December 1st, 2005, 19:39 Posted By: wraggster
SuccessHK have the US version of Sonic DS in stock:

The popular and favorite blue due with 'tude, Sonic The Hedgehog, blasts his way onto the Nintendo DS and takes high-speed action gaming to a hole new level...literally! He's the fastest blue hedgehog on this planet and now he's pairing up with royalty - Quen, Blaze the Cat. This dynamic duo is a pair from different dimensions...but it's a match made to save the world! In search of the Sol Emerald, Sonic and Blaze must battle it out in their own worlds, but as they do, ripple effects will change the events of the others.
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December 1st, 2005, 20:49 Posted By: wraggster
New commercial game release posted at SuccessHK

In Pac-Man World 3 you'll get to celebrate Pac-Man's 25th anniversary with the latest in the popular series. In a mad search for power, evil genius Erwin creates a machine that can penetrate into the world of the Ghosts...the Spectral Realm! But now the Spectral Realm is collapsing into the real world and it is up to Pac-Man to uncover Erwin's plot and save the world.
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December 1st, 2005, 20:50 Posted By: wraggster
New commercial game release posted at SuccessHK

Elf Bowling 1 & 2 includes the original bowling game (with elves as pins) as well as a shuffleboard game (with elves as pucks).
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December 1st, 2005, 20:52 Posted By: wraggster
New commercial game release posted at SuccessHK

Dragon Booster is a fast paced 3rd Person Action handheld game. It takes place in Dragon City during the prelude to the Human/Dragon War and evil forces are rampant. Players can explore Dragon City and collect, train, and breed Dragons. With Home Video, Toys and a Trading Card Game, players will be clamoring to "Release their Dragon"!
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December 1st, 2005, 20:53 Posted By: wraggster
New commercial game release posted at SuccessHK

Battles of Prince of Persia is set between the Sands of Time and Warrior Within. The prince unintentionally ignites war between Persia and India by releasing an ancient evil when trying to rid himself of the Dahaka, the creature that's the focus of Warrior Within's plotline. Within Battles of Prince of Persia, players will command units and troops within a familiar "Tactics" interface, as well as control fights via a card battle system utilizing rules created specifically for this design.
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December 1st, 2005, 20:54 Posted By: wraggster
New commercial game release posted at SuccessHK

In a mad search for power, evil genius Erwin creates a machine that can penetrate into the world of the Ghosts...the Spectral Realm. But now the Spectral Realm is collapsing into the real world, and this will bring about a massive catastrophe that will plunge the world into a state of devastation for years to come. After mysteriously having been transported out of Pac-Village and into this strange and different land, it is up to Pac-Man to uncover Erwin's plot and save the world
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December 2nd, 2005, 11:17 Posted By: wraggster
Stephen Stair has posted this update:
I've mainly been reworking some sections of code to better support IP fragmentation, I should be able to support that soon. And, the test program is coming along... version 0.1 can be found on Stephens page. - Version 0.1 only includes a "wardriving" app, capable of cataloging up to 512 access points the DS detects. More will be added before too long. I've been wasting a good deal of time lately - however, I'm getting back on track now and hopefully can manage to work on this a good deal more in the near future. Expect good things 
More info --> http://www.akkit.org/dswifi/index.html
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December 2nd, 2005, 12:11 Posted By: wraggster
This is a port of the classic computer game "Sopwith" by Lazy1.
Author notes:
I have gotten quite a bit of work done on my port of sdl sopwith to the nintendo ds, right now the game is playable but I'm not the best at finding bugs. So I'm releasing this alpha version to see how many people can find.
The game is playable in it's current state but must be run under real hardware and does not have any sound. Keep in mind its still far from release quality.
Tested using a gbamp and passme so I'm not sure about other loading methods.
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Thanks to PDRoms for the news.
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December 2nd, 2005, 22:41 Posted By: wraggster
Recently we brought you the breaking rumour that DDR Mario Mix may be discontinued; fortunately, fiction is sometimes stranger than truth, and we’re happy to confirm that the rumour is false. In fact, DDR Mario Mix has been flying off shelves through its popularity, not due to a defect.
A Nintendo representative has told us that â€Nintendo is very pleased with the success of Mario DDR. In fact, there has been such high demand, it has driven out-of-stock situations at retail. Nintendo is currently reviewing its plans to bring in more product in 2006.â€
High demand? Out of stock? Sounds all too familiar. However, we’re looking forward to seeing some more Mario dance mayhem soon.
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December 2nd, 2005, 22:46 Posted By: wraggster
Speaking exclusively to SPOnG today, Nintendo has moved to quash rumours currently pegging The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess for Nintendo Revolution, with ‘The Mill’ claiming the GameCube version has been abandoned.
As you will know, the game was savagely delayed, as we were the first to reveal, and immediately Mario 128-inspired chat foretold of a next-generation outing for the incredible-looking new Link.
“The rumours that are currently doing the rounds are nonsense,†a Nintendo spokesman told SPOnG this morning. “Mr Iwata and Mr Miyamoto have always maintained that Zelda: Twilight Princess will be released exclusively for the Nintendo GameCube. Of course, it will be playable on Revolution as the Revolution is backwards-compatible with the GameCube. The Revolution may of course see its own Zelda outing in the future.â€
And of course, Nintendo’s comments just make sense, unlike the offending rumour. It was back in March that Nintendo showed the latest build of Zelda in video-form at GDC, as we exclusively revealed. Then we had hands-on access with the latest build, with our admittedly only half-decent shaky-cam footage which you can view here.
This news should do something to dampen the fires currently engulfing the scheduled GameCube swansong that is LOZ:TP though a fresh rumour has reached us at time of press, one you may ignore at your leisure. There is a strong chance we hear, that Zelda will come bundled with the Revolution as a 'showpiece' backwards-compatible title at launch. The wait before the final GameCube boxed version may be as long as a month.
We will more than likely be the first to confirm or debunk the Revolution bundle rumour, so keep an eye on the front page. For the record, Nintendo didn’t comment on it at time of press.
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December 2nd, 2005, 23:04 Posted By: wraggster
On a french site theres screenshots and info (in French), click the comments for the cool shots:
Heres the stats posted:
Emulateur nintendo DS.
- emule les 2CPUs
- DMA direct (pas sur VBlank ou autre)
- support seulement le mode 0
- support des sprites
- pas de support des palettes etendues. - trie des bgs et sprites
- une partie des SWI
- n'emule pas de jeux commerciaux a cause principalement du CARD_REG
- emulle assez bien la demo de Meteos mais petit pb avec la souris (clickez en dessous des menus)
N'affiche que les le bg0 utilisant la 3D
- support que des textures 16bits RGBA.
Ma meilleur demo sur gba (m'enfin celle avant la mort de mon HDD).
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December 3rd, 2005, 02:15 Posted By: wraggster
Ever since the Snes i have loved the Mario Kart games and the DS Version lives up to the Hype, this is a real killer app for the Nintendo DS, heres some info about Mario Kart DS:
"It's time to race... with no wires attached! The acclaimed Mario Kart series has gone wireless, letting players race and battle with up to eight karts at once, regardless of whether everyone has a game card. An all-star cast that includes Mario, Luigi, Peach, Yoshi, Donkey Kong, Wario, Bowser and Toad will round out a truly all-star line-up of more than 30 courses drawn from every Mario Kart game. That's right – players will tour courses from Super Mario Kart, Mario Kart 64, Mario Kart: Super Circuit and Mario Kart: Double Dash!!, not to mention brand-new tracks and arenas. With all the crazy items and frantic speed players have come to expect, this game is a Mario Kart fan's dream. The game has a new dimension of fun, since players can battle others around the world by connecting to Nintendo's new wireless gaming service, Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection, via Wi-Fi. "

Lik Sang have many more screens here --> http://www.lik-sang.com/info.php?pro...1&lsaid=219793
Anyway onto an excerpt from my review:
Mario Kart started off on the Snes with a great Single Player mode and probably the best Multi player game you will ever see, the Balloon Battle Mode was awesome. the game then progressed into Nintendo 64, GBA and Gamecube Versions and whilst each one had better graphics they all seemed to lack that original magic. Mario Kart on the Nintendo DS lets you play all the best tracks from each of the older versions in retro mode and you also have all the new tracks.
The feel of the game is superb and once i got my fingers used to getting rid of the weapons it was plain sailing, you have so many charactars to choose from youll be spoilt for choice and when you progress further into the game you will be rewarded by getting new tracks and charactars to choose from.
Read the Full Mario Kart DS Review here --> http://nintendo-ds.dcemu.co.uk/mariokartreview.shtml
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December 3rd, 2005, 02:22 Posted By: wraggster
Ben Hosier or otherwise known as Soully here at DCEmu has once again pulled a great design out of the hat and the once tired looking Nintendo DS site now has a much fresher look and feel to it and should continue to be one of the best resources anywhere in the world for Emulation, Homebrew, Hacking and Commercial gaming/news on the wonderful Dual Screen console.
As part of the DCEmu Homebrew & Gaming Network of Sites this is a valued site and Console scene made even better by the great people who visit, enjoy the Mario Kart Review below that was part of the launch program.
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December 3rd, 2005, 02:58 Posted By: wraggster
Im a tight person and paying 50 dollars for a Wifi Adapter would have killed me but my NetGear wireless router once i set it up worked perfect for Mario Kart and obviously it should with any other Wifi games, so start trying out your routers to see if they are compatible, post your findings 
My system is an Unprotected Wireless Network but whether that matters i dont know, but playing Mario Kart against anyone worldwide is awesome 
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December 3rd, 2005, 02:59 Posted By: wraggster
Gamespot reports that Nintendo has opened an office dedicated to the next-gen sequel to Smash Bros. From the article: "Heading up the new studio is the series' original creator, Masahiro Sakurai. He returns to the Nintendo organization after a two-year absence. According to Famitsu, Sakurai was persuaded by Nintendo president Satoru Iwata to return to Nintendo over conversations that took place at the E3 Expo held earlier this year. Preparing a new Super Smash Bros. game with such short notice was not easy for Sakurai, given the game's tight development schedule."
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December 3rd, 2005, 03:06 Posted By: wraggster
a source close to Nintendo states that the lack of HD support for the Revolution is a strategic move on Nintendo's part to force developers to cut costs, avoiding HD-compatible textures that "no one will ever see." As a bonus rumor - The Behemoth's new game will be fun!
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December 3rd, 2005, 10:11 Posted By: wraggster
New Gamecube game released:

Continuing the SD Gundam line of strategy games originally began on NES, this Gamecube update works in a mix of action and simulation elements. During the simulation parts, you move units around on a gridded map in an attempt to increase your territory. When your unit ends up on in the same spot as an enemy, you enter into battle with full control over your Battle Suit in fast-paced action in one of two viewpoints (2D overhead or 3D direct view).. The single player story mode has you follow a series of scenarios as you work through battles. Mutliplayer mode has support for up to four players, although you can go up directly against three computer opponents if you like. In multiplayer mode, you and your opponents set up an original team prior to battle.
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December 3rd, 2005, 10:24 Posted By: wraggster
News article from Success HK
Need for Speed Most Wanted
The Short Bark:
EA's Need For Speed franchise gets a much-needed fuel injection of fun with the return above ground, deep racing gameplay and the thrill of police chases. While the racing may get a bit repetitive at times there's enough going on during the game keep things interesting. Graphically, NFSMW packs a punch on the current consoles and it goes without saying looks fantastic on the 360. Coming into the sunlight to the sounds of sirens breathing down your back was just what this franchise needed to place it firmly in the halls of great racing games and make it a must-have on any gamers list.
The Full Bite:
The latest release in Electronic Arts' long running Need For Speed series, Most Wanted, returns the popular franchise to daytime racing and brings back the one thing that was sorely missing from the last few versions - the police. Never has lawlessness been so much fun as you zoom your way through challenges and races all the while evading some amazingly intelligent A.I cops and building up a reputation that allows you to live up to the title of the game.
The plot of NFSMW puts you in the immense fake polis of Rockport where you encounter one nasty street racer by the name of Razor Callahan. Duping you into a race, he gets you jacked by the police, sabotages you, then takes your ride and uses it to make his way from 15 to number one on the "blacklist." The blacklist consists of the 15 best and most notorious street racers in the circuit and you race your way up through the ranks being an all around reckless street racing superstar to earn you cred with blacklisters, a rap sheet with the cops, and a chance to get your ride back from Razor.
Jumping right into the career mode of Most Wanted, you'll encounter what has to be some of the most unintentionally hilarious cut scenes in a game this year. With a healthy dollop of cheese these full-motion videos mix real footage with CG animation creating this weird glazed over type visual. Through these lusciously cornball interludes you meet Razor, some other sepia-toned racers, the obligatory "racing hogtie" Mia (Maxim 'it' girl Josie Moran) and some not so scrupulous detectives who aren't very fond of you. It's a shame you don't get treated to more of these over the top attempts at a plot, as most of the story will play out through HUD cell phone conversations,
Following the continuing trend of "free roam" gameplay, you can indulge in a variety of challenges and races plus two new game modes, which have you basically begging to be chased by the fuzz. Alrentantely you can tool around this massive city, figuring out where all the nooks, crannies and side roads are so that when you do hear those red and blues blaring, you'll be able to make a decent job of getting away. Without a doubt, the art of being chased and being able to successfully escape is what makes "Most Wanted" most fun.
You'll start off with something called a "heat level" which, much like the Grand Theft Auto star system, establishes just how bad you are. As your heat level rises so does the level of pursuit employed by the cops - making for intense, racing mayhem that will put your driving skills to the test. You can successfully out drive the cops and bring your level back down but the further along you go in the game the more challenging you'll find that solution.
At level 1 you'll have the requisite cruisers doing their best to shut you down. Slowly you'll see the difficulty increase, initially with random spike strips and road blocks, and building up to a heat level where you deal with kamikaze police SUVs, helicopters, and souped up cruisers - all after you. Making things even more interesting are select spots on the road where you can knock into things like a log-carrying tuck or a giant donut sign which can temporarily disable your pursuers so you can run and hide to race another day. If that doesn't help there's also the addition of a bullet-time slow down effect which may or may not help you steer yourself out of a jam.
The racing elements of NFSMW are pretty standard fare, as is the customization of the truckload of licensed vehicles you'll either win or buy. While the racing may get a bit repetitive at times there's enough going on during the game keep things interesting. Graphically, NFSMW packs a punch on the current consoles and it goes without saying looks fantastic on the 360. Coming into the sunlight to the sounds of sirens breathing down your back was just what this franchise needed to place it firmly in the halls of great racing games and make it a must-have on any gamers list.
Need for Speed Most Wanted is out on PSP, DS and Xbox 360
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December 3rd, 2005, 16:56 Posted By: wraggster
Source - Emulation64
YopYop, a new Nintendo DS emulator for Windows has been released a while ago. It currently runs only demos but it seems quite promising. Here is some information about it taken directly from the Readme file:
* follower 2CPUs
* direct DMA (not on VBlank or other)
* support only mode 0
* support of the sprites
* not of support of the wide pallets. - sorts bgs and sprites
* part of the SWI
* does not emulate commercial plays because mainly of the CARD_REG
* emulates rather well the demo of Weather but small Pb with the mouse (click below the menus)
Download Here --> http://nintendo-ds.dcemu.co.uk/files/emu2D.jpg
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December 4th, 2005, 01:41 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo executives including Shigeru Miyamoto spoke at the Digital Interactive Entertainment Conference yesterday in Japan. With no direct translation, Miyamoto spoke of a big feature on the Revolution that’s still under wraps (aka a secret). While this comes from various sources, it’s obvious we don’t know everything about Nintendo’s next console or its unique controller.
Is this just standard hype generation, or does Nintendo really have something big to reveal? If there’s no big payoff after such a promise, we’ll be unhappy.
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December 4th, 2005, 11:01 Posted By: wraggster
Mario loves some sports action. The Italian plumber and company will release their next sports title, dubbed Super Mario Strikers, next Monday, December 5 in the US. Here’s what the critics are saying:
Eurogamer 8/10 - “It’s charmingly designed from the ground up to be as fun and accessible as possible, yet despite its astonishing simplicity, it still managed to hold our interest well beyond our expectations.â€
IGN 7.6 - “You’ll be pleased to know that, although not without flaws, this is one of the most addictive multiplayer titles to hit GameCube in quite some time. With two or more people, it is transformed into one of those games that you just can’t stop playing.â€
Gamespot 7.2 - “It’s soccer starring Mario and friends, but the problem is, there just isn’t enough “Mario†in Super Mario Strikers.â€
GamePro scores the game with a high 5/5, while EGM give it a 70%. With these varying reviews, chances are if you’ve dug previous Mario sports titles, you’ll appreciate this one too. Having played the demo, we can honestly say it’s a blast.
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December 4th, 2005, 18:58 Posted By: wraggster
Upon recent investigation of the CCT Game Calendar 2006, Revolution Report managed to discover that a developer by the name of NIBRIS has a game in development titled Raid over the River, which, according to the calendar, is slated for release on Nintendo's next-generation console, code-named the Nintendo Revolution.
Revolution Report contacted NIBRIS directly for further insight into the matter. According to Piotr Orlowski, the game's project manager, NIBRIS "would like to do this game directly for Revolution and DS," adding further that "only Nintendo platforms [will] get this game." Responding to why Raid over the River would only come to Nintendo's console rather than Xbox 360 or PS3, Orlowski stated, "Nintendo is our life. We have all of the Nintendo consoles; we are fans."
When questioned on whether or not his company had received a Revolution development kit, Orlowski said, "To be honest - we don't have a Revolution development kit yet, so we're doing a version on PC but we have a lot of ideas [of how to] use the Revolution controller." For Orlowski, the "idea of the Revolution pad is almost like a beautiful dream."
Regarding the issue of having a pubisher for NIBRIS' game, Orlowski responded, "We don't have a distributor yet but some of them are speaking with us." Apparently, NIBRIS contacted Nintendo of Europe to discuss publishing Raid over the River, but was told that "the game wasn't in [NOE's] target."
For more information about NIBRIS and Raid over the River, visit the developer's Web site here.
Revolution Report wishes to remind readers that this is not an official confirmation. We will have more on possible games for the Nintendo Revolution as it becomes available.
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December 4th, 2005, 21:35 Posted By: Raveneye
I think to many people bad mouth the Revelution for it's new innovative designs and plans, and I don't know why. Of course you have your oppinion and if you don't like something i can't make you like it.
Whats so bad with the Revolution that all over forums and the web there is only people talking about how much they hate it. And most people post flame on the Rev without even doing the research first; so I'll tell you what I like and hate of the REV, and Iv'e done the reasearch too so I know what I'm talking about.
The Rev controller I think is one of the best ideas in video game history, they're not just remaking the Gamecube with better hardware and releasing games that we'll just get sick of in a few weeks. They're adding a whole new type of gameplay to the scene; and this isn't something that we'll get sick of in just a few months. This is something so new that we might never get tired of it. Oh and one important piont. They are releasing a shell for the controller that looks just like the gamecube controller. So your not just getting this whole new gameplay but we also keep the old way too. This is what most don't know.
Nintendo has annonced that the graphics will be the same or better then all other consoles so don't worry about this. The HDTV thing won't happen till 2008 and I seriously doubt everybody gets a new TV every year so don't worry about this either. And I really won't mind much to buy an adapter for it. and HD support might still be implimented.
Kiddy Image
All should know that Nintendo is going to lose their Kiddy image ex: the more adult games they're making and the new Rev design are big examples. and they say that they're are going to make more games directed to older gamers. So more games like Resi 4 and the like, the new Zelda game and the new parental code lockouts for adult games are big evidence of this. So be at rest, they said they wan't to target all age groups.
Other Notes
You all should like to know that Nintendo is actually making a very smart desision. Without the hype of the new innovative designs and gamplay the next Nintendo console would just be another graphics pushing machine that offers gamers nothing that they can't get in an xbox 360; and they would slowly fade off into the history books like sega and atari before them. They're making their last move, and they're gonna make it a big one, one that could win the markett or lose it. Because they're defiantly goning to lose it if they do nothing. They have the money to do it and the backup money, so if they do end up losing it at least they will still be in business. They really have nothing to lose. Oh and by the way they are not losing their developers, believe it or not they are actually gaining developers because of their new controller.
I think the Rev is going to succede and is one of the greatest ideas Nintendo has ever made. All their mistakes in the past they're now fixing up with the Rev. I used to not really like Nintendo alot, of course I loved their older consoles but I wasn't a fan. That changed when I read about the Rev, and have now gained a whole new faith in them and I guess I'm a fanboy now. All the PS3 and 360 are doing is making them more powerful and giving them more features. They're getting away from their roots as a gaming console, infact I think it's safe to say that they're entertainment computers now. Not Nintendo all they're focused on are games, and making games better and funner for everyone. The PS3 and 360 are focusing on everything, like music and movies, and I think it's going to show in their games. Everything Nintendo has done bad in the past they're now fixing with the Rev.
If you have questions ask them, because I can probably answer them.
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December 4th, 2005, 21:39 Posted By: wraggster
To help others and actually help me choose a new title for my son for Xmas, what are in your Opinion the best 3 Nintendo DS Games?
Having played Mario Kart that has to be #1 for me but what do you think?
Please respond via the comments
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December 5th, 2005, 18:03 Posted By: wraggster
Atari founder Nolan Bushnell has praised Nintendo's new "freestyle" Revolution remote - claiming that controllers such as Sony's Dualshock are scaring away gamers because their designs are too complex.
Speaking at the Digital Interactive Entertainment Conference in Kyoto, Bushnell said: "The 3D controller that Nintendo is on to is a very good idea.â€
"If you look at today’s controller with triangles, Xs, squares and circles, it’s scary. It’s like a keyboard. People are interface phobic.â€
According to Bushnell, overly complex controllers are one of the reasons people have turned away from gaming. He claimed that there were 44 million gamers in 1982 - a figure which stands at just 18 million today.
"Complexity lost the casual gamer; violence lost the woman gamer," Bushnell said.
Bushnell founded Atari back in the 1970s and enjoyed huge commercial success with arcade classic Pong. He later sold the company and established the Chuck E. Cheese chain of restaurants, and is now planning to open a series of pizzerias with tabletop games for diners to play.
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December 5th, 2005, 18:11 Posted By: wraggster
According to an interview with Club Nintendo, Reggie Fils-Aime has stated that The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess is on track for an April release on the GameCube. Despite growing rumors that Twilight Princess is being delayed for the Revolution launch, Nintendo has reconfirmed that the game is still a GameCube title—but it will be compatible with the Revolution. Reggie told Club Nintendo that Miyamoto had requested the delay in order to ensure that this will be the… Best. Zelda. Ever.
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December 5th, 2005, 18:13 Posted By: wraggster
Before anyone gets all giddy, it should be known that the developer (NIBRI) of these screens has no official Revolution development kit or publisher ready to distribute the game. That said, the above image comes from the game entitled Raid of the River. Actual screens were developed on a PC and in a recent interview with Revolution Report, the developer said: â€[NIBRI] would like to do this game directly for Revolution and DS. Only Nintendo platforms [will] get this game.â€
If the company is truly wishing to get on board with a Revolution publisher, best of luck to them. More developers is only a good thing. But given the lack of Revolution knowledge, tech specs, and mostly the controller, it’s tough to tell what the company could do with this one.
Screenshot via the comments
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December 5th, 2005, 18:22 Posted By: wraggster
Today, our mail-holes were snugly filled by a little email from Nintendo Europe which basically amounted to: "Here is the official site for Nintendo's codename Revolution console"
And here it is.
You won't find anything fantastically new there, but if you fancy reliving the joys of past, you can view upon the TGS presentation that sent Nintendo fans and purists into a loony frenzy.
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December 5th, 2005, 18:48 Posted By: wraggster
Source - http://gpf.dcemu.co.uk/
This DS library implementation the Linux ROMFS file system for reading a pre-made boot romdisk.
To create a romdisk image, you will need the program "genromfs". This program was designed for Linux but can compile under Cygwin.", included is a prebuilt mingw windows binary.
This was derived/ported from KOS 1.3.x from the Dreamcast KallistiOS .
included is a simple FS test which demonstrates reading a couple of files from the romdisk, and then it displays the directory structure.
for more information about using the filesystem checkout the fs.h file for the proper api calls, which are all very similiar to standard stdio calls.
Also include is some stdio newlib stubs that call the kosFS for better stdio support but so far I havent figure out how to port those into the existing devkitpro / libnds configuration.
Troy Davis(GPF)
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December 6th, 2005, 00:37 Posted By: wraggster
Mr Modchips sent me an email today telling me that they have in stock the following items for the Nintendo DS:
"Nintendo DS Products
NeoFlash MK3 (MAGICKEY 3) INC. 256M FLASH ***In stock from 09/12/2005***
The MagicKey 3 (MK3) by NeoFlash Team is a more advanced development & backup tool for Nintendo DS (and GBA/SP). Instead of relying on cartridges it uses the memory from an SD or MMC card
Our Price: £49.95
NeoFlash MK2 (MAGICKEY 2) ***In stock from 09/12/2005***
The MagicKey 2 (MK2) by NeoFlash Team is a development and backup tool for Nintendo DS (and GBA/SP). Instead of relying on cartridges, it uses the memory from an SD or MMC card.
Our Price: £25.99
M3 Adapter SD version inc. NDS PassKey ***In stock from 12/12/2005***
M3 Adapter (SD Secure Digital Version) is made for those who want to download freeware games, movies and music from a PC to a GBA(SP) and/or Nintendo DS.
Our Price: £64.95
M3 Adapter CF version inc. NDS PassKey
M3 Adapter (Compact Flash Version) is for those who want to download freeware games, movies and music from a PC to a GBA(SP) and/or Nintendo DS.
Our Price: £64.95
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December 6th, 2005, 18:49 Posted By: wraggster
IGN, growing weary of Nintendo’s continued declarations of a “2006†launch date, went all investigative journo on us and dug up some dirt from game manufacturers who are getting busy with Revolution titles, albeit some with merely souped up GameCube dev units for testing. The developers are dropping the decidedly more specific time frame of “during the week of Thanksgiving 2006,†which would land it in America a straight five years after the GameCube. IGN was also able to get a better grasp on the forthcoming console’s specs, including a rough figure of 128MB of RAM (a sad quarter of the Xbox 360) but with the possible use of some other mystery RAM — maybe the 512MB of flash storage, which would be mighty slow for most purposes. Also sadly, nobody’s saying nothing about ATI’s Hollywood graphics chip that’s coming to the system, either out of ignorance or NDA-ance, but the general feel is that the system should thrown down about triple the graphics of the GameCube, but won’t really be the same league as the energy loving 360 or the largish PS3. This will obviously affect ports if and or when the graphics become too disparate between the next generation systems, but for now the developers seem pretty psyched about Nintendo’s main sell for the system: the controller. Time will tell if that shiny little number will get them through the coming war.
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December 6th, 2005, 18:53 Posted By: wraggster
News from Lik Sang
After the recent release of Mario Kart DS, the online party on Nintendo DS continues with another superb title: Animal Crossing Wild World. Just as huge as the tremendously popular GameCube prequel, you can now make yourself at home in a small town of sorts inside Nintendo's dual-screen handheld. Hang out in the same village and interact with up to three friends in real time, either through wireless LAN or over Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection. The fun never stops, as there is so much to do here while you create your own story: after entering a lively settlement populated with animals, you get the opportunity to live in peace and harmony with the cows, ducks, horses, sheep and kangaroos (to name a few of the whackily designed characters). The open-ended structure of the gameplay is what makes it so irresistible and the soothing background music adds to the overall peaceful and relaxed atmosphere. Another great Nintendo example for developing a title that doesn't follow current trends and creates an unique gaming experience that appeals to a wide audience instead.
Boost your popularity by showing a high level of reponsibility, caring for a happy village. Your community will be all the more enjoyable if you help out your fellow citizens in several ways, e.g. writing letters or accomplishing little missions for them. Decorating your own house is something you will need to focus on as well. Life in Animal Crossing can't be all about catching fish and bugs! Also, it's always a good idea to have a little chat with the other inhabitants - known characters and new ones, including animals of all shapes and personality types: K.K. Slider, Tom Nook, Blathers, Mr. Resetti and more. Fresh items like hats and sunglasses can be collected in Wild World as well. With the GameCube edition as a design foundation, Nintendo now offers a much more rewarding experience, thanks to the NDS touchscreen. It's as easy as 1-2-3 to paint custom patterns, type up notes for friends and manage the inventory with the stylus. It is even recommended to use it for controlling your character instead of relying on the D-pad. Nintendo certainly did a great job in adapting Animal Crossing for the NDS.
Read the rest of the article at the link above.
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December 6th, 2005, 18:56 Posted By: wraggster
News from Lik Sang
It's amazing what a healthy following anything only remotely related to Japanese pop-culture has enjoyed in the past couple of years. Anime and Manga have cross-influenced videogames in turn as well. A major influence has always been the famous Shonen Jump magazine, which series like Naruto, One Piece or Dragon Ball were picked up by games developers and embraced by fans worldwide with great excitement. Now, software multiplayer SEGA did their magic for another Jump Manga title, giving the Bleach franchise their royal treatment with Bleach: Tasogare ni Mamieru Shinigami for GameCube, which we received today. It's a more traditional Beat'em Up (with full-fledged fighting mechanics), sporting incredible visuals and all your favorite characters from the Bleach universe. In a market plagued with popular brands turned into half-heartedly souped up games, SEGA's involvement - as could be expected from them being dev team veterans - lets this title really shine in all respects. Definitely a title that can't be missed for all Beat'em Up, Manga and GameCube fans!
Much more at the above link
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December 6th, 2005, 19:21 Posted By: wraggster
Though it seems like Nintendo unveiled just about everything concerning the Revolution's controller at September's Tokyo Game Show, there are still some surprises in store, according to one of the company's most significant strategists.
At the Digital Interactive Entertainment Conference held in Kyoto, Japan, Shigeru Miyamoto, Nintendo's chief game designer and creator of the Mario and Legend of Zelda franchises, gave the keynote speech. He talked about the history of controllers for Nintendo's various consoles, from the pre-NES systems to current consoles like the GameCube. He ended his lecture with words toward the future, specifically the Revolution, stating that there's more to its controller than what's already known.
"The [Revolution's] controller still has another secret," stated Miyamoto. "But it's something that we'll reveal next year."
As a southpaw, Miyamoto takes into consideration gamers who "are in their right mind," as the saying goes. One of his first game projects at Nintendo in 1979 was to design an Arkanoid-style game machine called Breakout. Although he had had only two years of work experience at Nintendo at that point, he made sure the machine was designed to accommodate both left- and right-handed players.
Sharing a piece of Nintendo history, Miyamoto explained that the cross-shaped direction pad that's used for Nintendo's game consoles was originally created for the Game & Watch version of Donkey Kong in 1982. Up until then, Nintendo's Game & Watch series had used just two buttons for controlling the character. Donkey Kong required more-complicated controls since the original arcade version used a joystick. As a solution, Nintendo came up with the cross-shaped pad, which offers a similar control to the arcade version but comes in a flat compact design that allows the Game & Watch to be folded and closed.
Miyamoto said that the rise of complex controllers was one of the factors that contributed to video games' increasing complexity. Looking back at the SNES, he explained that its interface featured six main buttons, a vast difference from the two-buttoned NES. According to Miyamoto, the number of buttons on the SNES's controller was influenced by Capcom's arcade hit Street Fighter II. To simplify the controller as much as possible, the L and R buttons were set on the controller's sides.
Nintendo's first solution to the complication of controllers was introduced with the GameCube, which featured a giant A button that overshadowed all the others. While the console's controller has been a target of criticism, Miyamoto explains that it was Nintendo's way of saying that gamers should be able to play games by using only a single button.
Nintendo's challenge to simplify game controllers reached a new level last year with the launch of the DS, which featured a touch-sensitive screen that users could intuitively control with just a stylus. Miyamoto commented that the handheld gained a lot of female players in their 20s, and the DS succeeded in expanding its audience beyond gamers, which was Nintendo's long-term goal.
With the Revolution, Nintendo is trying to make a console that fits in with the living room, rather than a machine that focuses on high hardware specs. Miyamoto revealed that the Revolution's controller is purposely shaped in the form of a TV remote because it's something that everyone in the family will touch. He hopes the controller will introduce a more effective and fun way to play games. As an example, he pointed out that its nunchaku add-on can be used for first-person shooters. Players would use their left hand to move and their right hand for actions.
In addition to Miyamoto, the Digital Interactive Entertainment Conference featured a number of other big-name guests, including "the father of video games," Nolan Bushnell; Metal Gear Solid creator Hideo Kojima; and Pac-Man creator Toru Iwatani.
Bushnell, founder of Atari and creator of Pong, criticized the current game industry on the same two points often stated by Nintendo. He said that the rise of development costs is not allowing game makers to take on new challenges or delve into new innovations. He also said that today's controllers are getting as complicated as a PC's keyboard, and general consumers are reluctant to use them. Bushnell complimented the Revolution's controller during his lecture, saying that it's "on to a good idea."
Kojima also complimented the Revolution's controller during a discussion at the end of the conference. Speaking with Miyamoto and Valve Software's Robin Walker, he praised the controller, saying that he had a hard time restraining himself from leaking information before its official announcement. He added that the idea of making a game controller out of a remote control struck him completely by surprise.
Iwatani, whose speech preceded Miyamoto's, didn't comment on the Revolution or its controller directly. Instead, he shared his thoughts that the future of gaming may lead far from the living room, which goes against the visions of Nintendo. Iwatani explained that more and more people are starting to have a PC in their own room; as a result, he believes that in the future, games will be played on PCs rather than living room TVs. Iwatani speculated that PCs may soon come with a universal gaming chip in their motherboard. The chip would have all the functions needed to play games. Users would simply download games, and they wouldn't have to worry about compatibility problems, since all hardware functions would be embedded in the chip.
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December 6th, 2005, 19:43 Posted By: wraggster
New DS Games Released all thanks to HK Import store SuccessHK]SuccessHK[/URL]
Bust-A-Move DS US ver.

Bust-a-Move DS brings all of the bubble bursting, puzzle fun onto the Nintendo DS. This time Bub and Bob return center stage as they fling bubbles from the bottom screen to the top in an attempt to match 3 bubbles causing them to pop. You have to be fast because with each second you waste deciding your next move, the rows of bubbles get lower and lower. With multiplayer mode allowing 5 people to play via Nintendo DS' wireless link, this Bust-a-Move will prove to be the ultimate battle party game.
Super Black Bass Fishing US ver.

