC (the program only cares about channel/port 1 respectively) and will be the controller that will be listened to during the emulation (both are able to return to the main menu by pressing HOME/START respectively). Lastly, you can return to the homebrew channel.
Any button will trigger the selected option except for the PADs, HOME and START. If you have ROMs in both USB and SD "Cartridge" will scroll to the first option when the last one is reached and you press a button again. HOME and START will automatically put the cursor at the "Exit" option, if it is already there the program will quit. You move the cursor by pressing UP/DOWN. You browse through the ROMs (whose names are shown at the bottom of the screen) in the current "Cartridge" with LEFT/RIGHT (Wiimote held horizontally).
I guess that´s all I can say about this not so wonderful update. There´s more to come. Overlays make the games look much better (I did not think that little thing would cause such a visual improvement). That glow effect looks really nice but I need to write a suitable blur function so it doesn´t make the emulation run slow as it is doing right now. Lines could be drawn thicker if wanted [I just remembered I updloaded a version with weird vectors/points width (I made them look thicker in a ugly way)]. Button mapping and other controllers support will be added.
Overlays did not make it to this release because they did not fit exactly (they almost did... it should be a scaling problem) to the image and I have to find why, the other features need to be optimized and a user interface needs to be written (there will be an "in-game" menu that will pop up when you "pause" the game instead of directly sending you to the main menu).
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June 20th, 2011, 18:53 Posted By: wraggster
A new 3D television service for the 3DS is to begin in Japan from tomorrow, with a variation of the existing SpotPass feature used to download new content.
From Tuesday Japanese 3DS owners will be able to download a new app from the Nintendo eShop called Itsu no Ma ni Terebi, which Andriasang indicates is similar to the Japanese name for the SpotPass service.
The content from Fuji Television and Nippon Television will be produced specifically for the 3DS. The shows will be free to download but will feature adverts.
Daily updates are promised for most of the content, including shows themed around news, animals, trainspotting, magic tricks, and celebrity idol wrestling. A weekly show focusing on outdoor sculptures will also be available, as well as a sports programme every Saturday and Sunday.
3D television content has also been promised for the European market, with Nintendo originally announcing deals with Sky and Aardman Animation during the first unveiling of the 3DS in Europe.
There is still no indication of when the content will be available, although a 3D trailer for movie Green Lantern is currently available on the European eShop.
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June 20th, 2011, 18:59 Posted By: wraggster

It took 'em longer than anticipated to sell a cool million of these things, but we're guessing the hardcore among us are in that crowd. The Nintendo 3DS is definitely trying something quite different, and while it's tough to tell if the Big N has a bona fide hit on its hands, we're feeling pretty certain that it'll pop out a second edition in due time. To that end, we're interested in hearing what existing owners would change if given the power. Would you tweak the displays in any way? Change up the colors? Modify the form factor? Alter the control scheme? We can't promise you that Luigi's listening, but feel free to get the ideas flowing in comments below.
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June 20th, 2011, 21:14 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo will launch its next home console after April 2012.
Nintendo USA boss Reggie Fils-Aime revealed the launch window on US TV show Jimmy Fallon while demonstrating the Wii U.
Wii U, announced at E3, comes with a wireless controller that has a touch-screen built in. It marks Nintendo's first foray into HD gaming.
Nintendo is yet to announce specifications, leading to speculation around the Wii U's power.
We do know Nintendo plans to send out updated hardware either this month or next month to publishers, which should give developers a better idea of what they're working with.
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June 20th, 2011, 23:14 Posted By: wraggster
The 3DS is a fantastic machine, but it's not been selling the way Nintendo would have hoped. This, says Nintendo of America boss Reggie Fils-Aime, is down to two main issues - problems which he says have now been addressed.
"When we launched, we had a fantastic day one and a very strong week one," he told Kotaku, adding, "But when we started talking to consumers who were aware or interested, but hadn't yet bought, they told us two things: first, I need a big Nintendo franchise for our purchase. The second thing was I need the network to be up. I need the connected experiences to be there."
The lack of a big Nintendo blockbuster was likely the biggest issue. Capcom's Super Street Fighter IV 3D was the most critically acclaimed of the launch titles and N64 fans reveled in the return of Pilotwings, but there wasn't a Nintendo blockbuster to top it all off.
As for connectivity, while Nintendo had promised a 3DS firmware update to add a web browser and the eShop weeks after launch, that update would later be delayed into June leaving a the hardware essentially feature-incomplete.
"So now we jump to where we are," said Fils-Aime, who points out this week's release of the fantastic Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D. "We're going to follow with a steady drumbeat ofStar Fox and Kid Icarus and two Mariotitles and the Luigi title," he added.
As for connectivity, Fils-Aime said: "We've just done the first network update. We've got the eShop up and running. We've got the 3D movie service still on track for the summer. We've got Netflix still on track for the summer. So I think we're well underway to having that addressed as well."
He went on: "My expectation is that with the adjustments we've made, we're going to be back with strong momentum on the 3DS."
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June 20th, 2011, 23:43 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.emucr.com/2011/06/gbpablog-v09.html
gbpablog v0.9 is released. gbpablogis a Game Boy Emulator written in C++ with wxwidgets and sdl. Cross-platform: Windows, Linux and MAC. It's only for learning purposes.
gbpablog v0.9 Changelog:
- Added sound (*)
- Added support for savestates
- Improved the way the frames are drawn
- Fixed bug in MBC
- Implemented serial port interruption (needed by some games)
- The SDL library is no more needed to be installed in MacOSX, is included in the app bundle
- Improved accuracy
- Improved compatibility
* Note: The sound in ubuntu with pulseaudio is not good enough:
- Choppy sound with the package libsdl1.2debian-pulseaudio.
- Delayed sound with the package libsdl1.2debian-alsa but with some games can be acceptable.
- The emulator hangs with the package libsdl1.2debian-esd.
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June 20th, 2011, 23:56 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.emucr.com/2011/06/desmume-svn-r4044.html
DeSmuME SVN r4044 is released. DeSmuME is an open source Nintendo DS(NDS) emulator for Linux, Mac OS and Windows. DeSmuME supports save states, the ability to increase the size of the screen and it supports filters to improve image quality. DeSmuME also supports microphone use on Windows and Linux ports, as well as direct video and audio recording. The emulator also features a built-in movie recorder.
DeSmuME SVN Changelog:
add ifdef to WIFI_Reset
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June 21st, 2011, 00:12 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.emucr.com/2011/06/fceux-svn-r2206.html
Fceux SVN r2206 is released. FCEUX is a cross platform, NTSC and PAL Famicom/NES emulator that is an evolution of the original FCE Ultra emulator. Over time FCE Ultra had separated into many separate branches. The concept behind FCEUX is to merge elements from FCE Ultra, FCEU rerecording, FCEUXD, FCEUXDSP, and FCEU-mm into a single branch of FCEU. As the X implies, it is an all-encompassing FCEU emulator that gives the best of all worlds for the general player, the ROM-hacking community, and the Tool-Assisted Speedrun Community.
Fceux SVN changelog:
win32: poll hotkeys while no rom is loaded
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June 21st, 2011, 00:40 Posted By: wraggster
To accommodate for the undersized, relatively dark monitor of the Game Boy Advance, a variety of colors in Final Fantasy VI Advance exhibit a higher degree of saturation than that of the earlier versions. Consequently, the graphics generally appear brighter, and certain colors diverge significantly from their original specifications. As such, the purpose of this patch, which supports all three versions, is to restore the colors to their former state.
A more detailed description is contained within the document bundled with the release. In addition, a collection of images designed to provide a basis for comparison can be found at my site.