True to its forebears, Super Black Bass on the Nintendo DS provides an enjoyable game of fishing on serene lakes where players set anchor and attempt to reel the bass in with patience and alluring lure action. The types of bass featured in the game include spotted bass which is colored a grayish-green with splotchy spots across the upper length of its body, Florida bass which is duo-toned with a dark upper body and lighter belly. Then there's large mouth bass and its cousin, small mouth mass. Six major lakes provide the backdrop to test your fishing skills and lures. Since bass are a schooling fish, if you catch one in a part of the lake, it's likely that you'll be able to set anchor and reel them in all day.
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December 6th, 2005, 20:20 Posted By: wraggster
Those lucky Japanese get all the cool stuff; beer serving robots, dating sims and now an expanded Nintendo Trial Download service, which is yet to even reach our shores.
The service is available from various Nintendo wi-fi hotspots, and allows users to download trial versions of popular Nintendo DS games such as Sonic Rush, Nintendogs and Pokemon Dash. The service has proven popular in the land of the rising sun, so unsurprisingly Nintendo has decided to expand the list of available titles, starting with Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time on December 15th.
The download service is not currently available anywhere outside of Japan, and our local Nintendo representative could not comment on any plans to bring it to Europe, but we'll keep our fingers crossed anyway.
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December 6th, 2005, 20:21 Posted By: wraggster
We've all seen the Revolution's slick design and innovative controller, but developer sources are now suggesting that the console's pint-sized unit design could come at a cost.
"It's not much more powerful than an Xbox. It's like a souped-up Xbox," said one unnamed Revolution developer speaking to IGN. Citing several sources developing on the console, IGN suggests that Nintendo's next console will "simply not deliver the same graphic horsepower as its competitors."
The report goes on to claim that internal development sources have indicated the console's RAM count at "the same as GameCube plus an extra 64MB of main RAM," meaning that the Revolution would be a lot less powerful than the Xbox 360's 512MB.
But it's not all grey clouds in Nintendo land, the site also claims a Revolution release date of November 2006, and goes on to quote more developers who praise the Revolution's controller. "It's the controller that makes the difference," said one,"it's such a nice controller that it opens up a lot of possibilities. It's very different and it's very precise"
It's likely to be a long wait until E3 before we find out the Revolution's true power. In the mean time, what do you think about these supposed tech specs. Will the Revolution lack horsepower or do Nintendo know exactly what they're doing given they're history of hugely successful console launches? Our comments field below and Revolution Forum are open for business.
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December 7th, 2005, 01:24 Posted By: wraggster
Have a DS but don't know where you can hop online with Nintendo's Wi-Fi Connection service? Help has arrived. Wireless Internet hotspot-finding service JiWire today announced that Nintendo has licensed its directory to let DS owners find the nearest free hotspots with ease. DS owners in the US, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Panama, and Chile can log on to the Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection Web site and enter a street address and zip code to find the closest hotspots.
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December 7th, 2005, 01:30 Posted By: wraggster
From IGN Forums:
Please excuse the aggressive headline. I just wanted an attention grabber here. I figured I couldn't not post some feedback on Revolution the night we launch our official channel. I am still a Nintendo nerd at heart, heir to the IGN64 and IGNcube sites.
Anyway, people are really getting hooked on the whole idea that Revolution is 1.5x GameCube, or slightly better than Xbox, etc. Okay, I can understand the concern: we're talking about a system that will potentially have 25% the main RAM as a system like Xbox 360 or PS3. It's going to have some graphical drawbacks. But, at the same time, developers don't have a chipset in their hands yet. Until they do, you can't start talking about who kind of specific tricks IBM, ATI, and Nintendo have hardwired in there. It's unlikely that ATI has worked with Nintendo for years to create the exact same chipset as GameCube, only with a little more clockspeed. No, it's likely there will be some of the latest shader tricks, etc.
Aside from all that, the main point I wanted to put out there is that in Nintendo's mind, I'm sure Revolution is PlayStation 3.5 -- it's supposed to offer all the entertainment of games you're used to playing now, plus something completely new. If the company can provide enough software that truly takes advantage of the new control system to create new experiences, then you have something that the other consoles don't.
I've played with the Revolution controller, and I think it's just way too early to make any kind of judgement. There's a lot of potential, but there's also plenty of things that could go wrong (whether it just be the main functionality or something like software support). Nonetheless, I do know that as much as I love my HD gaming, or just high-end visuals, I wouldn't mind if Revolution games found themselves graphically on-par with something like Kameo in standard definition. That's not a level that I think is too far from achieving when you consider how much developers learn to pull off over the generation of a console's life.
So, while it's pretty easy to dog on the potential graphical performance, I think it's ultimately going to come down to just how intuitive/precise the controller is and what developers really can achieve with it. I believe E3 2006 will be the first real chance we'll have for answers to that.
And let's not forget how backwards compatability and other subtleties like that add to the experience... "
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December 7th, 2005, 15:42 Posted By: wraggster
Just a short off topic but still interesting newspost:
The Xbox360 is now available around the world and although it may be hard to get a hold of ive seen and played on one and my jaw dropped at the graphics (must have been a damn good TV too). Our Xbox360 Site on the DCEmu Network has the latest news from around the world about the Xbox 360 inc if you cant find an Xbox360 and if your desperate then <a href="http://www.success-hk.com/affiliatewiz/aw.asp?B=112&A=50&Task=Click" target="_blank" >Success HK</a> might be the best place to snag an import Xbox360.
For the best in Xbox 360 News check out our <a href="http://xbox360.dcemu.co.uk/" target="_blank" >Xbox 360 News Site</a>.
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December 7th, 2005, 15:51 Posted By: wraggster
It was only yesterday that the launch of IGN’s Revolution channel quenched our insatiable thirst for solid Revolution data with some admittedly underwhelming yet nonetheless progressive technical specifications. The day after, they’re following up on their Revolution revelations with even more info gleaned from developers working with near-final dev kits. So while this is all still subject to change, unless the Hollywood GPU ends up utilizing some form of quantum computing, don’t expect any radical deviations.
First up, optical media. We’ve garnered some excellent commentary in our recent thread regarding Xbox 360 disc capacity, with several people citing the Revolution and its supposed 12GB discs. As it turns out, this isn’t the case… by a long shot. Single-layered Revolution discs will hold 4.7GBs of data, tops, while the dual-layered variety tops out at 8.5 gigs. What will this mean for the content of Revolution games? That’ll depend on the remainder of the Revolution’s hardware, as well as the tools that are made available to the developers. For further elaboration, check out that 360 post if you’ve got an hour or so to spare, or just skip right to the meat.
Next up, memory. Initial appraisals set the Revolution’s memory capacity at or around 128MBs; according to IGN, that number’s been lowered to 104MBs—88 megs of 1T-SRAM and 16 megs of D-RAM. Developers have also noted that they have access to the Rev’s built-in 512MBs of onboard flash memory, though flash is no replacement for dedicated RAM. The amount of memory aboard the Revolution’s mysterious Hollywood GPU has yet to be determined, though many developers have placed the number at 3 megs. Of course, the apparent lack of this key hardware component may very well be responsible for the best news I’ve heard all day: the price.
Out of all the developers that IGN talked to, none expected the Rev to debut at a higher price than $150, with a few venturing as low as a $99 price point. Regardless, even at $200 the Revolution would undercut the cost of the Xbox 360 by 50%, since we all know that Core bundles do not count. And since nobody expects the PS3 to be cheap by any stretch of the imagination, I think I’m truly beginning to believe that Nintendo could pull off this whole “supplement rather than subsititute†thing they’ve got going on. Will Nintendo’s decision to forego bleeding-edge hardware in favor of extreme affordability and ease of use succeed in swaying the untapped nongamer demographic? Perhaps more importantly, will the Revolution set a precedent wherein all future console generations are judged upon interface overhauls rather than polygons per second?
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December 7th, 2005, 15:59 Posted By: wraggster
From Spong
You know that joke you made when the DS was revealed? The one about how touching is good? Nudge, nudge, wink, wink etc… Well, it turns out that one of those games is in the works, courtesy of one Ubisoft designer who’s been knocking together a DS frig-em-up in her spare time.
In a presentation that has surely captured water cooler conversation for ever, Heather Kelley, Game Designer at Ubisoft Montreal Studios, is designing what is quite literally a clitoris stimulator for Nintendo’s twin screen portable as her entry for the Montreal Game Summit 2005 Game Design Challenge.
Heather’s published personal goal is to “teach techniques of female gratification to a target audience of females.†Luckily boys, we’re off the hook again! “I decided my game had to have a specific goal and a specific market and that would drive the gameplay. A goal and a market that were extremely underserved by sex games that already exist. I wanted to design a game that would improve actual sex in the world, and for an underserved population. In other words, I want my game to teach techniques of female sexual gratification to a target audience of females.â€
Heather continues, “The DS is already a popular platform with females. The touch screen and audio input features are crucial for tactile, intimate gameplay. The portability means you can take the game anywhere – including OUT of the living room, into the bedroom. Reasonable price point means players probably have their own DS and aren’t sharing with another family member,†which is a good point. You wouldn’t want your mum...oh Jesus, no...
You can download a demo of the vagina-shaped bunny-rubber game here.
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December 7th, 2005, 16:01 Posted By: wraggster
Okay, so with all these specification rumours now floating around the 'net for Nintendo's forthcoming next-gen console Revolution, we can't help but ponder what exactly we'll be playing when the machine burst from the loins of secrecy at E3 next year.
Obviously, being Nintendo, it's a no-brainer that we'll be seeing its big-name franchises at some point over the console's lifespan - so that's Zelda, Mario, Mario Kart, Metroid and Smash Bros. covered then (with Revolution follow-ups already confirmed for most of those anyway).
However, as part of its current Revolution splurge, IGN has initial word on a couple of new titles which are frankly news - and exciting news at that - to our ears.
Firstly, it seems that Animal Crossing DS producer Katsuya Eguchi has confirmed that a Revolution sequel is currently in development. With Nintendo's Wi-Fi connection service set to play a huge role in its next-gen home console offering, it's a fair bet that the village visiting antics of the handheld version will make a return. What's more, Eguchi also suggests that both versions of the game might feature link-up functionality similar to that of GBA's Animal Island, downloadable in the GameCube offering.
A bit less fluffy, but no less exciting, is that Suda 51 (or Gouichi Suda as he's probably known to his mother), producer on Killer 7 over at Grasshopper, is full of praise for the Revolution controller. Not content with simply splurging love on Nintendo's gaming biscuit though, Suda has confirmed that the developer is currently finalising plans for an "extreme" Revolution title. Apparently the secret title will focus heavily on the unique aspects of the controller for input. Notch that one up on the "ones to watch" list then, in light of the brilliant but misunderstood Killer 7.
Hopefully these announcements signify a steady opening of the floodgates where Revolution information is involved. Roll on E3 2006 is what we say.
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December 7th, 2005, 16:02 Posted By: wraggster
Half the fun of these glory days (and weeks and months) before a brand new console's launch is the rampant speculation, serving to tease, amaze and flabbergast with its wily claims of technical magnificence, painful inferiority, promises of gaming wonderment or just a big old lump to add to the mounting collection of machines under your telly.
One of the more mysterious entries in the next generation of consoles is of course Nintendo's Revolution, with the company remaining characteristically tight-lipped about everything from the machine's specs to the games themselves. However, IGN has managed to lay its hands on a bunch of leaked specifications, courtesy of seemingly reliable industry insiders regarding those elusive specifications.
After yesterday's Revolution revelations, the website has spilled a second batch of information. Brace yourselves - here comes the science bit.
Apparently, the console's Broadway CPU is an extension of the GameCube's existing Gekko CPU and is capable of delivering one and a half to twice the performance of the tiny purple beast, also featuring improved caching. Similarly, the machine's clock speed is said to be twice that of the GameCube. Furthermore, the Hollywood GPU is believed to be an extension of the existing GC GPU.
As far as RAM goes, the Revolution is said to "build on GameCube's configuration of 24MBs 1T-SRAM and 16MBs D-RAM (40MBs) by adding an additional 64MBs of 1T-SRAM", totalling up to 104MB. This apparently excludes the GPU's on-board memory claimed to be 3MBs. Sources are suggesting that this reduction in RAM compared to other next-gen machines' is indicative of Nintendo's philosophy of not competing directly with Sony and Microsoft from a techological standpoint this time around.
In terms of storage media, the Revolution's discs are said to hold 4.7GBs of data (a DVD standard) on a single layer and 8.5 GBs when dual-layered.
Although rampant technophiles might be disappointed with the apparently underpowered specs of the Revolution, there's one very big silver lining as a direct result. Most of the sources IGN questioned agreed that, given the machine's reserved technical configuration, a sub-149 USD price tag would seem likely, with many suggesting they could easily envisage the console hitting shelves for 99 USD.
Frankly, at that price - and with it's intriguing controller - we can see the thing whizzing out of stores when the Revolution comes sometime next year.
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December 7th, 2005, 20:09 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo's next-gen system won't match power of rivals, focuses firmly on innovation
Developers speaking to GamesIndustry.biz this week have commented that the the Revolution console, hardware kits for which began shipping to third parties recently, is shaping up to be around 2.5 times more powerful than GameCube.
Up until the past week or so, developers close enough to Nintendo's inner circle to have seen any Revolution hardware were working with development kits that were simply GameCube kits with mock-ups of the "wand" controller attached - a clear signal, if any were required, that the system is more about innovative control than about the hardware specs.
Now, however, Nintendo has spoken to developers in more depth about its hardware plans for the new system - and has begun shipping more advanced development kits to selected third-parties, featuring early versions of some of the chips which will appear in the final console.
An article published by US website IGN this morning revealed some details of the console, and several developers today have spoken to GamesIndustry.biz to help fill in the gaps.
The picture we're building up of the final console is as follows; the Cube will be powered by the IBM CPU codenamed Broadway, which is very similar to the Gekko CPU used in the GameCube, but runs at around twice the clock speed and offers potentially two to three times the overall performance, and the ATI graphics chip codenamed Hollywood.
While Broadway is well-understood by developers, the ATI part remains "a bit of a black box", according to one senior developer we spoke to. "We have theoretical throughput figures and stats from Nintendo, but nobody's seen the hardware yet - we're just treating it like it's a faster version of the GameCube GPU, at the moment."
How much faster exactly it will be remains to be seen, but the chip - which "seems to be an evolution of the Radeon range" according to our source - will probably mirror the CPU by running at around twice to three times the speed of the existing part.
In terms of RAM, the system is well-known to boast 512MB of Flash RAM which can be used to store save games and downloaded content, but this will not be accessible to developers, we were told. What they'll have available is 96MB of main memory, built on the same 1T-SRAM architecture as the Cube, and "a few megs here and there for other stuff" - such as 3MB of on-board memory on the graphics chip, which will be used for a frame buffer. "That's plenty, since the Revolution isn't supporting HDTV," one developer added.
As for the storage media the Revolution will use, "they're pretty much standard DVDs," we were told, with capacity similar to current PS2 and Xbox discs. "The only clever thing about the drive, really, is that you can put the little Cube discs into it despite being a slot-loading drive - I think that's the first time you've been able to do that with a slot loader."
In other words, what Nintendo is planning to ship is a system which is no more than around twice to three times as powerful as the current generation GameCube - indeed, more than one developer who has access to the hardware specs suggested "about 2.5 times the power" as the benchmark for the new system.
Although this makes the Revolution significantly less powerful than the PS3 or Xbox 360, developers we spoke to were upbeat about the machine.
"You can basically treat it like a current generation machine," one told us. "The time it'll take to ramp up to developing on this is basically nil - we can just work on a PC or maybe an Xbox, and then improve the quality of our assets when we move to the Revolution. Or even work on a Cube, in fact. The libraries are very similar."
"We could do a game for this in a few months," commented another developer. "Developing games is going to be easy, the challenge is going to be using the controller properly."
The approach mirrors Nintendo's strategy with the DS, which is far less powerful than its rival the PlayStation Portable but offers an innovative interface which has been a hit with gamers and has had major success in the mass market.
Crucially, the low specification will also allow Nintendo to score a victory in terms of pricing; speculation is already rife that the Revolution could enter the marketplace at $149 or even lower, suggesting a sub-GBP 100 price point at a time when the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 still retail for three times that price.
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December 7th, 2005, 20:35 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo has announced that 200,000 unique visitors have signed on to their wi-fi connection, thanks to Mario Kart DS and the newly released Animal Crossing: Wild World. In addition, the service has logged nearly 3 million connections in the short period of time from when the system first started on November 14.
These are the first numbers that substantiate the earlier announced 45% adoption rate. The next first-party game to utilize the wi-fi service is Metroid Prime Hunters that will launch on March 20.
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December 8th, 2005, 00:27 Posted By: wraggster
Like most Nintendo DS webmasters and fans i check out lots of sites and i do admire some even if they are rivals to our own. So with that in mind im offering to do a Linkshare scheme where i on either my left or right column (dont ask me which) will link to your DS site and obviously we should share by linking back, call it a partnership of sorts
I wont link to any site who have downloads for Warez for obvious reasons. So if you have a site then let me know and we will check it out and then ill sort the links out.
Remember a community grows stronger by coming together
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December 8th, 2005, 03:44 Posted By: dougpr
I was just wondering if there are any GBC emulators out there for the GBA? Because of the Nintendo DS's inability to play GBC games as well as the Gameboy Micro's same flaw, I was wondering if there is a GBC emulator out there or in the works?
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December 8th, 2005, 19:29 Posted By: ForteGSX
Ok I have a question about the online play for the DS. Is there any way to play games online that don't have an online fearure? I mean like the PSP that can play AD-Hoc modes over the internet via a program and some configuration.
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December 8th, 2005, 19:37 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo has announced that more than 200,000 unique visitors have made use of its new Wi-Fi Connection service since last month's launch, logging nearly 3 million connections around the globe.
Wi-Fi Connection allows Nintendo DS owners to play titles such as Mario Kart DS and Tony Hawk DS online, via either Wi-Fi hotspot, wireless router or a special USB dongle.
The service launched alongside Mario Kart DS in the US on November 14th, with a European release following on November 25th. Since then, according to Nintendo, more than 45 per cent of DS owners have taken the game online.
So far, Nintendo has yet to confirm whether any third parties will publish games which make use of the Wi-Fi Connection service. The first party title, Animal Crossing: Wild World, is out today in the US, while Metroid Prime Hunters will hit the shops on March 20th.
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December 8th, 2005, 19:39 Posted By: wraggster
Speaking at the 33rd annual UBS Global Media conference, Nintendo of America's chief marketing officer spoke candidly to an audience of analysts and investors about its approach to expanding the games market.
Unsurprisingly, innovation and a desire to reach new, non-traditional audiences was a focus for Reggie Fils-Aime, as he discussed marketing games, and the forthcoming next-generation Revolution console to casual gamers, families and a female audience, in addition to the 18-24 year old male.
The speech included several quotes praising the company's ambitions and continued innovation in reference to the Revolution console, including publishing powerhouse Electronic Arts, quoted as saying: "It's a brilliant controller, and as usual we can credit Nintendo with being innovative and neat and fresh and fun. They continue to pioneer in our industry… They make some of the best games in the industry… And we look forward to partnering with them."
After stressing the continued success of the Nintendo DS which, according to Nintendo, is still outselling Sony's PSP, Fils-Aime pointed to the Nintendogs phenomenon, which has generated immense excitement amongst gamers young and old worldwide. The title has sold just under a million units in the US alone, and has attracted twice as many female players than usual. According to Nintendo, the DS has achieved total sales of around 6 million to date, compared to 4.26 million for the PSP.
To bring home the point once and for all, Nintendo president was quoted in the presentation as saying: "If we cannot expand the market, all we can do is wait for the industry to slowly die."
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December 8th, 2005, 19:55 Posted By: wraggster
A new article from SuccessHK
Animal Crossing on the GameCube went from quirky anomaly to unstoppable epidemic in record time. It's a game about mundane activities and cutesy characters, but all in its blast radius were powerless to resist it. For the DS, not enough was done to consider Wild World a true sequel, but what has been included makes living out your virtual life even more addictive.
For those poor souls out of the loop, the events of Animal Crossing play out as such: You're a human moving into a new town, populated by animals. Day turns to night, seasons change, and residents move in and out. Meanwhile, you pay off your house, fill the museum, and choose from countless other ways to kill time.
Fortunately, there are too many ways to amuse yourself in Animal Crossing, per se. Fishing, digging holes, gossiping with neighbors, participating in special occasions, and decorating your domicile still dominate daily life. A few new tasks are added here and there -- making constellations for the observatory, watering plants, designing the town flag -- but only enough to make a little splash in the teeming pool of activity. Still, they're enough to add a few more minutes to your ritualistic daily playing.
When we say you'll be playing daily, we mean it. After all, you wouldn't want to miss out on a must-have furniture item for sale, the chance to find buried treasures, or being able to get a few Bells closer to paying off your mortgage. Unlike Nintendogs or other simulations, playing Animal Crossing never feels like a chore; it's always fun, and it's by your rules rather than those of the artificial intelligence.
Where things do get a bit different in Animal Crossing: Wild World is in the control. Literally everything you can do in Animal Crossing is accomplishable with the touch screen and stylus. There's a slight learning curve, but odds are you'll be sold on it and abandon the d-pad and buttons for the vast majority of your playtime; and it's a blessing for things like writing letters.
Little things do make a difference in a game you're bound to pour dozens if not hundreds of hours into. Traversing your town no longer uses the old-school Zelda-like separate screen design; instead, it's all one big screen where the landscape curves like a log. When selling items, you can easily pawn multiple items at a time. Without controller rumblings, finding bugs and detecting when to reel in your line are more audio-centric.