RHDN Project Page
Relevant Link: (http://novaliaspirit.99k.org/)
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June 21st, 2011, 00:41 Posted By: wraggster
Due to serious lack of Super Mario RPG ROM hacks that display partially unique storylines, Reserve_22// was created solely for that purpose, and to encourage others to start or continue Super Mario RPG ROM hacking with the Lazy Shell editor by giangurgolo & Omega. This hack is to show a little more of what the editor is capable of, utilizing most of the features in Lazy Shell itself.
Relevant Link: (http://www.romhacking.net/hacks/764/)
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June 21st, 2011, 01:13 Posted By: wraggster
Shigeru Miyamoto relumes the speculation about a revival of the Virtual Boy on Nintendo 3DS's Virtual Console during an interview with GameSpot at E3. When asked if there was any interest in bringing Virtual Boy games to the 3DS, Miyamoto answered:
Well, that's not my exact plan, but something like that could happen. I can say that in my photo album on my Nintendo 3DS, there is a photo of a Virtual Boy. So that says that I do have a Virtual Boy at my disposal. [laughs]
It seems Virtual Boy fans don't have to give up hope just yet. The question to ask might be whether Nintendo is willing to put that much attention on what was a huge commercial failure after they have swept it under the rug for so many years. They seem to have become more open to the topic lately, though, and even talked about the VB in a recent issue of Iwata Asks, which is definitely a good thing.
Another point to think about would be the very small library of only 22 games that were released for the system, plus a handful of finished but unreleased titles. Out of which only 14 were released in the US. Would that be enough material for re-releases on the Nintendo 3DS? If you ask me,Virtual Boy Wario Land alone would be worth it.
The Virtual Boy will celebrate the 16th anniversary of its introduction to the (Japanese) market on July 21st, wouldn't that be a good opportunity? Cross your fingers!
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June 21st, 2011, 01:20 Posted By: wraggster
via http://www.planetvb.com/modules/news...hp?storyid=323
A first preview release of "WiirtualBoy", a Virtual Boy emulator for the Nintendo Wii has just been made available by raz0red and Arikado at the project's Google Code page. It is a port of the Mednafen Virtual Boy emulator and supports remappable controls and an anaglyph mode.
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June 21st, 2011, 12:28 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.emucr.com/2011/06/bsnes-v07904.html
bsnes v079.04 is released. bsnes is an emulator for the Super Famicom and SNES video game systems. The purpose of the emulator is a bit different from other emulators: it focuses on accuracy, debugging functionality, and clean code.
bsnes v079.04 Changelog:
bsnes v079.04 - Cx4 LLE support2011-06-20
Back from vacation. We were successful in emulating the Cx4 using LLE during my vacation. We finished on June 15th. And now that I'm back, I've rewritten the code and merged it into bsnes official. With that, the very last HLE emulation code in bsnes has now been purged.
I still have some more plans for bsnes v080, so I'm not going to bump the version number just yet. Plus I would like it if we could thoroughly test the new Cx4 LLE support to ensure it is bug-free. To that aim, if you have some time and would like to help test: please download bsnes v079.04 and cx4.bin. Place cx4.bin in the same folder as "Mega Man X 2 (U).sfc" and "Mega Man X 3 (U).sfc", and then do your best to play through the entire games with no cheat codes, and uncover all of the secrets that you can.
If you find any bugs, or if the console window prints "invalid opcode" at any time, please send me a note on my forums. Thanks in advance to anyone who can help test this.
Well then, moving on ... all that's left is the ST-0018. Dr. Decapitator is currently busy with the N64 CIC, but after that we should hopefully make some progress in dumping its internal ROMs.
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June 21st, 2011, 12:31 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.emucr.com/2011/06/my-nes-v25125.html
My Nes v2.5.1.25 is released. My Nes is a portable open source NES/FAMICOM emulator written in C#. it cannot emulate 100%, it still a primitive one and needs a lot of work. however it has been tested and support over 200 games, 100 playable perfectly.
My Nes v2.5.1.25 Changelog:
* Update SlimDX (June 2010) to SlimDX (March 2011).
* Fixed: My Nes require SlimDX SDK instead of Runtime to run.
* Fixed: When you pause the emu for a while then resume, the
sound delay.
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June 21st, 2011, 12:34 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.emucr.com/2011/06/halfnes-v0036.html
HalfNES v0.036 is released. HalfNES is an open-source emulator for the Nintendo Entertainment System, written in Java. Currently, it only runs as a standalone Java SE application.
Current Features:
-Now cropping off the top and bottom 8 pixels of the video output, since these are
not visible on most TVs and a lot of games render garbage on those lines.
-Added volume slider to options dialog (and rewrote the sound output code as well.)
-Fixed a lot of sound bugs. Crystalis, Zombie Nation, A Boy And His Blob etc. all sound right now.
-Fixed Twin Cobra
HalfNES v0.036 Changelog:
-Added Mapper 9 (Punch-Out!!)
-Fixed Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (leftover bug from last PPU rewrite)
-Fixed Jurassic Park (same problem as Twin Cobra, changed the code so both worked)
-Increased audio volume
-Added greyscale and color emphasis to PPU
(Noah's Ark is maybe the only game this is visible in)
-Fixed off-by-one error causing scanline 261 to be run twice
(fixed some timing issues, maybe caused a few more)
-Completely changed the way the PPU renders sprites - broke some games (Guardian Legend and
some Codemasters games that never looked right anyway) but fixed screen shaking and
single scanline glitches in a LOT of games.
-Also, sprite flicker is back from the old days.
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June 21st, 2011, 12:42 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.emucr.com/2011/06/desmume-svn-r4045.html
DeSmuME SVN r4045 is released. DeSmuME is an open source Nintendo DS(NDS) emulator for Linux, Mac OS and Windows. DeSmuME supports save states, the ability to increase the size of the screen and it supports filters to improve image quality. DeSmuME also supports microphone use on Windows and Linux ports, as well as direct video and audio recording. The emulator also features a built-in movie recorder.
DeSmuME SVN Changelog:
metaspu: support the PCSX-2 Synchronizer in the Cocoa port
From rogerman, #3320757
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June 21st, 2011, 12:45 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.emucr.com/2011/06/news-ga...-20110620.html
GameBoy Online is a Game Boy and GameBoy Color emulator written in Javascript. It strives to be efficient and try to have a perfect compatibility. Currently the execution speed is not optimal even on browsers. For example on Chrome, which is nevertheless deemed to run Javascript faster on a PC running Windows 7 64-bit version with a double heart 2 CPUs at 2.2 GHz, games run at normal speed but almost skipping some frames.
The sound production is still experimental and rather poor quality. The video portion is by HTML5 or by creating images with BMP string URI. State backups are implemented using the object window.localStorage and are serialized / deserialized JSON. Ditto for backup SRAM.
Recent Changes:
- Worked around a problem of incorrect timing of setInterval in Google Chrome JavaScript engine V8.
- Update the algorithm automatically jump frame.
- Remove mozBeforePaint as Mozilla miscalculates the maximum rate of frames per second supported on newer operating systems.
- Changing the timing of the internal loop of the interpreter to 17ms 16ms.
- Added library support swfobject 2.2 for Internet Explorer.
- Update the default color of the background when it is cut and the boot ROM is disabled and the emulator is not in CGB.
- Remove unused characters in the code.
- Fixed a regression in the opcode ADC A, A '.
- Small update of the HALT opcode.
- Ensuring that the way the special case of the HDMA HALT is taken into account instead of the normal path when necessary.