One cannot ignore the multiplayer aspects of Animal Crossing. Here, Multiplayer over Nintendo Wi-Fi is very appealing. Visit someone else's town to sample the local fruit, chat with humans, do a little sightseeing, and meet interesting animals -- some of which may even decide to move to your neck of the woods.
Nintendo wisely put a few locks on Wi-Fi multiplayer, so any old griefer can't just invade and chop down all your trees. You must get a player's character name, town name, and friend code in order to visit them. On top of that, they must have their gate open to visitors, and you can't come in if they're somewhere else. This necessitates more real-world communication, but it's really better that Nintendo err on the side of caution. You'll notice some lag when more than two humans are occupying the same town, but it's forgivable.
Animal Crossing on DS is as addictive as ever. NES games, boating to the island -- it makes up for with wireless multiplayer, touch screen control, and the little additions. Portability is also a great asset too, of course, and your power bill will thank you for it. Anyone who loved Animal Crossing on GameCube need not hesitate before picking this up. For those who missed it before, let's just say, "Welcome home." This is still a totally unique, expertly balanced gaming experience that will consume you with its clever cuteness and quirky customs.
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December 8th, 2005, 19:57 Posted By: wraggster
Success have the game Robots in stock:

Save robot-kind from being turned into scrap metal! Play as Rodney Copperbottom and join his outrageous mechanical pals, the Rusties, as they try to fail Ratchet's evil plan! All the humorous characters and non-stop action of Robots The Movie come to life in this immersive game.
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December 8th, 2005, 20:00 Posted By: wraggster
Success have the Wifi Adapter from Nintendo for use on Amimal Crossing and More importantly Mario Kart DS.
If you love Mario Kart DS and you rate yourself then the adapter will let you play from anyone around the world, its an essential DS Purchase. Heres the info:

This USB connector is for those who don't have a wireless Internet connection, the adapter can plug in to a computer's USB port to create a Wi-Fi connection with the DS. Users can then use this to play compatible Nintendo DS games online.
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December 8th, 2005, 20:05 Posted By: wraggster
Reggie Fils-Aime, Nintendo of America CMO, spoke to an audience of investors at a recent UBS conference. The Reginator discussed Nintendo’s strategy of marketing their next-gen console to more casual gamers. Here were some key points covered in his presentation:
Iwata was quoted in the presentation as saying: “If we cannot expand the market, all we can do is wait for the industry to slowly die.â€
Nintendogs has sold nearly one million copies in the US alone, more than half of the buyers were said to be female.
The presentation featured the following comment by publisher, EA in regards to the Revolution: â€It’s a brilliant controller, and as usual we can credit Nintendo with being innovative and neat and fresh and fun. They continue to pioneer in our industry…they make some of the best games in the industry…and we look forward to partnering with them.â€
It appears that Nintendo’s Blue Ocean strategy is working in the portable market. Do you think the low-tech, game innovating DS is the precedent for Nintendo’s upcoming console strategy?
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December 8th, 2005, 20:34 Posted By: wraggster
Source - Spong
A report hitting IGN in the past few days has seen a backlash against Nintendo’s upcoming home console, codenamed Revolution, with claims touting the device as little more than GameCube 2.
The piece claims that development studios have warned that the Revolution will deliver 128MB RAM, perhaps even less. Bear in mind the Xbox 360 packs 512MB. This essentially rules out hopes of Nintendo reversing its stance on offering high-definition TV support, something of a bone of contention all of a sudden. Well, since Microsoft made it an integral element of its 360 console and subsequent marketing anyway…
“There is more RAM that you can use, but Nintendo is using that for general memory, like game saves and all sorts of other things. You could use it, but you can't rely on it,†said a developer in the IGN piece. We have no idea what that could mean…
A follow-up report claims that the Revolution will take the GameCube’s 24MB 1T-SRAM and 16MB D-RAM (40MB) and add 64MBs of 1T-SRAM, totalling 105MB core RAM. This does not include any additional grunt to be added by the Hollywood GPU, though again, rumour claims this will only add 3MB.
The report also claims the IBM-developed Broadway CPU is based on the GameCube’s Gekko processor - another reason fans of Sony and Microsoft’s consoles have seized on this opportunity to dub Revolution little more than GameCube 2 with some relish. It is rumoured that the Hollywood GPU is again a revision of existing GameCube hardware, namely the Flipper by ATi. “Basically, take a GameCube, double the clock rate of the CPU and GPU and you're done, says one source,†another claiming that, “The CPU is the same as Gekko with one and a half to two times the performance and improved caching. Our guys experimented with it and think they'll be able to get about twice the performance as GameCubeâ€.
And now for some good news. Speculation puts the Revolution disc's storage at 4.7GB of data on a single layer or 8.5GB when double-layered on a single-side, a massive leap from the GameCube’s 1.5GB max. The suggested price is also something of a gem. We are told to expect between $99 and $149 at launch, astonishingly cheap and surely a must-buy price-point for any gamer.
The reports emerging at this stage have been dubbed ‘misguided’ by some sources we spoke to with bits and pieces of information cobbled together, and failed to produce a cohesive whole. Preliminary development units in circulation right now are PC-based and are backed by only the slightest briefing from Nintendo, much of which centered around the concepts underpinning the controller, with very little talk of the oft-mooted horsepower. Of course, it’s for this reason developers are left guessing at what to expect, though further updates from both IBM and ATi are expected to be released via Nintendo in the coming weeks. Following these updates, revised development kit guidelines will hit, followed in early February (we hear) by final SDKs
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December 8th, 2005, 22:17 Posted By: wraggster
One of the two sources who gave us information on IBM's "Broadway" processor today gave us information on the "Hollywood" GPU from ATi. Details inside.
The source provided the following information under conditions of anonymity, as well as some other general Revolution statements:
- "Hollywood" is based on ATi's RV530 GPU
- The GPU has been optimised significantly (more on that below)
- The graphics are not as bad as IGN might make them sound
- The Revolution's RAM, whilst being around 128MB, is highly optimised
Here are the specs for the RV530, thanks to Anandtech:
600MHz Core Clock
1400MHz Memory Clock
512MB Maximum Memory for "XT"
256MB Maximum Memory for "Pro"
128-bit Memory
12 Pipelines
Maximum 16x32MB 1.4ns GDDR3
High Optimisation
The source described the Revolution's optimisation like this:
Although he acknowledged that Revolution will not be as powerful as 360 or PS3, he said that the optimisation level of Revolution is similar to that of the GameCube: although it did not have the highest hardware specification, it managed to churn out the best graphics in titles such as Resident Evil 4.
The RAM is 1T-SRAM, as previously reported. The source mentioned some optimisation of the RAM but did not clarify.
We remind you that this source is very trustworthy: the information that we broke exclusively on IBM's "Broadway" is now mirrored in the comments of various developers to IGN.
There is no official word from Nintendo, however. Take this as you will.
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December 9th, 2005, 01:56 Posted By: JohnnyStark
Hi guys,
I'm really new to DS emulation. I've actually never held a real DS, but when I heard the rave reviews of Mario Kart saying it's the best in the series I had to try and play.
I downloaded the following file:
0168 - Mario Kart DS (USA)(SCZ).nds
I tried Ensata, but it didn't load the game. Do you know what emulator plays *.nds games? To run the emulator do I just download it, open the file and play? Ensata was really confusing for a beginner.
Any help on what emulator to use and where to get it is greatly appreciated.
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December 9th, 2005, 15:03 Posted By: Pug_205
Got a few questions i would really like to know the answer too!
1.How does the DS save?
2.What do you need to connect to wi-fi and is it really free?
3.what else is avalible for the DS? 
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December 9th, 2005, 20:32 Posted By: kyleF
hey all, im new to this homebrew stuff outside of my xbox, so my question is if I am looking to use have the ability to watch video, play mp3, and play eumlators on my DS, which should I go with.
It seems the M3 adapter is more expensive. Is that because it already comes with app's on it. If I want to use video, mp3, and emu's on my DS with a supercard flashcart and 1gig sd card, would I then have to put apps on to that?
Basically which one should I go with? and what are the advantages to the M3 adapter?
Thanks in advance
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December 9th, 2005, 21:15 Posted By: wraggster
Source: The official Ubisoft Web site for the game.
The official story: Ubisoft reps did not respond to requests for comment.
What we heard: Internet message boards were buzzing today after eagle-eyed surfers noticed that the release date for Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter on Ubisoft's official Web site had changed from February 2006 to March 2006. What seemed to be lost in the shuffle was that the site now makes no mention of the previously announced GameCube edition of Warfighter. Even the official Warfighter Web site has excised all mention of the GameCube, and on the game's messageboards, a Ubisoft community manager says the game is unlikely to ever hit shelves.
Originally scheduled for release on the PC, PlayStation 2, Xbox, Xbox 360, and GameCube sometime this holiday season, the game was first pushed to a February release back in October. By all accounts, the first four versions are still on the way, but the fate of the GameCube edition is apparently up in the air. Online retailer EB Games appears to have pulled the listing from its site, but GameStop still lists the game and is taking preorders for an expected February 1 release.
Bogus or not bogus?: Basically not bogus. Between the Ubi site, the Advanced Warfighter site, and the Ubi forum administrator, the GameCube version's fate looks pretty much sealed.
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December 9th, 2005, 21:20 Posted By: wraggster
Source - Gamestop
After a long drought of releases, the PSP is currently bathing in a flood of new games. Today Ubisoft announced that Prince of Persia Revelations, the first version of the franchise for Sony's portable, has arrived in stores. The game retails for $49.99 and is rated M for Mature.
As one might guess by the rating, Revelations is a more violent game than Prince of Persia: Sands of Time, the fanciful adventure that revamped the long-dormant action-adventure series. In fact, Revelations is a reworked version of the sequel to Sands, Prince of Persia: Warrior Within, the first "dark" entry into the series. It follows the now-embittered prince as "he embarks upon a path of carnage and mystery to defy his preordained death," according to Ubisoft. Standing in the way of the prince's destiny is the Dahaka, "an immortal incarnation of Fate seeking divine retribution."
This week also saw the POP pop up on the DS with Battles of Prince of Persia. Departing from the series' formula, this original title is a turn-based card-battle game. Cards are acquired by progressing through the single-player campaign, and they can be used in competition or traded with friends via Nintendo's Wi-Fi Connection wireless network. It is rated a more family-friendly E10+ for Everyone 10 and Older, and retails at the more frugal price point of $39.99.
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December 9th, 2005, 21:35 Posted By: wraggster
As you’ll be aware, statements made by developers claiming that the Revolution is underpowered caused outcry in gaming circles recently, lumbering the emerging machine with the unwelcome moniker GameCube 2.
When contacted on the issue, Nintendo Europe was coy, unwilling to comment and wrote off the reports as ‘nothing more than speculation.’ Nintendo America seems to have been forced to comment however, issuing the following statement.
"Our competitors would have you believe that the next generation of gaming will be solely defined by high definition graphics,†it said. "High definition graphics look fantastic, but come at a price. Revolution will look brilliant whether played on a standard television or on a high definition television. However, is that all there is to next-generation gaming? We feel that sharper graphics should be combined with a new way to interface with the game itself. Our controller is a sharp departure from the current standard, to be sure, but it will provide a level of interactivity you can't get currently."
These sentiments were echoed by all in attendance at yesterday’s public showing of Revolution games.
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December 9th, 2005, 21:39 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo America has shown the first running Revolution software at an exclusive event in New York yesterday, revealing various demonstrations of the controller and a surprise Metroid Prime offering.
Held in Manhattan and hosted by NOA head of sales and marketing Reggie Fils-Aime, Nintendo developers from the US and Japan presented the first running Revolution software. You excited yet?
Eight demos were on offer. The first was a pointing game, highlighting the pinpoint accuracy of the remote control-inspired unit used to operate the Revolution. Simply, the controller was pointed at the screen and blocks emerged. A crosshair represented the target and the blocks were destroyed by firing using the underside button on the pad.
Next was another pointing demo, again aimed at showing off the controller’s ease of use and pixel-perfect accuracy. However - and you’ll probably like this - a Revolution version of the Game Boy Advance launch classic Kuru Kuru Kururin was shown, seemingly at an advanced stage of development.
“What I’d want to challenge both current gamers as well as new gamers with is, 'What do you want in your experience?'" Fils-Aime stated. "Do you really want to see beads of sweat on the player? Or do you want to play games in a whole new way?†New way, please!
Then a surprise – Delfino Island from Super Mario Sunshine, was booted up. After some tinkering around, which involved panning in and out of the well-known isle (not least its square, immortalised in Mario Kart DS of late) a biplane was shown. The craft was controlled by tilting the controller as you might a paper airplane. This was confirmed as one of the demos that was shown behind closed doors at the Tokyo Game Show, although now it had the addition of a lovely Mario setting. When the controller was tilted side to side, the plane banked; when the end of the controller was tilted, the plane dived nose downwards. You get the idea...
Then came a fishing demo, aimed at catching carp using a pole. Although presented in graphical form that would have shamed the N64, the concept was perfectly delivered. The pole was positioned in a promising spot via a cast-flick, then the player simply waited. The thus-far unexplored rumble feature signalled something was afoot, the pole was lifted to reveal a fish. Imagine Animal Crossing in the first-person and you’ll get the gist.
Finally the main event – a showing of a Metroid Prime demo by the team from Retro Studios. The Nunchuck peripheral was attached to the base of the Revolution controller and a modified version of Prime 2: Echoes was booted. Samus was controlled by movements on the Nunchuck, complete with one hand-strafing, with the main controller used to aim her weapon. It works. And it works very well indeed.
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December 9th, 2005, 22:08 Posted By: wraggster
Groquick has created a version of Rush Hour for the DS with PAlib, heres what he said:
Hi all,
I adapted a puzzle game called Rush Hour using PAlib. I wrote the code and my girlfriend drew the graphics.
It runs on hardware and dualis (without sound, fade or save on the emulator though) and I tested it through the 160 levels.
I hope you'll enjoy it.
Screens and downloads via comments
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December 10th, 2005, 13:25 Posted By: wraggster
Argos are selling the new White gamecube bundled with the new Mario football game for £50, but youll have to get it fast as they are selling fast 
i got one for myself from the wife for Xmas 
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December 10th, 2005, 15:08 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo of America's vice president of sales and marketing, Reggie Fils-Aime, spoke at the recent 33rd Annual UBS Global Media Conference in New York, where he revealed that third parties are excited for the company's next-generation console, codenamed Revolution.
Fils-Aime made particular note of third party publisher Electronic Arts' acceptance of the upcoming machine, quoting the giant as saying: "It's a brilliant controller, and as usual we can credit Nintendo with being innovative and neat and fresh and fun. They continue to pioneer in our industry…they make some of the best games in the industry…and we look forward to partnering with them."
EA has not yet announced any games for Revolution, but the company is in full possession of alpha development kits and is already underway with software for the console. First EA-developed Revolution titles are expected to be unveiled at the Electronics Entertainment Expo 2006, which kicks off next May in Los Angeles.
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December 10th, 2005, 21:38 Posted By: sayaprayer
Getting a DS soon and I'm really interested in homebrews. Just wondering if the Pink DS (I ordered it from play-asia) will work with homebrew and emulation?
Also anything I need to watch out for when doing homebrews? Bricking of course, but maybe something unusual?
And I'd like to play movies/mp3s as well. Would I need additional hardware for this besides the stuff to run emulators?
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December 11th, 2005, 21:17 Posted By: wraggster
Source - PD Roms
sgtair has updated his WiFi Library for the Nintendo DS.
The release notes for this release:
Ok, an update for those of you who were stuck on ASSOCSTATUS_ASSOCIATING for the longest time... (version 0.2a [wifi_lib_test.nds]) Firstly, the new build spoofs it's rate set (pretends to support things it can't) in order to properly associate to APs that don't have a low enough base rate set. Also, there have been a few other bugfixes (fixed a crash bug, on ARP timeout) What this means for you? People stuck on ASSOCSTATUS_ASSOCIATING will probably be able to connect now!, and in the case you can't associate, it'll tell you much sooner. Also, a note (this wasn't gone over before) - WEP does not work in this version (also, wep has nothing to do with association, so you'll be able to associate, just not do anything) - I'm working on it and trying to figure out what's wrong though... More to come, whenever.
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December 12th, 2005, 18:52 Posted By: wraggster
New game for gamecube fans 