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June 21st, 2011, 13:25 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://gbatemp.net/t298180-space-impakto-ds-v1-3-0
relminator has updated Space Impakto DS, the side scrolling bullet-hell shmup, to version 1.3.0. See the change log for what's new in this release, and check out on-going discussion for more information about this 2011 Homebrew Bounty entry.
QUOTE(Current Features)
•2d gameplay
•3d background
•Optimized texture use via texture packing
•Oldskool 8-bit/4bit sprites
•Newskool bullet hell gameplay
•Source included
•Replay system
•Button config
•Varied and animated Bosses
•Procedurally generated backgrounds
•Procedurally generated 3d models
•3 types of ships
•2 Game Modes (Normal and Boss Rush)
QUOTE(Change Log 06/20/11)
•New Ship!!!!
•Autobombs!(Only for bullet collisions)
•Added boss revenge bullets when timer runs out (both loops)
•Added boss revenge bullets when boss is destroyed in loop 2
•New BombType
•Changed drawing order of ship and shots for the new ship
•Changed Main Menu font colors
•Bug Fix
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June 21st, 2011, 13:42 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://gbatemp.net/t297932-ds2x86-v0-11-alpha
Pate has updated DS2x86, the DOS emulator made exclusively for Supercard DSTwo, to version 0.11 alpha. See the release notes for what's new, and join the on-going discussion linked below for more information about this 2011 Homebrew Bounty entry.
QUOTE(Release Notes 06/19/11)
This version has only one major change, the improved audio code.
The AdLib audio has been ported from ARM assembly to MIPS assembly, and the SB digitized audio code has been improved.
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June 21st, 2011, 13:45 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://gbatemp.net/t297874-blox-v0-6
Blox is a puzzle game made with DS Game Maker. This release opens level creation to all users but only "pro" users will be able to load user-created levels. The cost of a "pro" license is approximately $0.14 USD.
The "pro" license is to unlock expanded functionality of this Homebrew. The license HAS NOTHING to do with DSGM, buying DSGM, using DSGM, coding with DSGM, or what Operating System you use. Again, you would be paying for a code which unlocks more features inside of the Homebrew and nothing more!
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June 21st, 2011, 13:49 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://gbatemp.net/t297800-livingstone-i-presume
Livingstone I Presume? (translated) is a NDS remake of mid-80's Livingstone Supongo by Opera Soft. In this adventure-platformer the main character must pole-vault, jump, and throw his boomerang to survive the jungle. Please see the change log for more information on this update.
QUOTE(Change Log (Google Translated))
•Full-Part playable. A few brave souls go see the game.
•Added a small presentation and home screen.
•In the home screen only does the "PLAY"
•During the game you can go to save and load game press SELECT and START respectively
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June 21st, 2011, 15:56 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://gbatemp.net/t297684-kubik-ds-v0-81a
Alekmaul has updated his ATARI 5200 EMU. This emulator was coded specifically with the iEVO and DSi-Mode in mind, and benefits from the faster CPU and increased RAM. The emulator requires an ATARI 5200 BIOS file (renamed to 5200.rom), please do not ask us where to find it. For more information about this upload be sure to check the change log.
QUOTE(Change Log)
•Add automatic chip detection for 16k roms (but you can change it)
•Button L to display/hide FPS
•Add R & L to change Rom
•Really fix flickering pb, alphalerp is back and screen is smoother
•Better sound (not so much ...)
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June 21st, 2011, 16:14 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopic...6fdbe03a003a52
Fantasix offers version 1.0 of " LuaCraft "2D Minecraft adaptation for the Nintendo DS.
Thurs coded in lua, requires the latest version of the interpreter MicroLuaDS to operate.
At this late hour, I can tell you the arrival of my new project!
Under name is out of nowhere, I grant you, is hiding a Minecraft-like, adapted for our beloved Nintendo DS!
Going therefore adventure in a world of two dimensions: dig, harvest, build!
this version here has the basic features available in Minecraft, namely:
Move, break a block, place a block, creating objects with the objects collected. Orders: Initially, the grip is a bit difficult, but you get used Smile Outside: Left / Right: Movement Left / Right + Up: Move Up on a block of empty space Click Pen: Place a Block on block Stylus Pressure: Break the block High-click Stylus: interact with the block (eg craft table) Top: Climb the ladder Select: Inventory The inventory / craft table: Drag and Drop: Move an object Battery Back + Drag and Drop: Move the entire stack object Right / Left + drag and drop: move half of the battery of an object
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June 21st, 2011, 16:18 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopic...6fdbe03a003a52
blabla has version 1.31 of " Vigoroth the driver , "Thurs-coded lua requires Lua interpreter Micro SD provides the archive.
Added a special stage and the other bug. V1.3: The sound quality of music and graphics are now rising by 4.2 Microlua! Also, some sounds have been added and others are changed.
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June 21st, 2011, 23:51 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo's Shigeru Miyamoto has revealed that cost considerations mean that the Wii U may not be significantly more powerful than either the 360 or the PS3 - instead insisting that a balance must be struck between price and performance.
Speaking in a new interview with website GameSpot, Miyamoto again focused on the importance of the controller to the appeal of Nintendo's new machine - seemingly indicating that the company would again be avoiding a confrontation in terms of raw computational power.
"When you look at what we're trying to do this time, which is I think maybe to a certain degree somewhat reckless, because we're trying to include this somewhat kind of tablet-like device - this controller with the screen," said the producer.
"We're trying to do that by finding the right balance between the CPU and the GPU, the graphics processor, and bringing all of that together with the ability to take advantage of the HD capabilities of the system, and wanting to do the most that we can on that front as well.
"We're very sensitive, of course, to trying to do all of this at an appropriate price. So I don't know that we would be able to sit here and say that it's going to necessarily dramatically outperform the systems that are out now. It's part of the balance that we strike in terms of trying to find entertainment that is new and unique."
Miyamoto also insisted that the iPad was not a direct influence on the Wii U controller, describing its similarity to tablets in general as a "coincidence".
"Even at this point last year at E3, we had done a lot of work on this, and it was pretty far along, and we had been working on the concept for several years," he said. "And so we felt it was kind of a funny coincidence that, while we had been working on this, all of a sudden right as we're getting ready to bring it to the public, there's this tablet boom."
"From a kind of a visual point and an initial kind of conceptual starting point, the two seem similar, [but] because of the unique structure of the console and the new controller and the TV, that when people start playing with it and interacting with it, especially in the living room, they're going to find that it opens up a great deal more possibilities," he added.
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June 22nd, 2011, 23:23 Posted By: wraggster
Mario creator Shigeru Miyamoto has finally said the words we all wanted to hear: "We want to create a real HD Zelda game for [Wii U]."
Sure, Nintendo showed off a Zelda HD tech demo running on Wii U at E3 this month, but it made a point of repeatedly stating none of the software on show represented real games.
That statement may be true, in that an eventual Zelda release may not look anything like the demo (remember that start difference between the Zelda GameCube tech demo at Spaceworld 2000 and the final look of Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker that came after it).
Nevertheless, it's official. "[Wii U] is an HD system, our first HD system, and we want to create a real HD Zelda game for it," said Miyamoto.
"You will see a lot of these in-depth and deep experiences in terms of visual style. You will also see some play styles that are fun and interesting because of the play structure," he added.
Fingers crossed it'll look just like the hyper-detailed demo we saw if not better.
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June 23rd, 2011, 00:02 Posted By: wraggster
This week's Nintendo eShop update arrives tomorrow and adds Game Boy brawler Double Dragon to the 3DS Virtual Console.
Originally released by Taito in 1987, Double Dragon is the spiritual successor to arcade beat 'em up classic Renegade.
Also available is Nintendo's own Radar Mission, a Battleships-type affair designed by Game Boy creator Gunpei Yokoi. Both games will set you back €3 - around £2.70.
Nintendo has also announced the Kirby TV Channel, available tomorrow as a download for the Wii.
The application will stream 50 episodes of the Kirby anime, with four to be immediately available. Two new toons will be added each week, replacing older episodes.
Series Kirby: Right Back at Ya! was originally broadcast in Japan between 2001 and 2003. A trailer for the English dub, first shown in the US in 2006, lies below.
Kirby's Epic Yarn launched earlier this year and strung an 8/10 Eurogamer review from John Teti. Nintendo is now planning Kirby Wii, a previously canned GameCube game, for release this Christmas.
Double Dragon - 3DS Virtual Console - €3
Radar Mission - 3DS Virtual Console - €3
Just SING! 80s Collection - 3DS/DSiWare - €5, 500 Points
Delbo - 3DS/DSiWare - €2, 200 Points
NyxQuest: Kindred Spirits demo - Wii - free
Kirby TV Channel - Wii - free
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June 23rd, 2011, 22:12 Posted By: wraggster
Gabe Newell pleased with new console’s graphics performance
Nintendo’s next-generation console is powerful enough for Valve to consider as a platform to release content on, the studio’s co-founder has said.
Speaking at the Games for Change Festival in New York, Newell said, compared to the original Wii, it is “a lot easier to look at Wii U and have it fit within our [game development] frameworkâ€.
"Wii U seems to be a lot more powerful than the previous generation," Newell told Joystiq.
"It sort of fits better into the scalability in terms of graphics performance and CPU performance, so I think it'll be a lot easier for us to fit it into our scalability model."
Develop understands that Nintendo would need to dramatically improve its online services for Valve to seriously consider building games on the platform.
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June 27th, 2011, 11:15 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo has hinted that Japan-exclusive Wii games The Last Story and Pandora's Tower will launch on these shores.
Nintendo offered an olive branch to angry fans who had spammed the Japanese company with requests to localise some of the Wii's most promising games.
On Friday last week Wii fans took to Nintendo of America's Facebook page to call for US releases of JRPGs Xenoblade Chronicles, The Last Story and Pandora's Tower.
Xenoblade Chronicles has a confirmed European release, but The Last Story and Pandora's Tower are, at the time of writing, exclusive to Japan.
"Hey fans, we appreciate your enthusiasm," Nintendo said on Facebook. "Look for more updates to come soon!"
Following a mass pre-order campaign, Xenoblade Chronicles, or Monado: Beginning of the World as it's known in the US, is top of the video game chart on Amazon.
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June 27th, 2011, 17:26 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo will re-release original Kirby adventure Kirby's Dream Land on the 3DS this week.
The Game Boy title introduced gamers to the pink puffball way back in the monochrome days of 1992.
It's also the first appearance of series antagonist King Dedede. The game lays out the franchise's fundamental features, including Kirby's inhale attack and platforming style.
Kirby's 'copy' ability doesn't feature however. It turned up a year later in 1993's Kirby's Adventure on NES.
Available this Thursday for €4 (about £3.50), Kirby headlines an otherwise meagre list of downloadable morsels:
Kirby's Dream Land - 3DS Virtual Console - €4
A Fairy Tale - 3DS/DSi Ware - €/200 DSi Points
Successfully Learning German: Year 3 - 3DS/DSi Ware/WiiWare - €5, 500 DSi Points, 500 Wii Points
Need a free Kirby fix now? Nintendo launched the Kirby TV Channel for Wii last week, which streams episodes of the Kirby anime.
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June 27th, 2011, 22:23 Posted By: wraggster

News via http://thatotherdev.com/2011/06/21/t...“-wii-windows/
Here is a small update to The Untitled Project. Now you can actually collect the rotating squares and the game will keep track of how many you have found and save when you get one. Elevators will now stop if you are in the way instead of just crushing you and pushing you past the floor or ceiling of the building. Darkness/fog has been added. There have been a number of mostly unnoticeable changes to the geometry of the world (some for gameplay reasons and some to lower the polygon count). The game now uses the standard Wii cursor graphic and has a home/pause menu.
The PC version has some things that are still missing from the Wii version. Most noticeably it has a minimap. The game world is larger and the islands shape is randomized (it is consistently square on Wii). The PC version also has several in game controls assigned to the number keys that exist only for testing purposes.
Against my better judgement (this never works out well) I have decided to try and involve other people in making the game. Specifically I’m looking for someone to set the texture coordinates for the models used in the environment. Go here if you are interested in helping.
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June 27th, 2011, 22:47 Posted By: wraggster
Update of the NES emulator on DS Excellent News / Corrections Support IPS patches. Run the file first. IPS, then start your game rom file is not changed. IPS file must be less than 512kB. Support for bar code. Click Menu> Game> Extras> Barcode Support gestures. Click Menu> Setup> Short-Cuts to configure it. When the menu is hidden or lightgun is enabled, you can draw gestures on the bottom screen. Added Mapper245. Updating of Mapper16. Updating of Raw PCM. Updating of 'SP-Pertile'. Eg Fix bugs with Super Mario 3. ... Various improvements NESDIS 0.53a Official website: http://sourceforge.net/projects/nesds/
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June 27th, 2011, 23:16 Posted By: wraggster

[Laurence] was racking his brain coming up with potential birthday gifts for his friend when the idea of a Super Mario Bros. coin block lamp popped into his head. The block is constructed from drain pipe, a few pieces of plywood, some perspex, and a whole lot of awesome.
He wanted the lamp to make sounds when it was turned on and off, so he put together an audio circuit based on [LadyAda’s] WaveShield. His design is similar, though he swapped out the DIP packages for SOIC versions, adding a DAC, Op amp, and an audio buffer to fit his needs.
Once he had his electronics in order, he started construction of the lamp, painting the drain pipe green and mounting it under his light’s base. He built a large perspex box to serve as the coin block itself, printing the familiar graphics on tracing paper which he then glued into place. An arcade button adorns the top of the box, making for a very appropriate and fun light switch.
Be sure to check out the video below to see the lamp in action. We’re just a bit jealous of [Laurence’s] friend, and we sure wouldn’t mind having one of these in our office to sit alongside this mechanical coin block we featured a while back.
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June 27th, 2011, 23:48 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://gbatemp.net/t298581-c64-network-org-v2-3
C64-network.org, the Commodore 64 emulator ported to the Wii by Simon Kagstrom, has received an update and is now at version 2.3. For more information about this homebrew, check out the project page linked below.
QUOTE(Change Log 06/22/11)
•Added Wiimote Rumble support
•Added usb fat support
•Moved "reset c64" to main menu
•Moved "Help" to main main menu
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June 27th, 2011, 23:53 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://gbatemp.net/t298661-wiirtual-boy-v0-1
Wiirtual Boy, the Virtual Boy emulator for the Wii by raz0red and Arikado, has been update to version 0.1.
QUOTE(Change Log 06/23/11)
•Initial public release
•Improved sound quality
•Left and right sound channels are now correct
•Several minor bug fixes
•Minor performance improvements
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June 27th, 2011, 23:57 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://forum.gbadev.org/viewtopic.ph...e2ded95a0c7f00
This is the first alpha release of my latest homebrew project. It's a remake/re-imagining of Super Foul Egg, a freeware Commodore Amiga version of Puyo Puyo.
There's still a lot of work to do on the presentation side of things, but the game itself is mostly complete. The only issue that you might run into is the number of block colours. Although the menu system suggests that you can choose to have 4, 5 or 6 block colours in a game, only the first 4 have been implemented. Choosing 5 or 6 colours will crash the DS.