Shadow The Hedgehog allows players to collect an arsenal of weapons, vehicles, and objects to rocket through more than 50 unique missions. In his feature debut, Shadow is tormented by a dark past, struggling to discover his true identity. He is caught in a complex battle between aliens, the G.U.N. army, and Dr. Eggman, and discovers that he may be the very element that will tip the scales between good and evil forever.
More info --> http://www.lik-sang.com/info.php?pro...2&lsaid=219793
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December 12th, 2005, 19:02 Posted By: wraggster
Despite earlier assurances from British Telecom that its Openzone wireless hotspots would be compatible with Nintendo's DS handheld, it seems the service still won't support the machine's WiFi capabilities.
The company is also vague about just when the "unforseen technical issues," which occurred shortly before the console's launch, will be overcome. Currently BT only expects to provide the proper support "as soon as possible".
It also maintains that "thousands of customers come back to BT every month," though this implies that thousands of them leave as well.
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December 12th, 2005, 19:03 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo is officially refusing to get into 'mine's bigger' power arguments over its next-gen Revolution console.
While the battle rages between Sony and Microsoft fans over whether Xbox 360 or PlayStation 3 has more juice, Nintendo believes such spec-slinging is missing the point.
While backtracking just far enough to say Revolution games will look brilliant - whether played on a high-definition TV or not - the company argues that looks are only skin deep. There should be more to next-gen gaming, they say, than just shiny graphics.
The drive for hi-def visuals simply pushes the price of software up, contends Nintendo, as developing simultaneously for those with and without the required TVs takes so much extra time.
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December 13th, 2005, 06:04 Posted By: ntloser
I just picked up a blue DS tonight.
I read the FAQ for playing homebrew and I was looking at the M3 device, any thoughts on this. Thanks for the help.
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December 13th, 2005, 09:34 Posted By: L. Spiro
Using Metroworks CodeWarrior, how do I add files and folder trees into a compiled .SRL file?
In a makefile, this would be the MAKEROM_ROMFILES value, but I need to do it in CodeWarrior.
L. Spiro
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December 13th, 2005, 23:32 Posted By: wraggster
The Infantile Paralyser site (neat name ) have released a port of the mpeg 1 and mpeg 2 player to the Nintendo DS, it does say some figures on the site of 24fps which if true is very good news.
Download via the comments and tell us what its like 
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December 13th, 2005, 23:40 Posted By: davidgilmour
anyone knows how to make this possible, to write on a F2A with a GBA micro?
I would need some kind of small GBA MICRO - GBA/GBA SP converter/adapter.
Anyone knows if these exist or that someone is gonna devlop this?
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December 13th, 2005, 23:41 Posted By: wraggster
Nyagosu has updated the MSX Emulator for the Nintendo DS, the page is in Japanese but he has updated a little in English so heres whats new (as far as we can tell)
Update gbamp driver.
(Support GBAMP, SC CF, SC SD, M3 CF, SRAM)
However, it has not worked in my SC SD yet.
When a special key is pushed, the key font is changed. special key
(japanese keyboard only)
Download Here --> http://nintendo-ds.dcemu.co.uk/fmsxds.shtml
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December 13th, 2005, 23:51 Posted By: zuul
I've just got a superpass but I'm having problems getting my roms to work.
I have a 256mb EZF card which I am flashing the roms to. Everything seems fine with that side of it. I put the EZF in it's slot, put the superpass in it's slot with a NDS game in it, start up the NDS and it goes through the health and safety screen and straight into 2 white screens.
It stays like that. I've read some threads about keeping the A,B,X,Y buttons pressed and it should work but still it doesn't.
Can anyone help. Do I need to change the firmware (and what does that do? I keep reading about firmware but not sure what this is all about), is the superpass faulty??
Please help.
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December 14th, 2005, 00:46 Posted By: wraggster
Source - Drunken Coders
libnifi is a project to provide a consistent interface to talking to a Nintendo DS over wireless hiding the details of what card you’re using, and eventually what OS you’re on...
It’s in pretty awful state right now. I can use it to beacon and associate to an NDS, and there is preliminary code to associate with a beaconing DS although it doesn’t work for me.
There are two test applications, beacontest and whosthere.
Currently, on my rt2500-based PCI card using the rt2500 module and the latest CVS rt2500 drivers, beacontest will happily start Polarium Demo.
libnds update
libnds 20051212
Correct spelling and parameters in doxygen comments
Added bus ownership control functions
Added defines for WAIT_CR bits that control bus ownership
Added consoleDemoInit for prototyping
Initial "Rumble Pak" option cart support (implemented from example source by joat)
Added DISP_CAPTURE and associated macros
vramRestorMainBanks changed to vramRestoreMainBanks
Added register definitions for box test and matrix reading
Renamed glAlpha to glAlphaFunc (old name is present but deprecated)
Added new texture formats
Added glCutoffDepth
Changed type input of glClearDepth to fixed12d3, added conversion functions
Fixed difference between GL_RGB and GL_RGBA
Fixed texture loading code to properly load RGB type by setting the high alpha bit
Added glGetInt and glGetFixed, Fixed glOrtho
Renamed glAlpha to glAlphaFunc (old name is present but deprecated)
Added new texture formats
Added glCutoffDepth
Changed type input of glClearDepth to fixed12d3, added conversion functions
Fixed palette rounding issue
corrected card read header address
set/clear LCD interrupts in irqEnable/Disable
devkitPro Updater 1.2.1
The devkitPro Updater/Installer has been updated to version 1.2.1. This release brings Programmer's NotePad and the new logo, designed by Natrium42.
Thanks to Drunken Coders for the above news 
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December 14th, 2005, 02:36 Posted By: PCKid
Just bought the Mario Karting/Silver DS bundle after getting bored with the PSP. Mario Karting and Animal Crossing are soooo much fun. If money is no object what is THE BEST card/cart combo to get? For homebrew/DS Carts etc. Looking at the multitude of choices available the M3 seems to be the best at US$89 plus a memory card. But advice would be appreciated. 
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December 14th, 2005, 18:14 Posted By: steve_jjones
Hello, I've just got my supercard and superpass for my ds. I can run commercial backups of gba and ds games, but I can't run any homebrew software. Also the superpass has built in emulators for gameboy, master system, nes games, etc and these don;t seem to be working properly either. I've searched on the forums but can't seem to find anything. Please Help!
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December 14th, 2005, 21:55 Posted By: wraggster
An article from SuccessHK
Since 1999, Camelot Software Planning has been serving up excellent sports games on Nintendo consoles that feature Mario and friends. Its handheld offerings blend sports action with RPG elements, offering a character-driven experience that really draws you into the sport. The latest game in this vein is Mario Tennis Power Tour. It's a great single-player title with plenty of features that give it legs and a fun game to play with up to three of your friends.
The core game play of Power Tour is a mix of reality and fantasy. The surprisingly accurate use of topspin, slice, and flat shots will appeal to purists, while sidespin and power shots add an arcade element to the game play. Each player has primary stats of power, control, sidespin, and speed, as well as secondary stats of serve, stroke, volley, topspin, and slice. Each of the stock characters has a unique feel and molding your own player is entertaining.
The main mode of the game is the titular Power Tour. You select a male or female character to kick things off and must make your way to the top of the tennis academy. There are dozens of characters for you to talk to at the academy -- some give you helpful advice, while others are there merely for decorative purposes. On the practice courts, there are numerous instructors that teach you the mechanics of the game and a bunch of competitors that test what you've learned in mini games.

Your goal at the academy is to become the top player at the school, working your way up the junior, senior, and varsity ranks in singles and doubles. After you win a match or beat a mini game, you gain points that can be used to boost your primary and secondary stats, allowing you to shape your player's style. After you become the top dog at the academy, the Island Open tournament is unlocked. Players from around the world (and with higher skill levels) are there to challenge. Once you get past that, you get a visit from Mario, who invites you to participate in Princess Peach's tournament.
Power Tour mode offers a wide variety of gameplay. The singles and doubles matches progress nicely as your skills improve. The mini games are a bit mixed; the skills-based games are a bit bland, while the power shot ones are much more compelling. Unlike the GameCube version, power shots are more balanced and useful. Plus they don't litter the screen with distracting effects that distract you from the match. Once again, Camelot's blend of sports action and RPG features delivers. If this cartridge only contained Power Tour mode, it would still be worth the purchase.
Up to four players can participate in a multiplayer match using the link cable or wireless adapter. Multiplayer matches can be a blast if players are around the same skill level and use the stock characters. If you're using your jacked-up character and playing against a friend, expect an unappealing blowout. Also, note that gamers with a Nintendo DS cannot join in on the multiplayer action.
When you add it all up, Mario Tennis Power Tour is a solid title that will appeal to Mario fans, sports gamers, and RPG players. Storming through the Power Tour mode in singles and doubles is an entertaining ride, and there's plenty of replay value with the multitude of unlocked mini games and characters. Even though it's not as good as its golf counterpart, Mario Tennis Power Tour sails over the net, and stands on its own as a strong game with broad appeal.
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December 14th, 2005, 21:58 Posted By: wraggster
New DS game, info from SuccessHK:

If your a fan of classic board games, this is for you. Everything you loved as a child, now gone portible! It has Yatzee, Boggle, Monopoly and more. This will be perfect for the DS's dual screens. So, if you want a board game experience on the go, pick this up as soon as it comes out!
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December 15th, 2005, 04:17 Posted By: Mourningstar
I really need help....
Ive searched the net for info on how to do it, but I havent found much...and what I have found has made me even more confused.
If someone would give me just the basics on what I need to buy to play like an NES emu and homebrew games I would really appreciate it. 
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December 16th, 2005, 06:12 Posted By: Endlessnameless
I was searching around and was unable to find a sega Genesis Emu for the GBA. Is it that I have overlooked it or that one has not been made yet?
And do you people think that the nintendo DS could successfully emulate n64 hardware? I know nothing about what it takes to code an emulator and admire the people that can.
Thanks in advance.
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December 16th, 2005, 21:59 Posted By: wraggster
Chris Morris over at CNN Money got his hands on the Nintendo’s Revolution controller and took it for a spin. Even though it was a near final prototype, he seemed to like, especially noting that it gave him a whole new edge in console FPS action, which was never a strong point of his. That experience is shared by Nintendo’s own president, Satoru Iwata, stating: “I’ve never been able to control a first-person shooter, but as soon as I used the Revolution controller, I found it very easy to control the game.†The truth comes out! Iwata expects the controller to become the standard for video games, and that it could bridge the gap between gamers and non gamers. The article goes on to predict a next year launch that mirrors that of Sony’s PS3, but all will be divulged in May before E3. Luckily Nintendo promises to keep information flowing on the Revolution leading up to the launch — whenever that might be.
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December 16th, 2005, 22:10 Posted By: wraggster
A Nintendo executive has started hinting that the company wants World Of Warcraft-style massively multiplayer online games to appear on its next-gen console, Revolution.
"I hope [MMOs] are really explored on this system. That's a genre, from the home console standpoint, that really hasn't been explored very well," Reggie Fils-Aime, executive vice president of sales and marketing for Nintendo of America, told CNN recently.
And while Reggie was daydreaming so publicly about getting the big N on the net, his boss was also talking to CNN about pushing Ninty into areas where it doesn't normally venture – first-person shooters.
"I was a developer for many years before my current role, but I've never been a very good gamer," confided Nintendo president Satoru Iwata. He continued, "I've never been able to control a first-person shooter, but as soon as I used the Revolution controller, I found it very easy to control the game. So, I think that's a genre that's particularly well suited for the controller".
Which, if you can get past the fact that the head of one of the world's largest software companies is bobbins with a pad, again hints that Nintendo is looking to make another move into almost uncharted territory with Revolution.
All we need now is for someone to say 'realistic racing game' and the whole gaming world will probably burst into flames, and then fall over. But don't rule it out because, as Reggie says, "It's fair to say that we have a number of things that we will begin unveiling leading up to next year's E3".
Nintendo will release Revolution in 2006
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December 16th, 2005, 22:15 Posted By: wraggster
I’ve been looking through Joystiq’s archives quite thoroughly lately, and no matter how many articles I see speculating on future hardware—including ones not even remotely announced—I can’t seem to find anything relating to the next iteration of the Game Boy, aside from one tiny piece from July ‘04 confirming that, yes, Nintendo is working on it, maybe possibly perhaps. This got me to thinking: how will Nintendo market a traditional handheld after the undeniable success of their nonconformist third pillar? Obviously differentiation is key, as high hardware sales translate into higher software sales, which are the crux of a publishing giant such as Nintendo. How will the Game Boy Evolution differentiate itself from the DS and all of its subsequent progeny? Nintendo isn’t talking—yet—so we’ll opt for the next best thing: rampant speculation!
The GBE will be released six months to a year after the launch of the Revolution. Considering a best-case scenario, Japanese gamers could be playing the Evolution as early as next December. Why, you ask? For much the same reason as the near-coinciding launch of the GBA and GCN…
The Revolution will connect with the Game Boy Evolution, but not with the Nintendo DS. Aside from the usual benefits of a controller with a built-in screen, classic Nintendo titles can be downloaded onto the GBE’s internal memory for nostalgia on the go. And speaking of nostalgia…
Unlike the DS and the GBM, which are only equipped to play Game Boy Advance cartridges, the GBE will allow you to play your entire back catalog of Game Boy titles, thus preserving the longevity of the Game Boy brand. Obviously it won’t accept DS cartridges, despite the fact that…
The GBE will store game data on DS-esque flash memory cards, rather than an optical storage medium such as the PSP’s UMDs, thus eliminating the need for separate memory cards and battery-intensive lasers. And while we’re talking comparisons to the PSP…
The Game Boy Evolution will feature full 3D capabilities, though the hardware will only exhibit a marginal increase over the PSP’s graphics. Nintendo’s never felt the need to sell their consoles as the most graphically superior (see Game Boy vs. Game Gear), relying instead on the overall experience as the system’s unique selling point. But before we get away from the graphical aspects there’s one last thing worth mentioning…
The GBE’s screen resolution will be drastically increased over the GBA’s, though all the while retaining a similar aspect ratio. Despite consumer demand, the screen will not be backlit.
...until the GBE SP.
Not only will the GBE allow you to play all of your classic Game Boy games, it will allow you to play all of your multiplayer Game Boy games wirelessly, including games not built especially with the GBA wireless adaptor in mind. By the way, how’s this for a seamless segue into the next bullet point…
The Game Boy Evolution will be the hottest gift of 1991 with the addition of X and Y face buttons, as well as a quasi-analog d-pad which will register variable pressure in up to eight directions. Oh, but that’s not all…
The GBE will include gyroscopic technology which will allow games such as Wario Ware: Twisted to ship without external gyro packs, as well as augmenting some of the motion-sensitive capabilities of the Revolution’s controller when used in its stead. The unit will also feature a built-in rumble, which leads us to our next point…
Without sufficient progress in battery storage technology, the battery life for the Game Boy Evolution will be the lowest of any Nintendo handheld to date, though to make up for this fact the GBE’s rechargeable battery will be detachable. Thanks to a mandatory sleep mode requirement akin to that of the DS, as well as thanks to a small rechargeable internal battery, battery packs will be hot-swappable with minimal interruption of gameplay. And finally…
The unit will sport a clamshell design reminiscient of the GBA SP, though slightly larger and with more ergonomically designed shoulder buttons. It will also be available in an stunning variety of colors and themes, unless you live in Germany, France, Indonesia, Brazil, Thailand, any country both beginning and ending in a vowel, every third nation whose flag incorporates a cross, or pretty much anywhere where the native language is not Japanese.
There, happy? That should be more than enough to tide the Game Boy faithful over until E3 2006. Anything we overlooked? Let us know! Until then, happy speculation.
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December 16th, 2005, 22:43 Posted By: wraggster
Thanks to Brakken for this news.
SuperCard has released the v1.54 Firmware and v2.44 Patcher software for both the Compact Flash (CF) and Secure Digital Cards (SD) version of their very popular GameBoy Advance / Nintendo DS Development/Backup unit.
New features:
Improved GBA/GBASP/GBM compatibility.
Added NDS RESET function, can reset to SC main menu when pressing L+R+X+A in the game. Some games are unstable when using this RESET function, such as 0223-_Animal_Crossing_Wild_World, SuperCard Team will continue make it perfect.
Fixed 0174 - Tony Hawks American Sk8land halt bug.
Important: NDS Owner, please update the New firmware in GBA mode
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December 17th, 2005, 10:04 Posted By: wraggster
Divineo China have posted this news:
We know that most of you have been waiting for the M3 adapter so long . The manufacturer has very limited supply of the product ( seems like hand made precious) but the demand is huge. Therefore , we can only ship out the back orders when the new shipment has arrived. We should able to receive the M3 around 24th Dec , we will advise the tracking number to you when the order has been shipped. Thanks for your patience waiting and sorry for any inconvenience caused due to the delay.

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December 17th, 2005, 10:09 Posted By: wraggster

Product Features
New Mini Screen (Backlit); Adjustable Screen Brightness
New Micro Size - Mini Weight (holds in small pockets, three times lighter than iPod mini)
Rechargeable Battery
Plays all GBA Games world-wide
Swappable face plate for design customization
What's in the box
Gameboy Micro console
Final Fantasy IV Advance Game
Gameboy Micro 110V AC adapter
User Manual (Japanese)
Buy from here --> http://www.lik-sang.com/info.php?pro...3&lsaid=219793
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December 17th, 2005, 10:11 Posted By: wraggster

The GBA version of this classic adventure includes 18 towns and castles, dozens of magical spells and hundreds of monsters, weapons and items to help players on their quests. The game features the astounding music, challenging adventures and interesting storyline that are the hallmarks of the Final Fantasy franchise. Additional game elements also have been added to enhance the Game Boy Advance version.Players can expect 30 to 40 hours of playing time as they journey on land, on sea and in the air, and explore new towns, caves and mountains in their attempt to recover stolen crystals. Twelve different characters with new abilities, spells and items join and leave the party at different parts of the quest to keep the game fresh.
More info here --> http://www.lik-sang.com/info.php?pro...1&lsaid=219793
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December 17th, 2005, 10:26 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo president Satoru Iwata has explained how the DS has paved the way for the looming Revolution, with the games firm now able to communicate non-traditional game system concepts to a mainstream and hardcore gamer audience.
"It's going to be a challenge to take something that's a new concept and new idea and convey to the public ... how to understand it, but honestly I think the Revolution controller is going to be a lot easier to convey to the public than the DS was as a system," Iwata told CNN this morning. "We've learned a lot in terms of how to communicate to people these new and different ideas and because of the experience we had with the DS, we're much more prepared."
Iwata moved on to underline his dream of (profitably) making every member of every able to jump into videogames. "Until now, within a single household, we've had family members who play video games and family members who don't play video games - and they've been very separate," he explained. "Gradually, the barriers between those two have gotten stronger. Today, if you don't understand the controller, you're not able to enjoy video games. We expect the Revolution controller to become the standard in video game controls," which is something of a bold claim given the 'joypad' is pretty well understood by everyone. It's just that they have too many buttons on them for grandma to comprehend.
Seriously, Nintendo could save itself loads of time in the expensive arena of hardware research and development if it released a cut down version of the NES pad with its next machine, featuring two buttons: one emblazoned with the word 'START' and the other with 'DO'. Grandma would get that in a flash.
Joking aside, Iwata did mention that the controller can open doors to those unhappy with controlling first-person shooters with standard gamepads. “I was a developer for many years before my current role, but I've never been a very good gamer," he said. "I've never been able to control a first-person shooter, but as soon as I used the Revolution controller, I found it very easy to control the game. So, I think that's a genre that's particularly well suited for the controller.â€
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December 17th, 2005, 10:34 Posted By: wraggster
SPOnG expects a major overhaul of Mario Kart DS' online functionality in the coming months, with a survey sent out to registers using echoing internal unease at Nintendo.
Understandably naive about online gaming given Mario Kart DS was Nintendo's first online venture, the scoring system underpinning MKDS' online play has been the source of some frustration for many users of the firm's incredible Wi-Fi service. Although the basics are rock solid – rapid matches, low lag rates etc. – gamer integrity has failed step up to this standard.
Users dropping out of games to avoid recording a loss is, without question, the lead issue. Given that your games are played against a minimum of one opponent, an average player should see a score ratio of 50:50. Factor in that often games host four players, three of whom would record a loss if the game is completed, and a brief foray into Mario Kart DS online will show that the number of bogus scores far outnumbers the genuine ones at time of going to press.
SPOnG believes that Nintendo will initially punish those dropping from games with a loss, though a more complete overhaul is expected to be rolled out. The ability to leave some kind of feedback is likely to be implemented in a later phase of what SPOnG has learned will a be program aimed at gradually settling concerns of users. It is also thought that retrospective 'tagging' of opponents will occur, with users able to add other players after a race concludes.
On the back of this comes a survey released by Nintendo of America questioning Mario Kart DS users, calling for proposed changes to the system. From gamers using the Nintendo system at this time, we expect clan options to be a popular request, with the subject of 'snaking' – power-drifting from side to side on certain tracks – to hear both calls for a ban and calls for acceptance in equal measure.
Stay tuned for news of scheduled Mario Kart online changes.
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December 17th, 2005, 18:08 Posted By: wraggster
Didou has released anew game for the DS, heres the info:
Hi, I began to code the following game...
The basic rules come from the Yahoo game at http://fr.games.yahoo.com/d/zalchemy.html Grosso merdo, you have to make lines and/or columns juxtaposing cells with the same shape and/or columns...
For the moment, graphics are basic and only expect a good graphist to be enhanced ) It is already playable and wll be enhanced. Sorry for screenshots, but no emulator is yet able to run the code correctly
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December 17th, 2005, 23:55 Posted By: DefaultGen
I've got an M3, and i'm trying to emulate GBC games. I've tried using GoomBA (A GB(C) emu for GBA) and the M3 Game Manager but both times I get a "You need a Gameboy Color console to play this game" type of message. Is there a working emu for the DS?
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December 18th, 2005, 18:31 Posted By: wraggster
In the latest issue of Nintendo Power (Feb 2006,) they interview Mario Kart producer Hideki Konno. Mr. Konno notes that it would only be the logical step for Mario Kart to appear on the Revolution, and my logic would suggest it would be extremely fun.
Nintendo Power: What do you like most about the Revolution controller?
Hideki Konno: We're doing a lot of experiments right now with the Revolution controller and obviously with the direct pointing device (DPD) and its ability to track movement and distance. You know, that's huge, because that's a brand-new thing that we've never seen before in any controller. Trying to envision all the different things we could do with that motion sensor, that DPD, is a little mind-boggling.
NP: Where do you think the Mario Kart series can go from here?
Konno: As you know, Mario Kart has appeared on all of Nintendo's platforms so far, and I think it's done its job on the DS, or at least I hope it will with what's new. So the next logical step, of course, is the Revolution. Really what we hope to do is continue to bring new and creative things to the franchise that appeal not only to our established user base, but also bring new people into the game.
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December 18th, 2005, 19:27 Posted By: wraggster
Matt has released a new version of his Picross game for the Nintendo DS.
Whats New:
This is mostly just the bugfix version that I promised like two weeks ago. There's also 25 new puzzles, plus I fixed times not saving properly and the issue with duplicate puzzles that everyone was getting. I also cleaned up the code a lot, so I'll try and release the source when I'm done with that, because, well, open-source is rad.
Download Here ---> http://nintendo-ds.dcemu.co.uk/picrossds.shtml
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December 19th, 2005, 02:27 Posted By: wraggster
ninogenio has released a new version of his Breakout game for the NIntendo DS, heres the info:
"heres the game complete after quite a bit of work ironing out the bugs and skinning new gfx on it it now has.
m3 support.
gbamp support with a quit option to jump back to boot loader.
sound fx.
motion blurring.
new graphics.
runs at a steady 60fps.
and so far no noticed bugs.
i think its turned out quite good for a first ds game enjoy. "
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December 19th, 2005, 03:41 Posted By: wraggster
Lik Sang have emailed me to say that for all DCEmu Network Visitors they have a code that gives you $5 off a purchase of $40 (isn't valid on consoles, or software which already has the free shipping worldwide offer), which is valid for 60 days starting today. It's basically very simple to use, just enter this code at the end of the checkout process: LS-917B8DF537
Might be handy if you were thinking of getting something soon from Lik Sang, money off is always a good thing 
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December 19th, 2005, 03:42 Posted By: wraggster
Lik Sang have emailed me to say that for all DCEmu Network Visitors they have a code that gives you $5 off a purchase of $40 (isn't valid on consoles, or software which already has the free shipping worldwide offer), which is valid for 60 days starting today. It's basically very simple to use, just enter this code at the end of the checkout process: LS-917B8DF537
Might be handy if you were thinking of getting something soon from Lik Sang, money off is always a good thing 
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December 19th, 2005, 05:33 Posted By: ebolik
I recently purchased a NDS/Mario Kart Bundle, and i have been looking into buying the M3 adapter online, i have 2 questions i was wondering if anyone could answer for me. 1. If you are using the adapter do games like Mario Kart and Animal Crossing still work online or does it recognise that you are using emulation? and 2. Does anyone no if http://www.divineo.cn/php/affstart.p...rboretum&prod= ships to Australia?
Any help would be great .
Thanks in advanced.
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December 19th, 2005, 17:36 Posted By: wraggster
The latest Japanese charts, covering the week in which the Xbox 360 launched in the Far East, show Nintendo's DS console far out in front in the hardware sales ranking, thanks to the arrival of Mario Kart DS.
The DS sold a massive 299,000 units during the week, further strengthening its lead in the handheld console market over the PlayStation Portable - which it has outsold consistently this year, and which, by comparison, sold 86,000 units in this chart.
The arrival of Mario Kart DS was unquestionably a major factor in the huge success of the console, with over 219,000 units of the online-enabled racing game shifting during the week - while last week's Animal Crossing: Wild World also did well on the DS, selling some 121,000 units in its second week on sale.
However, it wasn't Mario Kart DS that took the top spot in the software ranking; that coveted position went to Sony's PS2 title Rogue Galaxy, which kicks off a new RPG franchise and sold 238,000 units in its first week at retail.
Sega's PS2 adventure title Ryu ga Gotoku also did well in its first week, coming in at number three (just behind Mario Kart DS) with sales of 134,000.
The arrival of Xbox 360 in Japan made little impact on the charts, however; no Xbox 60 titles entered the top ten in the launch week, although since the number ten ranked title - Tamagotchi Connection for the DS - sold 4,000 more units than the Xbox 360 console itself did, that's somewhat unsurprising.
Low sales of just under 44,000 units for the Xbox 360 have been widely attributed to the failure of Tecmo's strongly anticipated beat 'em up title Dead Or Alive 4 to arrive for the console's launch; it will now arrive instead on December 30th, hopefully bringing with it a spike in sales for Microsoft's console in the crucial New Year period.
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December 19th, 2005, 17:54 Posted By: wraggster
Capcom Japan has released some delicious moving footage of Biohazard: Deadly Shadows, the DS remake of the PlayStation's original Resident Evil, complete with new touchy-feely elements afforded by Nintendo twin-screen portable.
Enter Capcom's somewhat cumbersome Flash site to have a glimpse at what is shaping up to be yet another corking addition to the DS' library. You'll notice that the game is massively beefed up from the game that once lit a touchpaper to an explosion of protest regarding new, high-realism, high-violence gaming. How times really don't change...
You also get to see how the touch-screen of the DS is roped into Resident Evil, with the puzzle elements of the game promising to be the richest and most intuitive to date.
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December 19th, 2005, 17:56 Posted By: wraggster
Okay, so we're as surprised to see the sun come up this morning as we are to read a Mario Kart game is underway for Nintendo Revolution. But everything doesn't have to be a surprise, does it? We were very pleased to see the sun come up this morning actually. It meant our evening of lying under the covers in a cold sweat, again sure that the world was about to come to an end was over, the warm rays heating our souls as we sat around fashionable Wakefield brunch outlets mulling the papers over a game of Mario Kart online.
And there folks, is the seamless link to the crux of this news piece – Mario Kart – and specifically its now confirmed existence for Nintendo's Revolution.
In an interview with Nintendo Power, NOA's bellow-level marketing pamphlet, MKDS producer Hideki Konno explains the progress of the series.
“We're doing a lot of experiments right now with the Revolution controller and obviously with the direct pointing device (DPD) and its ability to track movement and distance,†he said. “You know, that's huge, because that's a brand-new thing that we've never seen before in any controller. Trying to envision all the different things we could do with that motion sensor, that DPD, is a little mind-boggling. As you know, Mario Kart has appeared on all of Nintendo's platforms so far, and I think it's done its job on the DS, or at least I hope it will with what's new. So the next logical step, of course, is the Revolution. Really what we hope to do is continue to bring new and creative things to the franchise that appeal not only to our established user base, but also bring new people into the game.â€
That'll do for us. Expect to see something of the Mario Kart line up alongside a whole bunch of Nintendo first-party offerings at next year's E3, somewhat terrifyingly, only six months away.
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December 19th, 2005, 17:57 Posted By: wraggster
Bigwigs in the games industry have queued up to heap praise on the Nintendo Revolution, with a release issued by Nintendo of America showing many major players are more than open-minded regarding NCL's planned break from the norm.
In a well-timed move, aimed at fending off escalating claims that the Revolution will be underpowered in the next-generation of games machines, Nintendo official publication Nintendo Power released a batch of quotes from gaming luminaries heaping praise on the console and of course, its controller.
John Schapper
Senior VP/Group Studio General Manager, Electronic Arts Canada
"As a longtime Nintendo fan, I applaud the spirit of innovation and creativity of the Revolution controller. Being wireless and designed similarly to a TV controller, it's an innovative, ergonomic winner right out of the box. The beauty of the controller is that possibilities for new game ideas are limitless... You can build an entire game concept around the controller's features or find ways to intregrate them into existing franchises. Right now at EA, we're exploring both of these paths. Our developers are inspired and excited by the new controller's features."
Steve Pearce
VP of Technology, Activision
"Anyone present at Iwata-san's unveiling of the controller at TGS has imagined what future visions of Nintendo classics will be like. Envisioning Link's spin attack, Mario's triple jump and Samus' gunplay on Revolution is an intriguing exercise. Similarly, the Activision design teams are creatively charged as they determine how the controller can best be used on our titles. How will Spider-Man's Revolution webs be cast, Tony Hawk's deck be flipped and Call of Duty grenades be thrown?"
Rod Cousens
CEO, Codemasters
"The Revolution controller is very intuitive and immersive and should allow the character to become more of an extension of the player... it should also inspire creators to explore innovation and bring back bored consumers to gaming."
Jack Sorenson,
Excecutive VP, Worldwide Studios, THQ
"Think about how many players you know that move controllers upward when pressing the jump button or turn it while steering in a racing game. With Revolution, these movements can be made to affect gameplay. Any genre that's suffered from traditional controller limitations stands to initially benefit the most, particularly ones with too many complex button combinations. Also, mouse-oriented PC genres (RTS, adventure games) could become much more console-friendly with the Revolution controller."
Bill Petro
Senior VP of Product Development, Sega of America
"Role-playing games will be greatly enhanced, due to new control styles. Pointing will make moving in large environments very simple, and twist- and position-senging will allow for dual weapon wielding or gesture-based spell-casting."
Michael Ryder
VP of Worldwide Production, Buena Vista Games
"The Revolution controller is truly innovative and will enable game designers to take advantage of gamers' full range of hand motions. Much as we've seen with the Nintendo DS, the Revolution control interface with lead to gameplay innovations."
Noah Hughes
Director of Design, Crystal Dynamics
"In the landscape of primarily linear evolution, it is refresing to see a product like the Revolution that truly strives to redefine game design. As a game designer, I am always excited to see products...which open the door to so many new possibilities."
Jean-Marcel Nicolai
Senior VP of Worldwide Content, Atari
"Nintendo has created an innovative new controller, fully immersing the gamer with a revolutionary interface. The controller should expand the marketplace by appealing to the mass audience as well as avid gamers. And the development community will have as much fun exploring the power of the Revolution controller as consumers will playing it."
Nicolas Eypert
Creative Director, Ubisoft
"The Revolution controller breaks the 'push button' experience of other platforms, where the player must go through an abstract action--pushing a button--to complete an action. With the Revolution, the action is completely natural and physical. We can propose new types of interactions that are easy and fun, as they rely on a simple gesture. We can translate into video game interactions all the tools you manipulate with your hand: the sculptor's tool, the doctor's scalpel, the fireman's hose...imagine you are a doctor curing patients or an architect who builds his own house! It opens up so many possibilities that we already have too many ideas. All the designers that I've spoken with at Ubisoft are buzzing with amazing ideas."
Bill Gardner
President/CEO Eidos
I can certainly see lots of opportunities for classic-style games like platformers that new and old gamers will really enjoy. We've thought of several titles that we're planning that will fit in well. Any game that has the flow of motion in three dimensions will benefit with Revolution. Flying games will be wild and more fun than ever."
Toshihiro Nagoshi,
Producer of Super Monkey Ball and F-Zero GX/AX, Sega
"I was just as surprised by the look of the controller as I was by playing with it. I was really struck by Nintendo's bold direction. All game creators will be inspired by seeing it in motion."
Koichi Ishii
Producer of the World of Mana project, Square Enix
"It'd be a shame if developers only transferred existing games to this system. They've got to envision a more creative route then buckle up for a wild ride."
Of these quotes, perhaps the input of Toshihiro “Dude, what happened with the tan?†Nagoshi's comments carry the most weight. Remember that it's very likely we'll see a Super Monkey Ball game, complete with Monkey Target, at the Revolution launch. Just think about it for a moment. See, you're smiling aren't you?
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December 19th, 2005, 17:59 Posted By: wraggster
News from CVG
Well, Christmas is almost on us and we here at CVG are already in full-on festive mode. There's a fancy tree a couple of metres away and some of us have already thought about mince pies at least once this morning, so as you can tell, we're really getting into the celebratory spirit.
Another company which might be feeling the tingling thrill of celebration (aside from Baby Jesus, although he's probably already moaning about the fact he only gets one set of presents because his birthday's actually on Christmas day) is Nintendo, which has just released a whole bunch of figures demonstrating the total penetration of its gaming goodness since Nintentime began.
Top of the present pile it seems is the Nintendo DS which has so far sold a whopping 8.83 million units worldwide since its launch last November. By our entirely dubious calculations, given that there are 6,446,131,400 people on the planet, that means 1 in every 730 people has one.
Meanwhile, the GBA range - including the GBA, SP and Micro - has a total penetration of 70.04 million units, roughly equating to 1 in 92 people. And yes, this is entirely going on the assumption that nobody owns more than one.
If you're feeling compare and contrasting, we've also worked out that 1 in 64.5 people own a PS2, having shipped (as opposed to sold, but it's Christmas so we're feeling generous, if probably wholly inaccurate) 10 million units. PSP has shipped 10 million units, meaning 1 in 645 lucky punters have the shiny beast in their pockets. Fascinating stuff, we're sure you'll agree. Oh, and in the interests of fairness, the original Xbox, as of January this year, flogged 19.9 million consoles - so that's a great lump under the telly for every 1 in 324 people.
So, to round up this wholly pointless delve into theoreticality, we've done a quick festive splurge and discovered that last Christmas, 1 in 19 people built a snowman, 1 in 0.025 revellers ate a mince pie and 1 in 95,000 Christmas puddings were the cause of horrible granny-igniting incidents around the dinner table on Christmas day. We might have made this last lot up but, hey, as Slade once famously sang, "It's Chriiiiiiiiiiiiisssstmas!".
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December 19th, 2005, 18:33 Posted By: wraggster
Lobsterlabs have released a 3D Graph Viewer for the DS, heres the info:
A little program that will take an equation and graph it in 3D.
Download and Screenshots via the comments:
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December 19th, 2005, 21:29 Posted By: scrabbus
I have the latest msx emu for the DS, alas I cant get it to work, I have an M3 and ive been assured that it works ok with this emu, problem is , i cant get it to work at all, can anyoe help?
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December 19th, 2005, 22:38 Posted By: turtletitan5
Hi im new here and i just got a NDS Emulator but i cant find any place to download roms so i wanted to know if anyone knows a web site where i can download roms thanks
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December 20th, 2005, 11:19 Posted By: alXnDR
Hi everyone.
I have a question-i'm going to buy NDS with new firmware(silver one,but I suppose its with the newer firmware,cause it is December now..)
So,what do I need to play Commercial NDS Roms?
(and GBA games,of course).
Does the new firmware support SuperCard CF\SD?(I already have a CF card)
And do i need also to buy SuperPass or PassMe2 or not?
And this Movie player?Can i play GBA games and commercial NDS Roms from it?(i think it works with CF cards,too).
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December 20th, 2005, 21:44 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo has released a trio of images for Pokemon Trozei, a colourful DS-bound puzzle game due to hit the US in March 2006.
The game uses the stylus to arrange falling Pokemon pieces; line up four matching Pokemon pieces in a horizontal or vertical line and you trigger a Trozei, which removes the pieces and adds that Pokemon to your collection.
The game will throw more than 380 Pokemon at you, with some rare creatures only appearing during multiplayer WiFi matches.
Though there's currently no confirmed UK release date, we're sure that Pokemon Trozei will pop up in these parts soon after the US release.
Pokemon Trozei will be released for DS in March 2006 in the US
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December 20th, 2005, 21:47 Posted By: wraggster
Source - http://www.ds-play.com/
We, like you, love our Nintendo DS whether we're playing Mario Kart DS Online or browsing someone elses village in Animal Crossing Wild World. Sometimes however, finding a player to race against or talk with can be harder than actually playing the game! We would like to make it easier for you and ourselves, to find Friend codes and Friends to talk to, race against, or trade items with.
This is why we have created this website. DS-Play. We hope it will become THE home for the Mario Kart and Nintendo DS Community, and keep expanding to cater for new games such as Animal Crossing and Metroid Prime DS. DS-Play is A place you can comeany time of day or night and always find REAL people to play against or trade items and facts with. And what's more.. you can even chat to friends while you arrange a game!
DS-Play was set up for nintendo DS users who are trying to find friend codes and friends online. Currently we support Mario Kart DS, Animal Crossing Wild World DS and now Tony Hawk Sk8land.
So what is it? DS-Play is a mixture of elements that all lend themselves for better online play with your Nintendo ds - We currently we have the following features in place:
Mario Kart DS chatrooms with easy to view friend codes and stats
Animal Crossing DS chatroom with easy to view friend codes
Tony Hawk Sk8land chatroom with easy to view friend codes
Forum for all Nintendo DS users
Ranking system for Mario Kart DS wins
Penalty system for users who drop or are abusive in game.
Swap items shop for Animal Crossing
Friend code exchange system for Mario Kart
Friend code exchange system for animal crossing
User profiles and stats
Search feature to find friends near you
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December 20th, 2005, 22:06 Posted By: wraggster
AgentQ has updated the port of ScummVM to the Nintendo DS, heres whats new:
CD audio is supported using IMA-ADPCM compressed WAV files
• Direct file system support now works on the M3 and Supercard
• An on-screen keyboard to name saves
• Interact with the zoomed view by swapping the screens over with X
• Zoom in/out by holding L and pressing A or B
• Scroll the screen with the pen while holding L
• Improved the way the zoomed view follows the talking character
• Music support in FM TOWNS games
• Sound volume improved, and sound glitching fixed
• Left handed mode
• Help screen added
• D-pad controls in the front end
• Numerous other bug fixes
Download here --> http://nintendo-ds.dcemu.co.uk/scummvmds.shtml
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December 20th, 2005, 22:10 Posted By: wraggster
YopYops Nintendo DS Emulator for windows has been updated once again, the emulator comes in 2 versions so try out whiich you prefer.
Download both via comments:
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December 20th, 2005, 22:19 Posted By: wraggster
If you were lucky enough to get a chance to meet up with Reggie “The Regginator†Fils-Aime yesterday, then you might have overheard some comments he made regarding the Nintendo Revolution. Apparently, Reggie said “Sega is intrigued by the Nintendo Revolution’s ‘backwards compatibility’†although he didn’t say whether or not they were willing to go all the way and bring classic Sega titles to the console. He also mentioned that the game controller “shell†will look similar to the Gamecube’s Wavebird (IGN weren’t too far off after all).
Nintendo must be extremely excited at the possibility of having not one, but two online catalogues of classic games for the Revolution. The chance to have Sega’s game library as well as a history of Nintendo games available at our fingertips is also pretty exciting for us, frankly! Who could possibly ask for a better launch line-up?
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December 20th, 2005, 22:21 Posted By: wraggster
If you`ve been keeping up with the Japanese game scene over the past few months, you might have heard of a new game company called AQ Interactive. This publisher released one of Japan's Xbox 360 launch titles, Tetris: the Grand Master Ace and went on to announce a few additional titles for platforms that include the Xbox 360 and PSP. But it wasn't until today that we learned the true nature of the beast.
AQ held a press conference today in Tokyo to formally introduce itself. The company, whose name stands for Artistic Quality, opened its doors on 10/1 as a publisher for three group development studios, Artoon, Cavia and Feel Plus. Together, these companies are known for such properties as Blinx and Drakengard. Artoon is currently working with Mistwalker on Blue Dragon for the Xbox 360 while Feel Plus is doing the same for Lost Odyssey. All together, between the three studios, the publisher claims to have 350 staffers creating games.
While the three studios will continue to work with different publishers, a number of projects will come under the AQ publishing brand. In addition to the previously announced Onimyou Nikki for the PSP, the company is working on an original RPG for the portable. DS will be getting an adventure game and an edutainment title. PS2 will be getting a game based off a girl-oriented comic license.
Revolution is included in the list, making AQ one of the first 3rd parties to commit support for Nintendo's new platform. The company is working on an original action title and a game based off a major comic license. Additional details were not provided at the press conference.
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December 21st, 2005, 19:31 Posted By: wraggster
a source close to Nintendo has stated that Sega will soon announce a massive back catalogue line-up for Nintendo Revolution, with the MegaDrive leading the way on the pay-to-play service.
Our long-term, trusted source told us, under terms of strick anonymity, that Sega is "on the brink of being in a position to announce exactly what it has agreed [with Nintendo]" with the 16-bit console's first-party catalogue to lead the way. Our source was unable to shed light on the possibility of Master System, GameGear, Mega CD, 32X and, dare we say it, Saturn games featuring on Revolution, though an announcement regarding the Genesis range will be made at E3 at the latest.
Our source continued, "Sega essentially has everything ready to go, as the Dreamcast was due to host a selection of downloadable back-catalogue, a program that it can pretty much hand over on a plate. There is some legal involvement with NEC, though I think this is in the process of being ironed out"
Of course, rumour of Sega supporting the Revolution has existed for sometime, though common sense dictates that adding back catalogue content to the Revolution's download system is something of a no-brainer. Sega is also freed from certain platform-holder constraints, as our source explained; "Sega is sick of having its IP undervalued, especially by Sony. The amount of back catalogue games required per new release for the US market is huge, with Sony rejecting offerings at will. In Japan things are a little more relaxed though the US has been a massive problem. The Revolution will ease this to a degree, offering immediate returns for a much smaller risk and offering potential customers more choice."
This just leaves the thorny issue of third-party licensing support for older software on the Revolution, as Nintendo's gestating console is currently known. At this point in time, SPOnG speculates that certain companies are in the process of signing with Nintendo, with Konami and Capcom rumoured to have agreements in place at this time. However, at time of press, no one was able to shed light on this key element of of what is shaping up to be pure retro joy courtesy of the magic box in development in Kyoto.
Stay tuned for dedicated Revolution coverage as it breaks.
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December 21st, 2005, 19:42 Posted By: wraggster
DSemu the Nintendo DS Emulator for Windows has been updated, heres whats new:
- Fixed Thumb emulation bug the was occasionally causing black screens and crashes.
- Fixed touchscreen bug that prevented it from working with devkitpro release 17.
- Fixed even more SWI divide bugs with patch by Mark Winney.
- Fixed some bugs in DMA and SWI divide handling allowing a few more games to run (Ruby video demo, Tickle Girl, etc).
Download Here --> http://nintendo-ds.dcemu.co.uk/dsemu.shtml
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December 21st, 2005, 20:35 Posted By: wraggster
DWedit has updated the release of Pocketnes the Nes emulator for the GBA Movie player (Which can be used not only on GBA Micro/Advance but on Nintendo DS and Gamecube Gameboy player)
Heres whats new:
Now you edge play with Kirby.
Supports SRAM saving. Use L+R to save. Yew you don' T uses L+R, it doesn' T save. L and R short props broken? Use pocketnes key to change.
Does not yet support savestates.
Download here --> http://gbaemu.dcemu.co.uk/pocketnesm...redition.shtml
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December 21st, 2005, 20:35 Posted By: wraggster
DWedit has updated the release of Pocketnes the Nes emulator for the GBA Movie player (Which can be used not only on GBA Micro/Advance but on Nintendo DS and Gamecube Gameboy player)
Heres whats new:
Now you edge play with Kirby.
Supports SRAM saving. Use L+R to save. Yew you don' T uses L+R, it doesn' T save. L and R short props broken? Use pocketnes key to change.
Does not yet support savestates.
Download here --> http://gbaemu.dcemu.co.uk/pocketnesm...redition.shtml
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December 22nd, 2005, 02:08 Posted By: wraggster
Incredibly cheap webpage launched! And to prove this project actually exists I am releasing
a preview version of my wolfenstein 3d port aswell as the shareware version of "Spear of Destiny" embedded into the preview. Keep in mind this is only a test release to get feedback on how the port is progressing.
With that out of the way here is what works/what doesn't and what's new...
What's new:
- Display option to play in black and white
- Ability to swap between the top/bottom screen
- Ability to enable/disable vblank ( default disabled )
- Added a gamma correction modifier in the control panel
- High scores use the ds owner's name
What works:
- Sampled sounds ( doors, guns, voices )
- NDS Specific input system
What doesn't work:
- Music
- Digitized sound
- Improper timing method ( it works but should be done properly )
- Saving and loading
- Highscore saving
- Configuration saving
It actually runs pretty well for something that hasn't gone through proper optimizations yet,
gameplay is usually 20 to 50 fps ( estimate, though I'll find out for sure later ).
Download from here --> http://lazyone.drunkencoders.com/
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December 22nd, 2005, 02:19 Posted By: wraggster