You can download the game here:
ReallyBadEggs 20110627
Regarding the presentation, if you're a graphics person and interested in contributing, I need:
- A title screen to replace the current plain text when the game starts up;
- A background image for the menu system (though I could just re-use the title screen, probably blurred and greyscaled);
- A background image for the high score table (not coded yet);
- A graphic for the bottom screen when a game is being played with areas to put the current level, number of chains, score and incoming garbage count.
If you're interested in helping out, and are willing to have your work distributed under the MIT/X11 licence, let me know!
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June 28th, 2011, 00:05 Posted By: wraggster
Heres a new release of the Dos Emulator for the Nintendo DS:
I decided to take a break from getting frustrated with the problems in DS2x86 and work on DSx86 instead. This version has various small fixes, mostly for specific games but all of these fixes were actual bugs in the emulation, so they might fix problems in other games as well. Here is the list of the fixes:
Dune 2 has had a problem since version 0.30, where giving a MOVE command to an unit makes the unit vanish. This was caused by a bug in one of the macros I changed when enhancing the memory access system to be able to handle 16MB RAM.
Populous II always exited to DOS immediately after moving the mouse. This was caused by my emulated mouse callback function not saving and restoring the ES register. This problem may also have affected Battle Chess 4000, and possibly other games as well.
Battle Bugs gave an unsupported INT call, and then hung. The INT call was simply an unsupported mouse command "LIGHT PEN EMULATION OFF", which I now ignore, but the hanging was caused by some missing features in my emulation of I/O port 0x61 reading.
Battle Bugs also played PC Speaker sounds (before configuring the audio) and at times changed the speaker frequency so fast that it caused the ARM7 FIFO buffer to overflow, which in turn caused the touchpad to seem to stop working. I fixed this by changing the PC speaker frequency handling to use a shared memory location instead of the FIFO system. Now ARM7 reads that memory location 512 times per second (once per each AdLib music buffer fill cycle) and adjusts the PC Speaker channel frequency by the read value. This is not yet quite fast enough for PC Speaker digitized audio emulation, but at least it fixes the touchpad hanging problem.
Battle Bugs also needed various enhancements to the VGA 640x480 screen handling. It uses split screen mode and a non-standard display pitch value, both of which were still unsupported in my 640x480 mode screen blitting code. I added support for those features to the Zoom, Scale and Jitter modes, but did not have time to add them to the Smooth scaling algorithm yet. I don't actually know how to play Battle Bugs, or Populous II for that matter, so I don't know how playable those games are, but at least they start into the actual game.
Just before this weekend my NAS server machine died. I had all the backups and previous version source codes for DSx86 and DS2x86 in a RAID 5 disk array on that machine, along with all the debug logs and such you have sent me. It looks like the motherboard of that machine is dead, and I don't have a suitable RAID controller in my other machines, so I can not access the old version sources or debug logs at the moment. I have ordered a new motherboard, so hopefully I can get my RAID 5 array up and running again when the new motherboard arrives.
My summer vacation begins after next week, so then I should have more time to work on DSx86 and DS2x86. There are still a lot of things missing from DS2x86 that I would like to add to it, but before that I would want to fix the problems with the DSTwo I/O layer which are the source for the constant frustration. Perhaps I will have time to really dig into this problem during my summer vacation.
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June 28th, 2011, 00:09 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.ds-scene.net/?s=viewtopic&nid=11007
devkitARM has been updated to release 33.
The binaries for devkitARM release 33 are now available. As usual the windows binary is available through the Automated Installer/Updater, for other platforms check the devkitARM getting started page on the wiki.
•gcc updated to 4.6.0.
•binutils updated to 2.21.
•newlib updated to 1.19.0.
•ndstool extraction now working on amd64.
•grit fixes for shared palette creation.
With thanks to massif, bpunit, and nitro322 for their contributions to this release.
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June 28th, 2011, 00:10 Posted By: wraggster
A few days ago, I got back to ‘brewing 
I’ve always liked sound programming, and DS sound programming is no exception. I decided to make a homebrew player for Ninty’s official music format (SSEQ), since the specs were online and there is not a decent homebrew sequenced music solution for the DS (the only decent thing is Maxmod, which unfortunately uses tracked music, which is a pain in the backside to make compared to the comfort of making MIDI files that get converted to the appropiate format).
You can find the sources to my proof-of-concept player on GitHub.
PD: I would upload here a demo .nds files, but obviously I cannot redistribute game assets
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June 28th, 2011, 00:33 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopic...2b4864a27251be
Yannoulu proposed the 1.3.1 version of " The World's ASCII "mini-jeu pour la Nintendo DS en Lua code, here the requiert donc interpréteur Micor Lua DS pour fonctionner.
The goal is to avoid the ASCII characters that tumble from one corner to another of the screen while using the stylus to move from a very special way, you'll see. Changelog: v1.3.1: Fixed various minor bugs and reset the player's position between two parties v1.3: Change the color of the enemies Prevents the player out of the screen (Thanks Papymouge!) Fixed an error aurtohgraffe System Upgrades travel (Take now into account the speed of slip of the pen) Speed enemies limited to 3 + 3 and 2 pixels x 3 + y (Again, thank you, Grandpa '!) Changing the logo and buttons Adding the name of the author (me Smile) Fixed bug in the canvas overlay when changing the character of personal between two parties
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June 28th, 2011, 00:35 Posted By: wraggster
Here are the results earlier than expected Nintendomax Wii Dev Competition 2011.
1er - Mr .Sitwell in Turbo WC Magical Adventure par Garrote (Espagne)
2ème - Project Panic par Morukutsu (France)
3ème - Toy Wars Wii par davidgf (Espagne)
4ème - Cherophobe par ThatOtherPerson (Canada)
5ème - SpaceShip Omega par EvilTroopa (France)
6ème - Piirates par sebskater29 (France)
7ème - Pong Breaker par Kyah (france)
8ème - Hero City par ThatOtherPerson (Canada)
9ème - Light Cycle 3D Wii par the_leg (USA)
10ème - Newo Puzzle par Owen (Jamaïque)
11ème - Cylinder Dodge par ThatOtherPerson (Canada)
The quality was the appointment this year, it was very difficult to decide, I let you discover the details of the notes on the topic dedicated => viewtopic.php? f = 141 & t = 13587 I invite Garrote , Morukutsu and davidgf me communicate via MP, mailing address and davidgf only his paypal account. Congratulations to the winners and congratulations to everyone for all these quality projects.
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June 28th, 2011, 00:42 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopic...2b4864a27251be
benito356 offers version and of " Tinke ", de-compiler for the Nintendo DS. Specifically, with this handy utility, you select one. Kts and the program gives you information about its content to view and extract some files nintendo (narc / NCGR / NCLR /...) which may be contained in the game
Information displayed in the header data of the ROM (includes banner icon) data files supported. hexadecimal file viewer. Supported Files NCLR => Nintendo color (palette) NCGR => Nintendo Character Graphic Resource (tiles) NSCR => Nintendo Screen Resource (useful information) NCER => Nintendo Cell Resource (cell) NANR => Nintendo Resource Animation (animation) NBFs => Nintendo Basic File Screen (useful information) NBFP => Nintendo File Basic Palette (palette) NBFC => Basic Nintendo Character File (tiles) or ARC NARC => Nintendo Archives (compressed) text files => TXT, SADL (definitions of sounds), XML, INI, H, XSADL, BAT, SARC, SBDL typical Files: WAV, JPG , TGA (RLE compressed).
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June 28th, 2011, 00:46 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopic...2b4864a27251be
Dolphin , the "Wii and GameCube emulator for PC, now in version 3.0. In case of problems of use, please consult the FAQ .
Yep, we really did it. Finally, after 20 days of string freeze and almost 3 months of feature freeze (totally worth it), we're officially declaring Dolphin "it must new" 3.0 as released!
So, what's actually new in this release?
- Tons of bug fixes: This totally deserves to be a major point for this release. There's been roughly 2500 commits between 2.0 and this release, so there are REALLY too many changes to mention. All kinds of stuff from strange UI behavior, crashes, graphical glitches and other sorts of problems were fixed. For example, many games which didn't boot at all in Dolphin are working fine now.
- Improvements to the user interface: The configuration dialogs were restructured in a more sensible manner to ease emulator usage for new users. The video config dialog received a complete overhaul and features a description panel for each option now.
- Various feature additions: This release also features support for the Wiimote speaker, EFB format change emulation, a gfx debugger, audio dumping, and many other stuff
- Low level DSP emulation: Thanks to numerous fixes to the LLE emulator engine, audio emulation in Dolphin is close to perfect now (provided that one has the necessary DSP dumps of course)
- New API support: Added a D3D11 video backend and an XAudio2 audio backend
- Removal of the plugin interface: The 2.0 release already had seen the introduction of plugin rewrites; the new plugins have been brought to feature parity and replaced them so well, that we decided to merge all plugins the Core. Further improvements are better suited as additions in the current infrastructure since this architecture allows for a much better integration with the other parts of Dolphin.
- Translation support: Recently we introduced supporting for translating Dolphin into any language. However, due to a lack of well-done translations it was decided to only ship a set of eight translations (Arabic, Brazilian Portuguese, French, Greek, Hungarian, Portuguese, Spanish, Turkish) with Dolphin 3.0.
- Performance/Accuracy: There have been some performance optimizations (especially in the texture decoder), but generally speaking performance decreased in favor of more accurate hardware emulation.
- Building Dolphin: The Windows build uses MSVC 2010 now, Linux users should use the new CMake build system. OS X people still compile Dolphin via SCons.
As (something like) the release manager for 3.0, I'm proud of this release. It's a lot more polished compared to 2.0 (especially the user interface) and should suffer from much fewer bugs. However, we of course still have a lot room for improvement, and for sure will further work on getting closer to perfect Gamecube/Wii/Triforce emulation
To bring things to a close, thanks again to everyone who helped at making this release possible and to everybody who anticipated this release!
btw: To anyone who was wondering, binary packages should soon be uploaded to our homepage. For now, this is a source only release, which can be checked out from the 3.0 tag of our project page at Google Code.
For now, these two binary packages can be used until we have some official binaries.
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June 28th, 2011, 02:18 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo started the mainstream push into glasses free (autostereoscopic) 3D gaming with its Nintendo 3DS system earlier this year. While sales were decent for the device, the price point, hardcore focus and lack of killer app games have failed to replicate the mainstream success of Nintendo DSi. But a strong E3 with top-tier 3D games ... should help attract a broader audience to the device, especially once Nintendo offers a price cut. While some have called 3D phones gimmicky, these devices are already commonplace in Asia. And with an influx of new 3D phones entering the market this year, coupled with the Nintendo 3DS, Jim Cameron recently [said] he sees these glasses-free devices as being key for the adoption of 3D TVs in the homes. He said autostereoscopic 3D games will be the entry level for most people to 3D. While the technology for big screen glasses free 3D is still further away, small devices like 3D phones and Nintendo 3DS will show off the technology.
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June 28th, 2011, 02:36 Posted By: wraggster
The original concept for N64 classic Zelda: Ocarina of Time saw the game play out entirely within the confines of Ganon's castle, according to creator Shigeru Miyamoto.
Speaking in the latest Iwata Asks Q&A on the Nintendo website, he explained that players would then access different areas via portals in its rooms.
"I thought about putting in all kinds of adventures into the different rooms, like making a dark meadow or an ocean - like in Princess Peach's Castle in Super Mario 64.
"In the worst case," he added, "Link wouldn't have been able to go outside the castle!"
Nintendo CEO Satoru Iwata then asked if that decision was fuelled by a lack of confidence in being able to create Hyrule Field with the limitations laid down by the N64 hardware.
"Yes," he replied. "I thought so from the perspective of the hardware's processing abilities while making Super Mario 64. At first, I didn't mind making the game complete within a single building as long as I got to make Link in 3D. In other words, it might have turned out like Zelda II: The Adventure of Link."
The decision to attempt a more ambitious structure and take 3D Link out into the open was born out of Miyamoto's desire to have the game's hero ride a horse.
"Making a broad landform that you could ride a horse across weighed down the processing, so we took it out for a while," he explained. "And after awhile I returned to work with the production team and launched a huge campaign to regain the grassland!
"We started by testing whether we could have two horses out at once. We thought if we could do that, then we could make other forms of play for that grassland. It went well, so we made a demo video with two horses. We showed that at Nintendo Space World, and I was like, 'Now that we've shown this, there's no backing out!'"
The finished game launched to massive critical acclaim in 1998 – a response as good as matched by the 3DS remake released earlier this month.
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June 28th, 2011, 12:09 Posted By: wraggster
Attendees of the Vans Warped Tour this summer will have a chance to see not only bands we're too old to know anything about, but also the Nintendo 3DS. Through August 14, Warped Tour shows will host a 3DS tent, with playable demos of Ocarina of Time 3D, Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3D, and more.
In addition to game demos, Nintendo will have oversized AR Cards and temporary AR Card tattoos, for use with the system's built in AR Games. Forget the Warped Tour -- we want big AR Cards and AR card decals now.
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June 28th, 2011, 12:48 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://www.emucr.com/2011/06/desmume-svn-r4048.html
DeSmuME SVN r4048 is released. DeSmuME is an open source Nintendo DS(NDS) emulator for Linux, Mac OS and Windows. DeSmuME supports save states, the ability to increase the size of the screen and it supports filters to improve image quality. DeSmuME also supports microphone use on Windows and Linux ports, as well as direct video and audio recording. The emulator also features a built-in movie recorder.
DeSmuME SVN Changelog:
debug print how many rasterizer cores got booted up
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June 28th, 2011, 12:59 Posted By: wraggster
via http://www.emucr.com/2011/06/news-ga...-20110626.html
GameBoy Online is a Game Boy and GameBoy Color emulator written in Javascript. It strives to be efficient and try to have a perfect compatibility. Currently the execution speed is not optimal even on browsers. For example on Chrome, which is nevertheless deemed to run Javascript faster on a PC running Windows 7 64-bit version with a double heart 2 CPUs at 2.2 GHz, games run at normal speed but almost skipping some frames.
The sound production is still experimental and rather poor quality. The video portion is by HTML5 or by creating images with BMP string URI. State backups are implemented using the object window.localStorage and are serialized / deserialized JSON. Ditto for backup SRAM.
Recent Changes:
- Emulating an undocumented behavior: HDMA becomes GDMA when LCD is disabled. This fixes Worms Armageddon. Manual disassembly + Firebug = :3
- Optimized the DMA code by inlining whole tile block loads. Kirby Tilt N Tumble can now boot, I will get the special gyro implementation landed soon, since it is running as an MBC type 5 cartridge for now.
- Updated Updating the midscanline working pixel determinism.
- Updated LYthe LY register reset write case handling.