SuccessHK have in stock a load of the OLD Firmware Nintendo DS Consoles, heres what they say:
Compatible with Super Pass Key
Game Boy Advance owners, beware: the DS appears poised to rock the gaming industry to its very core.
The system is backwards compatible with all Game Boy Advance cartridges, ensuring instant access to a library of over 500 games. Planned for future release on the system are titles based on notable franchises such as Mario 64, Metroid Prime, and even the WarioWare series. The pleasures we sampled also included diversions starring the original videogame hero, Pac-Man.
The system is capable of displaying 2D or 3D images on either monitor. Roughly equivalent in power to the Nintendo 64, the machine is capable of conveying crisp, colorful graphics and delivering brain-rattling audio courtesy of a built-in speaker.
Most important is its touch screen interface, which lets users interact with games via a direct finger press or by utilizing a stylus. Microphone support further provides for the inclusion of voice-recognition functions, while Wi-Fi compatibility lets up to 16 connect with a PC or get their deathmatch on from distances of up to 100 feet locally.
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December 22nd, 2005, 19:53 Posted By: wraggster
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess will be playable on Nintendo's Revolution and will be released close to the console's launch date in the UK - which is confirmed as arriving in late 2006 - according to an exclusive news scoop in the latest issue of NGC.
While also still set for release on GameCube, the new Zelda adventure will contain special features enabling players to make use of Revolution's controller, so when the disc is inserted into Revolution it will give the player the option to use the next-gen console's radical device.
For more information on this superb news, such as how Twilight Princess will exploit Revolution's TV remote-styled peripheral, pick up the January issue of NGC, which is on sale now.
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December 23rd, 2005, 17:42 Posted By: wraggster
Success HK posted the release of this new Commercial DS Game:

Players join Kim in a multi-part adventure that combines non-stop action and tongue-in-cheek humor with numerous appearances and cameos by classic Kim Possible villains. Over 15 action-packed levels, players can hack villains' computers, assemble gadgets and unscramble area maps for Kim with the Kimmunicator through the Touch Screen and microphone. Drakken is back and managed to kidnap Wade, forcing him to develop yet another Doomsday Device and depriving Kim of a key resource in her fight against evil at the same time. Step in as Wade's replacement and help Kim (and Rufus the naked mole rat) go undercover to rescue Wade and foil Drakken's fiendish plans before it's too late!
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December 23rd, 2005, 20:23 Posted By: wraggster
If the homebrew community has shown the world anything its that the Dual Screen can be a killer app, the release of ScummVM for the Nintendo DS gave the console the best port on any system and by using the Dual screen and the stylus as a mouse you could have the ultimate console for Real Time Strategy games like Red Alert and Age of Empires, Starcraft and Warcraft to name but a few.
Come on Nintendo we want the best out of the DS, so wheres our RTS Games 
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December 24th, 2005, 04:39 Posted By: defcon
Hey everyone. Ive set up devkitPro and written the write code. When i try to make my file i get this response from the output, anyone know how to fix this.
linking .arm7.elf
c:/devkitpro/devkitarm/bin/../lib/gcc/arm-elf/4.0.2/../../../../arm-elf/lib/interwork/ds_arm7_crt0.o: In function `CIDLoop':
ds_arm7_crt0.s .init+0xc4): undefined reference to `main'
make[1]: *** [/c/devkitPro/Project/.arm7.elf] Error 1
"make": *** [build] Error 2
> Process Exit Code: 2
> Time Taken: 00:01
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December 24th, 2005, 13:02 Posted By: wraggster
Divineo UK have posted this news:
Stock has now arrived of Datels latest product - the Wifi Max for PSP & DS. Connect your PSP/DS to the internet wirelessly.
At last, you can connect your PSP to the internet easily, cheaply and WIRELESSLY! With WiFi MAX, a whole world of online gaming is opened, and you can also manage your files and surf the net from almost anywhere in the house. WiFi MAX for PSP couldn't be simpler to use. Just plug your USB WiFi dongle into your internet-enabled PC to create a Wireless Access Point. You can then connect to the internet and play online-enabled multiplayer games with PSP gamers from all over the world. Just the thing if you don't have a wireless router! Best of all, WiFi MAX supports up to five ‘local' PSP gamers at a time, so you and your mates can all play online at once! As well as multiplayer games, WiFi MAX also lets you organise your media files and download them to your PC using our exclusive MAX Media Server software. Transfer MP3s, images and video files from your PC to your PSP from anywhere that's within range of your new WiFi network. As it operates on the Wireless G standard, it's five times faster than an ordinary WiFi connection, and if you use our USB cable and dongle stand (supplied), you can position your dongle to maximise your effective WiFi range. If you have other WiFi-enabled devices capable of using the internet, such as laptops or PDAs, you can take them online with WiFi MAX too. It's the ultimate device for internet surfing without a WiFi router! Features • Internet gaming through any internet-enabled PC. • No cables necessary – make a wireless connection. • Organise your files, and convert videos into a PSP-friendly format. • Five times faster than standard WiFi. • Suppled with software CD and WiFi dongle, and also a USB cable and stand for optimal positioning.
More information and buy one from Divineo UK
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December 24th, 2005, 20:32 Posted By: wraggster
Divineo China have posted news that the new Viper GC Extreme is on its way to the Gamecube, heres the full Info:

Viper GC Extreme is the high end version of the acclaimed Viper GC chip. It is compatible with all GC's and only requires 4 wires to be installed. It features bi-directional USB streaming and 16Mbit flash. With Viper GC Extreme you can backup your games without extra Hardware. It includes the Viper GC Extreme chip AND the USB adapter!
The very best product money can buy on Nintendo Gamecube.
- Complete kit including Viper GC Extreme chip and Viper USB Adapter
- Complete USB solution for chip reprogramming and bidirectionnal streaming
- The only solution that allows you to make backups without additional hardware
- Easiest installation on the market : only 4 wires, connected to the chip with a connector
- 16Mbit flash memory
- NTSC/PAL/JAP compatible
- Secure high-speed Actel FPGA
- Chip enable/disable switch and status LEDs
Buy the Viper GC Extreme Here
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December 24th, 2005, 20:33 Posted By: wraggster
Contrary to reports, the next James Bond videogame will be releasing solely on current generation consoles, suggesting that the project has been totally nixed from next-generation systems such as the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. According to several of our close sources, and originally posted by the Bond experts at MI6, Casino Royale, the next film in the James Bond saga, will only be available for the PlayStation 2, Xbox, and GameCube.
Currently being planned as a third-person action title, a la Everything or Nothing, the new Bond title has already begun its pre-production stages with concept work and 3D models having been completed even before the release of Bond's latest outing, the movie-to-game tribute, From Russia With Love [with a PSP version on the way].
Electronic Arts had apparently planned next-gen versions of the title, but time limitations may have been the culprit for the discontinued projects. Casino Royale, the next Bond film, will begin filming in early 2006 as soon as the female heroine (Vespa) gets casted. Rumors have circulated Angelina Jolie, Jessica Simpson, and Scarlett Johansson as being the front-runners for the role. Expect EA to continue its movie-to-game roots, as the film's cast will certainly be represented in their digital forms in the game.
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December 24th, 2005, 21:23 Posted By: wraggster
Its that time of year when Santa comes and visits and so from all at the DCEmu Homebrew & Gaming Network i wish each and everyone one of you a really great and safe Xmas 
Now im off to get rather drunk (I mean get down my neck some Xmas Spirit)
Merry Xmas to all 
If anyone gets any decent pressies then let us know 
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December 24th, 2005, 21:24 Posted By: wraggster
Its that time of year when Santa comes and visits and so from all at the DCEmu Homebrew & Gaming Network i wish each and everyone one of you a really great and safe Xmas 
Now im off to get rather drunk (I mean get down my neck some Xmas Spirit)
Merry Xmas to all 
If anyone gets any decent pressies then let us know 
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December 24th, 2005, 21:25 Posted By: wraggster
Its that time of year when Santa comes and visits and so from all at the DCEmu Homebrew & Gaming Network i wish each and everyone one of you a really great and safe Xmas 
Now im off to get rather drunk (I mean get down my neck some Xmas Spirit)
Merry Xmas to all 
If anyone gets any decent pressies then let us know 
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December 26th, 2005, 01:00 Posted By: wraggster
SoftDev have released a new beta of a PCEngine emulator for the Gamecube which is a port of Hugo:
heres some info:
This is a pre-release of my current project, porting Hu-Go! to the GC.
If you're unfamiliar with Hu-Go!, go http://www.zeograd.com and enlighten
What is supported on GC
PCE/TG16 ROM files upto 1Mb
What is NOT supported on GC
As this is simply a test of the core engine, saving is unsupported but
will be in the final 2.12 release.
Download Here --> http://gcemu.dcemu.co.uk/hugo.shtml
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December 26th, 2005, 21:06 Posted By: wraggster
The Nintendo DS is on a selling tear in Nippon. The handheld has sold over 5 million units as reported by Reuters. From the article: "Selling 5 million units in less than 14 months means DS is the fastest among any game machines ever launched in Japan to hit that level," Nintendo President Satoru Iwata told a news conference. He continued, "To achieve this rapid growth, we were required not only to go after frequent game players, but to reel back people who had left games and to make video games enjoyable for those who had not played games at all."
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December 26th, 2005, 21:10 Posted By: wraggster
According to Playfuls, the Nintendo Revolution has gone gold. From the article: "According to gamemag.ru, who is citing Inside Gamer, is seems that Nintendo Revolution’s configuration is complete and the device is ready for mass production... Since the release date for the Revolution is in May, that gives the Japanese manufacturers 5 months in order to manufacture enough consoles."
A May Japanese launch has yet to be revealed by the Big N. Furthermore, it is rumored that the Revolution will be manufactured in China not Japan, and the console doesn't even have an official name. While possible, strike this one up as highly unlikely.
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December 26th, 2005, 22:14 Posted By: wraggster
DWedit has updated the release of Pocketnes the Nes emulator for the GBA Movie player (Which can be used not only on GBA Micro/Advance but on Nintendo DS and Gamecube Gameboy player)
Heres whats new:
V9.98 GBAMP r5 - 2005-12-23
Added (Buggy!) savestates
Used new version of Chishm's filesystem driver
Lots of small changes that might have broken things.
Code cleanup
V9.98 GBAMP r4 - 2005-12-21
Fixed hitflag problems introduced in previous version (oops)
Download here --> http://gbaemu.dcemu.co.uk/pocketnesm...redition.shtml
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December 26th, 2005, 22:18 Posted By: wraggster
DWedit has updated the release of Pocketnes the Nes emulator for the GBA Movie player (Which can be used not only on GBA Micro/Advance but on Nintendo DS and Gamecube Gameboy player)
Heres whats new:
V9.98 GBAMP r5 - 2005-12-23
Added (Buggy!) savestates
Used new version of Chishm's filesystem driver
Lots of small changes that might have broken things.
Code cleanup
V9.98 GBAMP r4 - 2005-12-21
Fixed hitflag problems introduced in previous version (oops)
Download here --> http://gbaemu.dcemu.co.uk/pocketnesm...redition.shtml
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December 26th, 2005, 22:21 Posted By: wraggster
Sgstair has released the source to his lib, which has some usability improvements (fewer crashes and comms lockups).
Okay, I've decided to go ahead and release the source to my lib. So, here it is. We are now at version 0.2b, which has some usability improvements (fewer crashes and comms lockups) - more will be coming when I have time to write it 
Presently still not done are: WEP/TCP/DNS/DHCP/ICMP... so, it's still not perfect, but it's more usable. I have less time now than I have had in the past to work on this, but progress will continue, as this is something I want to do regardless of whether the community wants it 
Without further delay, the releases:
Lib test app, version 0.2b [wifi_lib_test.nds]
Lib Source release, version 0.2b [dswifi_lib_v0.2b_source.zip]
Lib Debug Binary release, version 0.2b [dswifi_lib_v0.2b_debug.zip]
Lib Release Binary release, version 0.2b [dswifi_lib_v0.2b_release.zip]
The test project source is included in the source release, but not in any of the other packages. The only real difference between the Debug and Release versions is whether they require the debug print hook, and use it. Reading the source will make this obvious.
Any questions or general discussion should be directed to a (somewhat) new channel on IRC - please join #dswifi on EFnet for general discussion and specific questions 
Have fun, and have a good Christmas/holiday/whatever you want to call it.
Get them here --> http://www.akkit.org/dswifi/
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December 28th, 2005, 00:04 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo announced Monday that the company will release an English training program for the Nintendo DS handheld. Punch Jump writes: "The software, due out on Jan. 26, is an extension of the popular ' Brain Training for Adults, based on a popular book' series that has seen success in Japan. The English Training program will allow owners to listen to a word and write it down on the handheld's touch screen to score listening ability."
Nintendo is also expected to release a travel dictionary program for various languages on the DS. The handheld has a plethora of great games, and the simulation side of things looks to be taking off as well. No word on if either of the two titles will be made available in the US.
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December 28th, 2005, 00:58 Posted By: wraggster
For those of us in the English or Non Japanese speaking worlds we are missing out on some excellent Nintendo DS Games that will never appear in the USA/UK/Europe and although some may be slightly hard to navigate there are some fantastic games, when you look at the Worlds biggest importers Lik Sang they have a total of 188 Japanese games and amongst them some absolute classics, if any of you have brought such games then why not tell your fellow site visitors and let everyone know if they are missing out on a classic Nintendo DS game.
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December 28th, 2005, 03:22 Posted By: wraggster
An off topic newspost about the newest console to enter the handheld arena and whilst it will never be a threat to the Nintendo DS or Sony PSP in the commercial arena it may well provide some competition in the homebrew area, although its great as a Media player if your only interested in that side of things.
Tonight i finally got a chance to review the GP2X for those that dont know its the successor to the very successful GP32 (which has a great emu/homebrew scene), the console has dual 200mhz cpus, 64 Megs ram and a whole host of features and being Open Source and Linux Based it appeals to masses of developers. Heres my review (shortish but straight to the point) of the console.
Heres an excerpt:
"Well first a tried a normal avi file and it wasnt supported, but in future i should read whats supported :P, next i tried a xvid of the latest Harry Potter film and the fact that i didnt have to encode was excellent, and the playback for me was perfect, infact on that point alone i was sold, the picture and sound quality were spot on, the list of features like fast forward etc were there as you would expect 
Games and Emulators
This is the big area and if you look at any of the decent GP2X Sites youll see that theres been a mass of great game ports and emulators released for the GP2X, the buttons felt right and the joystick too, i can honestly say that the GP2X was spot on although at 3am i couldnt turn the sound down in a Tetris game i was playing but that was more than likely the game not having the controls coded in."
Read the full GP2X review Here --> http://gp2x-emulation.dcemu.co.uk/gp2x-review.shtml
Comments here about the new console --> http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=16022
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December 28th, 2005, 03:24 Posted By: wraggster
An off topic newspost about the newest console to enter the handheld arena and whilst it will never be a threat to the Nintendo DS or Sony PSP in the commercial arena it may well provide some competition in the homebrew area, although its great as a Media player if your only interested in that side of things.
Tonight i finally got a chance to review the GP2X for those that dont know its the successor to the very successful GP32 (which has a great emu/homebrew scene), the console has dual 200mhz cpus, 64 Megs ram and a whole host of features and being Open Source and Linux Based it appeals to masses of developers. Heres my review (shortish but straight to the point) of the console.
Heres an excerpt:
"Well first a tried a normal avi file and it wasnt supported, but in future i should read whats supported :P, next i tried a xvid of the latest Harry Potter film and the fact that i didnt have to encode was excellent, and the playback for me was perfect, infact on that point alone i was sold, the picture and sound quality were spot on, the list of features like fast forward etc were there as you would expect 
Games and Emulators
This is the big area and if you look at any of the decent GP2X Sites youll see that theres been a mass of great game ports and emulators released for the GP2X, the buttons felt right and the joystick too, i can honestly say that the GP2X was spot on although at 3am i couldnt turn the sound down in a Tetris game i was playing but that was more than likely the game not having the controls coded in."
Read the full GP2X review Here --> http://gp2x-emulation.dcemu.co.uk/gp2x-review.shtml
Comments here about the new console --> http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=16022
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December 28th, 2005, 10:22 Posted By: wraggster
SuccessHK have the latest on a new commercial game release:

A tactical action RPG based on the Jump manga, Vandel vs Busters makes you (the player) into the main character. In an effort to protect the peace on Futago Shima (Twin Island), you take on the dangerous role of a Buster and head off on a journey. You're a part of the "Busters" of the title, with the Vandels being the baddies against whom you're fighting. The main characters, including your twin childhood friends Lena and Zena, have been designed by Kouji Inada. Making use of the DS's twin screen setup, Vandel vs Busters places most of the action on the top screen. Here, you view the game's battles in real time as you attempt to defeat the emerging Vandels and monsters with combo attacks. The bottom screen displays status information and commands, allowing you to select strategies with a quick touch.
Buy it for yourself from SuccessHK
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December 28th, 2005, 16:41 Posted By: wraggster

The makers of the new Xeno GC Chip have now opened their website, heres some info about the Modchip:
-direct boot of DVD+-RW media
- compatible with all regions & all versions
- region free loading
- super easy wireless install
- no need to remove mainboard
- PAL/NTSC region force
- installation control LEDs
- switchable read setting adjustment / error retry
- switchable audiofix
- anti-static packaging
- extremely low cost
Buy the Xeno GC Modchip HERE
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December 28th, 2005, 17:05 Posted By: wraggster
PC Magazine’s handheld predicitions are in for the year of 2006, and they have made their predictions on the handheld market. “ When it comes to handheld gaming, the story is much different. Sony's overpriced PSP continues to lag, as a steady stream of warmed-over PS2 games port over. Nintendo, using a double-barreled attack that features the fashionable Gameboy Micro and the quirky but innovative DS, will continue to win over the market. Riding a wave of great content, including Mario & Luigi, Mario Kart DS, and Animal Crossing, Nintendo will remain on top as 2006 comes to a close.â€
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December 29th, 2005, 11:11 Posted By: wraggster
Divineo China have released on their website the Xeno GC Modchip:
Heres some detail:
The Xeno GC is a low cost Gamecube modchips with the all the basic features you need!
- Supports multi-disc and AR
- compatible with all regions & all versions
- region free loading
- super easy wireless install
- no need to remove mainboard
- PAL/NTSC region force
- installation control LEDs
- switchable read setting adjustment / error retry (left joystick toggles upon booting)
- switchable audiofix (right joystick toggles upon booting)
- anti-static packaging
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December 29th, 2005, 12:08 Posted By: wraggster
As if the delay hasn't been hard enough, we've teased you with rumors of Revolution compatability, and now here's a 30 minute video that's been floating around the web showing off actual gameplay footage. The video apparently dates back to a developer roundtable at E3 in May so if you've seen it before, move along. For everyone else still interested (myself included) enjoy!
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December 29th, 2005, 12:22 Posted By: wraggster
Nintendo fans, worried that Nintendo's Revolution, with its unique controller interface will alienate developers? Forget them, we'll always have Kojima!
The creator of Metal Gear Solid, Hideo Kojima, discussing his future projects with IGN, revealed that even as he works on a next-gen update for the PS3, his eyes dart lovingly over to the Revolution's sexy bod. (If you haven't noticed, the PS3 is a little too fat to be wearing those pants anyway.)
According to the article, "He [Kojima] does admit to wanting to make games for all three next generation platforms, though, giving the nod in particular to Revolution as a platform that, as a designer, it would be "foolish" for him to pass up on. With Revolution, he adds, he'd like to make strives in areas other than graphics and sound, a change for him, as he believes he's known as someone who pursues realistic visuals owing to his love of movies."
A Metal Gear mini-game involving that cut scene with Meryl = Awesome!
But, wait, the Revolution is not Hideo's most desired platform. "Revolution isn't the platform he most wants to support, though. That honor goes to the PC." ...
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December 29th, 2005, 12:38 Posted By: wraggster
The map editor is a Windows program that edits the gamesave of the Nintendo DS game "Animal Crossing:Wild World" (or the Japanese version "Oideyo Dobutsu no Mori").
NOTE: You must buy extra hardware so you can backup your game save from the NDS to your PC. If you do not already have a Homebrew capable NDS, please wait.
Action Replay (for GBA+DS, $35) is a cheaper alternative. Unfortunately it does not currently support the AC:WW game (firmware 1.06). If/When they add support, you can use it with the PC Map editor (you don't need the NDS trainer app).
With the map editor, you can customize your inventory, or add additional money ('Bells'). You can customize the world map, placing rocks or trees wherever you want. Also you can leave items laying around to pickup later. You can customize the rooms of your house in traditional and not-so-traditional ways.
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December 29th, 2005, 12:42 Posted By: wraggster
News from Two9a:
Short update, since it's been a long while since I posted. Someone asked me if there was going to be a Christmas release of DSemu-ng; I'm afraid the answer to that will have to be no. (As you might have guessed by now.) Due to various things, I haven't been able to touch the emulator since I got the dispatch of blocks to the translator working. Mostly, I now face the daunting task of putting together the emitters for every opcode, to produce x86 code, and that's a fairly big project in its own right.
Other things, like having other work to do, have also managed to intercede themselves between myself and the emulator codebase, and all that means I don't have a release at the moment. However! In about a month or so, I intend to get back to working on this, and I might even get the x86 emitters done; then we'll start seeing some progress.
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December 29th, 2005, 20:35 Posted By: wraggster
Thanks mostly in part to the stellar line up of DS games, Nintendo is still dominating the Japanese sales charts. According to Media Centre, Nintendo placed seven of the top 10 selling software titles in the land of video games. From the article: "Nintendo's Animal Crossing: Wild World at #2 sold a record 416,132 copies to bring its total to 1.17 million, while Mario Kart DS at #3 sold 302,742 copies for 667,799 units to date."
Square Enix's new debut Kingdom Hearts II graced the #1 spot with 727,591 copies sold. Other DS games featured in the top 10 included Pokemon Mysterious Dungeon, Brain Training for Adults, and Bandai's Tamagotchi. "Touching" apparently still sells well.
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December 30th, 2005, 02:01 Posted By: davedave
hi im davedave
does anyone use the moonshell for the DS? i can't find any info on it, or at least not in english. I understand it can display jpegs, and text files, the picture viewer is quite good.
i havnt got roms to play using it, im not sure if the problems with the file extensions im using (supercardcf).
also does anyone know what dmv is, has anyone manged to view movies with moonshell?
the mp3 player is nice, but can't really compare to my ipod.. its not bad in a quiet room
if anyone has any details of file compatibilty and things can they plese write?
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December 30th, 2005, 11:43 Posted By: wraggster
ricbit posted this news:
Hi people, I just finished my first software for Nintendo DS, called Graphos DS. It's a tool for Colecovision homebrew developers, you can edit images directly in the format used by this classic console.
While Graphos DS certainly has no use for most people here, I did include the complete source code in the package, so I hope newcomers to the NDS scene can learn a bit from it.
The site for Graphos DS is: http://700km.com.br/mundobizarro/graphosds.php
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December 30th, 2005, 12:07 Posted By: wraggster
Details about the Nintendo Revolution have been few and far between - perhaps Nintendo thinks that tight lips will sink the competitor's ships. But in an interview with Yahoo! News Japan this week, Nintendo President Satoru Iwata spoke out about the Revolution's expected price tag. According to Iwata, the Revolution will slide in underneath the Xbox 360's price range and will definitely be under $299. Could the lower price tag make up for the fact that the Revolution will be released far behind the Xbox 360 and PS3? Only time will tell...
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December 30th, 2005, 19:11 Posted By: wraggster
In the shocker of the year, Nintendo President Satoru Iwata decided to let us all know that they are indeed planning on dropping the Revolution for less than the Xbox Core system, no word yet on the rumors of Mario being a plumber. This just confirms the low-cost vibe we've been getting all along from the big N, and seems reasonable given the relative specs they're debuting with, so the main impact of this news is that Nintendo fanboys can officially break out those "our console will cost less than yours" party hats.
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December 30th, 2005, 19:39 Posted By: wraggster
Addi Lam from the School of Creative Media in Hong Kong designed a working, dare we say, third-party Revolution controller for what he calls a senior design project. The interface was showcased at this year's Asia Game Show. From the article: About the time Nintendo was showing off the Revolution's pretty packaging and dropping hints about the future of game controllers at E3 2005, Addi was showing his teachers a video game he'd designed with a controller you tilted and turned to control. He called it Pebbles.
Granted, Lam's controller is not intended for mass production, but the article gives great insight into driving game innovation through education. Nice work, Addi!
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December 30th, 2005, 20:17 Posted By: wraggster
Loopy has updated his Nes emulator for the Nintendo DS, changes for this release are higher volume and the addition of autofire buttons
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December 31st, 2005, 03:19 Posted By: wraggster
Lino has updated his Nintendo DS Emulator for windows, heres whats new:
- Added Video, Audio and 3D Plugin System (VERY primitive, ask before developing anything!)
- Corrected some DSP ARM9 errors
- Added si9 in ARM9 BIOS
- Corrected some errors in extended palettes' management
- Corrected an error in sprite drawing routines
- Corrected some errors in Mode 3, 4, 5
- Added Texture Modes 3, 4, 5
- Corrected some errors in 3D FiFo management
- Optimized texture management
- Bug Fixes in TouchScreen management
- Bug fixes in firmware emulation
Download here --> http://nintendo-ds.dcemu.co.uk/ideas.shtml
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December 31st, 2005, 03:26 Posted By: wraggster
Though the results for the entire year aren't quite in yet, Nintendo's DS seems to be the big winner in terms of hardware sales for 2005. The system sold around 598,000 units in Japan last week alone, bringing its year-to-date total up to 3.7 million and its life-to-date number up to 5.2 million. This means that the DS is beating the PSP almost 3 to 1 in that territory, with the PSP racking up 161,000 sales for the week and almost 2.1 million in its liftime. By comparison, even the Playstation 2 only sold 97,000 for the week and 1.8 million for the year, though the system has had a much longer lifespan and an overall greater install base of 11.3 million Japanese units.
On the other end of the spectrum, the Xbox 360 is off to a much more sluggish start in Japan than it was in the U.S. Analysts estimate that as many as 800,000 360s have been sold in the U.S., while Media Create indicates that since the console's December 10 launch in Japan, the next-gen system has moved only 58,000 systems, 5,600 of which were sold in the week ending December 25.
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December 31st, 2005, 10:45 Posted By: wraggster
olafds is a brand new Nintendo DS Emulator for windows, heres all the info:
olafds is a nintendo ds emulator that does nothing more than emulate the nintendo ds's wifi capabilities. this program is used to communicate with other microsoft windows applications as though it were a nintendo ds (for those without a nintendo ds or without the proper utilities for the nintendo ds). examples of these types of applications would be: stephen stair's udp test program or infernods's ds chat.
the current version of olafds is 0.1,
known problems
- does not allow incoming packets
- does not emulate anything other than the nintendo ds's wifi capabilities 
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December 31st, 2005, 10:49 Posted By: wraggster
The Wall Street Journal posted a good flash up showing a good comparison between the new home video game consoles. Covering the Xbox 360, the Playstation 3 and the Revolution, this article goes in depth to speak about market shares and base unit installations.
With the launch of Microsoft's Xbox 360 in 2005, Sony the current market leader, and Nintendo will both follow in 2006 there is sure to be fierce competition. All consoles promise amazing graphics, high fidelity audio, wireless networking support and a focus on multiplayer games. This year alone gamers are expected to spend approximately $12.8 billion on hardware and $19.3 billion on software according to Wedbush Morgan Securities.
Current Installed Base
Microsoft Xbox - 24 million
Nintendo Gamecube - 21.5 million
Sony PS2 - 83.2 million
Microsoft Xbox 360
Pointing out that Microsoft's initial push to release their product was a important jump on the competition. Microsoft Expects to sell around three million units within the first 90 days of launch. However they have less games then were hoped for. In addition where was Halo for Xbox360? This game would obviously put more Xbox 360's in the hands of gamers, looking at original Halo sales. Had it not been for lack of consoles for sale however the disparity in price was no help either. Seeing Xbox 360's being sold from the $299 base price up to $1500 or more, including rather sleezy business tactics by Best Buy.
Sony Playstation 3
Master of the Market, Sony has consumed the video game market for the last two generations of video game consoles. Selling 150+ million Playstation consoles and holding relationships with many top video game console developers. Sonys new system boasts a DVD Drive that supports Blu-ray format, providing 54GB (11 1/2 times as much storage as a typical DVD-R) However this time could be tougher for Sony seeing 'Microsoft's aggressive push and their deep pockets'.
Nintendo Revolution
Responding to the Nintendo's new sleek design, they said that despite that the console 'lacks a hard drive or built in DVD player, it is expected to be priced lower then its rivals.' With the addition of Nintendo's virtual console, Revolution owners might be playing Mario Brothers and Chrono Trigger on their new consoles legally! While bringing so much history that is based on years of solid games, the Revolution does throw one interesting curve, the controller. While their will obviously be other controller options 'some analysts worry the unusual device may confuse and scare of some gamers', other controller possibilities (such as an original Nintendo controller) were announced during a press conference.
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