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June 28th, 2011, 15:07 Posted By: wraggster
Fceux SVN r2209 is released. FCEUX is a cross platform, NTSC and PAL Famicom/NES emulator that is an evolution of the original FCE Ultra emulator. Over time FCE Ultra had separated into many separate branches. The concept behind FCEUX is to merge elements from FCE Ultra, FCEU rerecording, FCEUXD, FCEUXDSP, and FCEU-mm into a single branch of FCEU. As the X implies, it is an all-encompassing FCEU emulator that gives the best of all worlds for the general player, the ROM-hacking community, and the Tool-Assisted Speedrun Community.
Fceux SVN changelog:
RBI Baseball script written by me
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June 28th, 2011, 15:09 Posted By: wraggster
bsnes v080 is released. bsnes is an emulator for the Super Famicom and SNES video game systems. The purpose of the emulator is a bit different from other emulators: it focuses on accuracy, debugging functionality, and clean code.
bsnes v080 Changelog:
This release adds low-level emulation of the Hitachi HG51B169 DSP, which was used in Mega Man X2 and Mega Man X3 as the Cx4 chip. It also fixes a regression in both the sound core and cheat engine.
You will now need the HG51B169 data ROM to play MMX2/MMX3. You can get that here. I will not be including it with bsnes.
Once again, Cx4 LLE could not have been possible without the help of Dr. Decapitator, Jonas Quinn, Overload and Segher. Be sure to thank them, please!
- added Cx4 low-level emulation; removed Cx4 high-level emulation code
- fixed S-SMP synchronization to S-CPU on CPUIO writes
- controllers now have their own threads and classes
- serial controller is now emulated as an actual controller, rather than as a coprocessor
- added link coprocessor module for special chip research and homebrew
- fixed cheat codes that target mask ROM addresses [Cydrak]
- fixed compilation error with the latest GCC 4.6.0 beta releases
- added flexibility to XML memory mapping file format
- updated to mightymo's latest cheat pack (2011-06-20)
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June 28th, 2011, 15:11 Posted By: wraggster
1964 SVN r96 is released. 1964 is a free Open Source N64 Emulator. It is one of the top Nintendo emulators arround that you can get with a high game compatibility rate.
1964 SVN Changelog
[~] Tryed and cleaned up the code a bit more
[~] Switched some of our code more over to code RiceVideo Linux UseShadeForConstant
Slowly cleaning up the code -.-
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June 29th, 2011, 01:51 Posted By: wraggster

[Alex Busman] has been working with an old microcontroller board called the Handy Board. Recently, he figured out how to interface an NES controller to play music. With 8 buttons on an NES controller, [Alex] has control over an entire musical scale, so he demonstrates this in his video by covering the Dr. Mario Theme.
The Handy Board is a microcontroller board originally designed in 1995 for LEGO robots. With a 68HC11 μC running at 2MHz and 32KB of RAM, the Handy Board has been superseded by the LEGO Mindstorms NTX, the Handy Board is thankfully still being supported, and is still a great platform to learn embedded design.
It’s great to see a build on relatively obsolete hardware, especially considering this would be a trivial build with an Arduino. We think it’s great [Alex] is learning the ins and outs of ‘difficult’ hardware – it’s a great way to learn something. Check out the walk though of [Alex]‘s build after the break.
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June 29th, 2011, 01:58 Posted By: wraggster
News via http://gbatemp.net/t299213-super-mar...tor-2-0-beta-2
Mega-Mario has released version 2.0 Beta 2 of his editor for Super Mario 64 DS.
This editor is compatible with both US, the EU, and JP ROMs, and currently has level editing as it's main feature. With the ability to edit warps, camera placement, objects, and even multiplayer levels this editor is certainly not slim on features. Model editing is included, but experimental, and more features are planned for the future.
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June 29th, 2011, 23:25 Posted By: wraggster
Capcom has caused quite a stir around the world with its decision to utilise a permanent save file system in Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3D.
The firm has oddly issued a statement to 'confirm' "the game's value at second hand in the UK is not affected by whether or not the game can have its data reset," adding, "Customers in the UK will not experience a reduced second-hand value should they wish to trade in their purchase."
But that's seemingly not entirely true. UK retailer HMV has confirmed to VG247 that it will stock the anticipated 3DS game, but it will not be accepting trade-ins from those looking to sell it on.
Meanwhile EB Games Australia has confirmed that it won't be stocking the game on shelves at all, as rumours had previously suggested, but will allow customers to make special orders. "It was a decision made with our customers in mind. Considering the amount of people that trade, return and lend their games to their mates it does affect a majority of our customers," said an EB rep on the store's official Facebook page.
They added, "If you would like to purchase it with us then of course we will sell it to you, it will be a case of an order with our store. We made the tough decision to remove it from sale because we have everybody's best interests in mind, and don't feel its fair that you guys would be paying $60 for what is essentially a one use game."
Meanwhile in US, GameStop banned trade-ins before swiftly reversing its decision, seemingly with some coercing from Capcom. "GameStop did ask the U.S. store base to stop accepting trades on Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3D as we evaluated the save system for the game," a rep told IGN, adding, "Upon further review of the process with our publisher partner, Capcom, GameStop will resume taking trades on the game effective Wednesday, June 29."
Capcom has insisted that "second hand game sales were not a factor in this development decision" to use a permanent save file, adding that customers "will be able to enjoy the entirety of the survival-action experiences that the game does offer."
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June 30th, 2011, 00:11 Posted By: wraggster
Core gamers will accept the Wii U because it has high definition visuals and can be played in a conventional way, Nintendo has said.
That was boss Satoru Iwata's response when asked by a shareholder today whether the hardcore will accept Nintendo's next home console.
"Wii was not accepted by core gamers because they did not want to abandon their preferred control approach," he said, as reported by Andriasang.
"Additionally, Wii did not use HD because HD cost performance at the time was low. Wii U makes it easier to use conventional controls. Also, the Wii U controller is not as big or heavy as it looks."
Some criticised the Wii U's debut after Nintendo chose to showcase tech demos running on the hardware rather than games that will eventually launch.
This led to concern that the Wii U may suffer from a poor launch line-up of games - as the Nintendo 3DS did earlier this year - but Iwata told investors this will not be the case.
The CEO then suggested the eye-catching Zelda HD tech demo showcased at E3 was only possible on the Wii U.
"Regarding Zelda HD, Japanese developers said that it could not be replicated on other machines," Iwata said.
It was made in a relatively short period, so Iwata feels that HD development will not be a problem.
Nintendo's share price hit its lowest value in five years following the unveiling of the Wii U.
"There were high expectations from the new version of the Wii and this fell far short," said analyst Yusuke Tsunoda.
"People had expected to see something more at a big event like the E3, but there wasn't really anything more than what's already reported."
Iwata countered this criticism, saying feedback from those who actually played the Wii U was positive.
"Reactions directly from LA were extremely good," he said. "The majority of the overseas media offered congratulations. The reaction differed greatly between those who covered the product at the show and those who just covered it online. In other words, the point is how Nintendo can convey the value of the product."
Oli Welsh went hands-on at E3 for Eurogamer's Wii U preview.
The console launches some time next year – but not before April.
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June 30th, 2011, 14:03 Posted By: wraggster
Speaking at a shareholder meeting yesterday, Nintendo president Satoru Iwata discussed the company's goals for the Wii's successor, which aims to pick up the subset of gamers turned off by imprecise motion control. He said, "Wii was not accepted by core gamers because they did not want to abandon their preferred control approach. Additionally, Wii did not use HD because HD cost/performance at the time was low. Wii U makes it easier to use conventional controls. Also, the Wii U controller is not as big or heavy as it looks." Earlier comments from Shigeru Miyamoto indicate the new console will have more to offer in terms of online capabilities, but Nintendo isn't going to focus too heavily on that.
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June 30th, 2011, 23:54 Posted By: wraggster
If the hardcore gamer had hopes of seeing a Nintendo bundle made especially for her at E3, the return of the family-friendly Wii mantle was probably a bit disappointing.
Perhaps not enough to cause a mini-sick, granted, but certainly enough to sink the heart knowing that mum, grandma and little sis will yet again be coming along for the ride.
But the old hardcore-casual argument isn't the niggling problem I have with Wii U: there's something more fundamental about Nintendo's new console that suggests to me we might have to wait much longer for it to appeal to the avid gamer again.
We should give Nintendo credit, don't get me wrong. It now has a truly current-gen console in its ranks and with titles like Aliens: Colonial Marines, Assassin's Creed and (hopefully) Battlefield 3 the hardcore is definitely being catered for.
But there's still an itching, worrying feeling in my chest that Nintendo's not quite going all-in to reclaim the core audience, and - shudder - it might even be cutting some corners.
As far as I'm concerned, for hardcore gamers Wii U could easily end up being seen as a console of half measures, a machine that makes an effort but doesn't quite deliver a five star package. I'm worried it'll end up an amalgamation of 'almosts' that falls just short of the luxury we've come to expect from the top end machines like the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360.
What's distorted my anticipation for Nintendo's plans is the way in which a lot of our expectations have steadily been dismissed by Nintendo one by one.
First of all, let's set the smaller details straight; that appears to be a standard definition screen on its otherwise exciting controller - you won't find anything HD on there. It's not OLED either, unlike the stunning hi-def screen on Sony's PlayStation Vita.
That leads me to wonder how long it will take core gamers to ignore the handheld feature altogether, at the thought of having to play Arkham City on an SD screen.
And there's more: those are analogue nubs - circle pads like you'll find on the 3DS or the waning PSP, not proper sticks that core gamers demand, and as featured on every controller anyone ever hammered a game of PES or Call of Duty on.
Soon after E3 came to a close, more issues started to emerge as well. Wouldn't it be great to get involved in some split-screen FPS multiplayer with those Wii U controllers on something like Battlefield 3? Having a full map between the sticks (sorry, nubs) at all times for guiding air strikes?
The good news is that once Battlefield 3 arrives on the Wii U, you'll more than likely be able to do just that. The bad news? You're going to have to gingerly offer your mate a Wii-mote and hope he understands.
I know that the Wii U controller is going to be far too expensive to have a couple of spares stashed in the cupboard (that's another stumbling block in itself) but, as Nintendo fidgets around for a solid answer to the multiplayer problem, the 'one Wii U controller per console' feels like another element that isn't up to modern day gaming needs.
Much like the lack of Blu-Ray or even DVD playback, for example. I like many others use my PlayStation 3 as much for media as I do gaming. It's another important part of the hardcore scene that Nintendo is still refusing to cater for.
Nintendo's discussions on online gaming too have been worryingly ambiguous. Reggie's come out and said that Wii U's approach to online "will be a flexible one", literally taking the best of what each of our third party partners has to offer, marrying that with the best of what Nintendo does, and bringing that with a more rigid, a more closed type of environment.
A flexible, closed system taking the best from third party developers? I desperately want Nintendo to blow us away with online features but all I'm getting is flakes of ambiguity and hints of confusion. If Nintendo wants to compete with Xbox Live and PSN online (and it absolutely has to) it needs to come up with a clear, bold, feature rich plan.
Add all of these points together and you can see why underneath Wii U's otherwise exciting and potentially fantastic features, I'm worried Nintendo's failing to meet Sony and Microsoft toe-to-toe.
And it should: it's clearly an incredibly creative, hugely resourceful company with bags of money and tonnes of influence. Then why does it keep penny-pinching on simple DVD playback and now, standard analogue sticks?
The innovation's still there though in abundance of course; Nintendo can still pull off innovative feats its straight-faced rivals wouldn't even understand.
That's the card that Nintendo's playing and from the fleeting bits of tech demo we've seen so far it looks like the mass of third party devs behind the console could come up with some really creative pulls.
I question, however, without the entire list of bullet points core gamers regard as standard, Wii U's augmented reality or motion-sensing capabilities will be enough. Whether somewhere down the line the problems listed above will become major sticking points in the Battlefield and FIFA gamer's purchasing decisions.
Hardcore gamers aren't easily impressed and it will take more than a few gestures to make them jump ship from the solid platform they're already happy with.
But what's this? Returning to Nintendo's E3 press conference, Nintendo reveals Wii U can stream games straight from the console to the controller's screen. It's essentially a full-on games console and a handheld portable all in one - a hardcore gamer's dream.
"Absolutely," beams Nintendo. "As long as you're in the same room as the console itself."
Oh. Well, it was almost a hardcore gamer's dream.
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July 1st, 2011, 00:12 Posted By: wraggster

We've seen this sort of preposterousness before from BigBen, and we're no closer to falling in love now than we were back in 2009. This behemoth allows you to get the full experience in the console's Cyber Cycling Sports title, and the feeling of actually accomplishing something in the process? A presumably marketable side effect. The updated Cyberbike Magnetic Edition is available in North America this time around, relying on -- surprise, surprise -- magnetic resistance to offer a costly workout for those under 286 pounds. This oversized peripheral is available now for $199.99 (bike and game combo), which puts it a bit too far above the cost of an actual console ($150) for us to consider giving it a shot. Plus, we've already committed to biking downtown for our eventual Wii U pickup -- and frankly, that's enough to cover our yearly workout quota.
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July 1st, 2011, 00:29 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo has finally responded to the widespread fan movement campaigning to get Japan-only titles The Last Story, Xenoblade Chronicles and Pandora's Tower localised for the US market, and the news isn't good.
A post on NOA's Facebook page yesterday read: "Thank you for your enthusiasm. We promised an update, so here it is. We never say 'never,' but we can confirm that there are no plans to bring these three games to the Americas at this time. Thanks so much for your passion, and for being such great fans!"
The movement, dubbed Operation Rainfall, started last week in IGN's forums with disgruntled Wii owners spamming Nintendo's Facebook page and launching a snail mail campaign demanding the games get a US release.
They also managed to get Xenoblade to the top of Amazon's US game chart, with fans pre-ordering it under its long-dormant Monado: Beginning of the World listing.
Alas, it seems it was all to no avail. However, Operation Rainfall has vowed to keep up the pressure on Nintendo.
"Okay @NintendoAmerica you may not have plans, but we do. We wont stop. Let them know how you feel as fans people! With respect though please," read a post on the campaign's Twitter feed.
On the bright side, European gamers get special treatment. Xenoblade Chronicles is out here on 2nd September. Nintendo's French office has also claimed The Last Story, developed by Final Fantasy creator Hironobu Sakaguchi, will arrive on these shores in 2012.
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July 1st, 2011, 00:39 Posted By: wraggster
Wiitriis 0.4 released by Wilco2009
Wiitriis is a port of famous tetris for Wii (4 players). Who has not spent hours and hours playing the old Tetris?. Surely many of you would have liked to replay in our beloved Wii. Well, here I bring WiiTriis. A port of Tetris adapted to the new possibilities of Wii. Play Wiitriis with your friends using your own Miis on your console. WiiTriis allows up to four players simultaneously with two game modes. If you are someone who like to compete, try the battle mode and send all your completed lines to your opponents. To play use the Wiimote horizontally, using the cross buttons to move the pieces and drop them and buttons 1 and 2 to rotate the pieces clockwise or counterclockwise. In battle mode you can choose the opponent to send you the lines you complete. Get to keep your score in the top five and see your mii proud in the gallery of fame.
Written in C using libogc, GRRLIB and Libmii..
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